
This is PopScrollView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "qedefs.h"

@implementation PopScrollView

initFrame: button:

Initizes a scroll view with a button at it's lower right corner

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect button1:b1 button2:b2
	[super  initFrame: frameRect];	

	[self addSubview: b1];
	[self addSubview: b2];

	button1 = b1;
	button2 = b2;

	[self setHorizScrollerRequired: YES];
	[self setVertScrollerRequired: YES];

	[self setBorderType: NX_BEZEL];
	return self;


Adjust the size for the pop up scale menu

- tile
	NXRect	scrollerframe;
	NXRect	buttonframe, buttonframe2;
	NXRect	newframe;
	[super tile];
	[button1 getFrame: &buttonframe];
	[button2 getFrame: &buttonframe2];
	[hScroller getFrame: &scrollerframe];

	newframe.origin.y = scrollerframe.origin.y;
	newframe.origin.x = frame.size.width - buttonframe.size.width;
	newframe.size.width = buttonframe.size.width;
	newframe.size.height = scrollerframe.size.height;
	scrollerframe.size.width -= newframe.size.width;
	[button1 setFrame: &newframe];
	newframe.size.width = buttonframe2.size.width;
	newframe.origin.x -= newframe.size.width;
	[button2 setFrame: &newframe];
	scrollerframe.size.width -= newframe.size.width;

	[hScroller setFrame: &scrollerframe];

	return self;

- superviewSizeChanged:(const NXSize *)oldSize
	[super superviewSizeChanged: oldSize];
	[[self docView] newSuperBounds];
	return self;

-(BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
    return YES;


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