
This is GameInfo.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//  GameInfo.m
//	a simple storage class that holds all the information Xox needs
//  about each game.  This file contains 2 classes; one for the information
//  on a single module and one for a list to store those GameInfo's

#import "GameInfo.h"
#import <stdlib.h>			// for free() etc
#import <strings.h>			// for strcasecmp()
#import <objc/hashtable.h>		// for NXCopyStringBuffer()

#define str_copy(str)	((str == NULL) ? NULL : NXCopyStringBuffer(str))
#define str_free(str)	{if (str) free(str);}

@implementation GameInfo
- init
{	return [self initWithScenario:nil name:NULL path:NULL];

- initWithScenario:aScenario name:(const char *)aName path:(const char *)aPath
	[super init];
	scenario = aScenario;
	scenarioName = str_copy(aName);
	path = str_copy(aPath);
	return self;

- setScenario:newScenario
	id oldScenario = scenario;
	scenario = newScenario;
	return oldScenario;

- scenario
{	return scenario;

- (int) setLevel:(int)newLevel
	int oldLevel = level;
	level = newLevel;
	return oldLevel;

- (int)level
	return level;

- (GAME_STATUS) setStatus:(GAME_STATUS)newStatus
	GAME_STATUS oldStatus = gameStatus;
	gameStatus = newStatus;
	return oldStatus;

- (GAME_STATUS)status
	return gameStatus;

- (const char *) scenarioName
{	return scenarioName;

- (const char *) path
{	return path;

- setPath: (const char *)p
	path = str_copy(p);
	return self;

- appendPath: (const char *)p
	if (altPaths)
		altPaths = realloc(altPaths,strlen(altPaths)+strlen(p)+2);
	else altPaths = str_copy(p);
	return self;

// if the path is bogus, this will set the path to the next one
// returns self if successful, nil if there is no additional path
- useNextPath
	char *p1, *p2;

	if (altPaths)
		p1 = p2 = altPaths;
		while (*p1 && *p1 != '\t') p1++;
		if (*p1 == '\t')
			path = realloc(path,strlen(p1)+1);
			while (*p2++ = *p1++);
			altPaths = realloc(altPaths,strlen(altPaths)+1);
		else		// last one
			path = altPaths;
			altPaths = NULL;
		return self;
	return nil;

- discardAltPaths
	altPaths = NULL;
	return self;

- free
	[scenario free];
	return [super free];


@implementation GameList

- (const char *) nameAt: (int) i
	return [[self objectAt: i] scenarioName];

- scenarioAt: (int) i
	return [[self objectAt: i] scenario];

static int docompare(const void *x, const void *y)
	return strcasecmp([(id)(*(GameInfo **)x) scenarioName], [(id)(*(GameInfo **)y) scenarioName]);

- sort
	qsort((GameInfo **)dataPtr, numElements, sizeof(id), docompare);
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.