
This is DisplayManager.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "DisplayManager.h"
#import "CacheManager.h"
#import "Thinker.h"
#import "xoxDefs.h"

@implementation DisplayManager

- init
	[super init];

	eraseList = [[Storage allocFromZone:[self zone]]
		elementSize: sizeof(NXRect)
		description: @encode(NXRect)];
	whiteList = [[Storage allocFromZone:[self zone]]
		elementSize: sizeof(NXRect)
		description: @encode(NXRect)];
	drawList = [[List allocFromZone:[self zone]] init];

	return self;

- oneStep
	if ([eraseList count])
		NXRectFillList(eraseList->dataPtr, eraseList->numElements);
		[eraseList empty];

	[drawList performInOrder:@selector(draw)];
	[drawList empty];

	if ([whiteList count])
		NXRectFillList(whiteList->dataPtr, whiteList->numElements);
		[whiteList empty];
	return self;

- erase:(NXRect *)r
	// it looks best if we erase by drawing from the cache
	[cacheMgr displayRect:r];
	return self;

- displayRect:(NXRect *)r
	// it looks best if we erase by drawing from the cache
	[cacheMgr displayRect:r];
	return self;

- drawWhiteRect:(NXRect *)r
	[whiteList addElement:r];
	return self;

- draw:sender;
	[drawList addObject:sender];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.