
This is GameInfo.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//  GameInfo.h

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "xoxDefs.h"

@interface GameInfo:Object
	id	scenario;
	char *scenarioName;
	char *path;
	char *altPaths;
	int level;
	GAME_STATUS gameStatus;

- init;
- initWithScenario:aScenario name:(const char *)aName path:(const char *)aPath;
- setScenario:newScenario;
- scenario;
- (const char *) scenarioName;
- (const char *) path;
- setPath: (const char *)p;
- appendPath: (const char *)p;
- useNextPath;
- discardAltPaths;
- free;
- (int) setLevel:(int)newLevel;
- (int) level;
- (GAME_STATUS) setStatus:(GAME_STATUS)newStatus;
- (GAME_STATUS)status;


@interface GameList:List

- (const char *) nameAt: (int) i;
- scenarioAt: (int) i;
- sort;


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