
This is Ship.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Actor.h"
#import "KeyTimer.h"

@interface Ship:Actor
    BOOL thrusting;
	ROTATION rotation;
	id noflame;
	id flame1;
	id flame2;
	int thrustState;
	BOOL bigGuns;
	id shields;
	float shieldStrength;
	unsigned shieldTime;

	KeyTimer *thrustVal;
	KeyTimer *rightVal;
	KeyTimer *leftVal;

	BOOL didFire;

- setThrusting:(BOOL)val time:(long)time;
- setTurning:(ROTATION)dir down:(BOOL)keyDn time:(long)time;
- fire;
- setShields:(int)state;
- scenarioSelected;


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