
This is XoxList.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]


@class BundleClasses : List
	const char* ext;
	int elen;

- initWith:(const char*) bext
	[super init];
	ext = bext;
	elen = strlen(ext);
	return self;

- loadFrom: (const char *) dirname 
    DIR *dir;
    struct direct *de;
    char path[MAXPATHLEN];
    char name[60];
	char *iptr;
	BOOL validName;

	if (!ext || !len) return nil;

	dir = opendir(dirname);
	if (dir == NULL)
		return self;

	while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
		int i, numstrings;
		// Ignore '.'-files (not really necessary, I guess)
		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')

		validName = NO;
		if (de->d_namlen > elen && 
				!strcmp(&de->d_name[de->d_namlen-elen], ext))
			validName = YES;

		if (!validName) continue;

		// check if the name matches a module already loaded
		numstrings = [gameList count];
		strcpy(name, de->d_name);

		// Smash out the '.' in "Foo.ext"
		if (iptr = rindex(name, '.'))
			*iptr = '\0';
		m = [[GameInfo alloc] 
			initWithScenario:NULL name:name path:path];
	    [gameList addObject: m];


    return self;

- setupGameBrowser
	id theMatrix;
	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
	const char *ptr;

	strcpy( buf, NXHomeDirectory());
	strcat( buf, "/Library/XoxGames");

	gameList = [[GameList alloc] init];

	[self loadGamesFrom:buf];
	ptr = NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "altGamePath");
	if (ptr) [self loadGamesFrom:ptr];
	[self loadGamesFrom: [[NXBundle mainBundle] directory]];
	[self loadGamesFrom: "/LocalLibrary/XoxGames"];

	return self;

				NXBundle *myBundle = [[NXBundle allocFromZone:bundleZone]
					initForDirectory:[gi path]];

				theClass = [myBundle classNamed:[gi scenarioName]];

				if (theClass)
					theScenario = [[theClass allocFromZone:scenarioZone] init];
					[myBundle free];

			} while ((!theClass) && [gi useNextPath]);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.