
This is SoundEffect.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* SoundEffect.m, class to play sounds
 * Originally by Terry Donahue, modified by Ali Ozer and Katzlberger Thomas (cat)
 * SoundEffect is a class which conveniently groups the 3.0
 * sound stream functionality with sound data using the Sound
 * class.
 *  You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
 *  NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
 *  as to its fitness for any particular use.

#import "SoundEffect.h"
#import <soundkit/NXSoundOut.h>
#import <appkit/nextstd.h>
#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <objc/List.h>

// 8/28/93 reference limiting by cat for MissileCommand

@implementation SoundEffect

static BOOL soundEnabled = YES;

+ (void)setSoundEnabled:(BOOL)flag
    soundEnabled = flag;

+ (BOOL)soundEnabled
    return soundEnabled;


static List *soundStreams = nil;
static unsigned int soundStreamsAllocated = 0;
static unsigned int maxSoundStreams = DEFAULTMAXSOUNDSTREAMS;

	// These two methods let the client set/get the maximum number of
	// sound streams to allocate. If this number is exceeded, sound requests
	// are simply not honored until sound streams are freed up.

+ (void)setMaxSoundStreams:(unsigned int)max
    maxSoundStreams = max;

+ (unsigned int)maxSoundStreams
    return maxSoundStreams;

	// This method returns a sound stream to be used in playing a sound.
	// Sound streams allocated through this method should be given back
	// via releaseSoundStream:. Note that this is for internal use only;
	// it however might be overridden if necessary.
	// aha ! soundStreams is a list of available (unused,not playing) streams
- (NXPlayStream *)soundStream
    static NXSoundOut *dev = nil;				// We only have one instance of this...
    NXPlayStream *newStream = nil;
    if (!dev && !(dev = [[NXSoundOut alloc] init]))
	{													// We allocate from the default zone so
		NXLogError ("Couldn't create NXSoundOut");		// freeing this zone won't blast it
        return nil;

    if (!soundStreams)
		soundStreams = [[List alloc] init];

    if (![soundStreams count]) 
	{	if (soundStreamsAllocated < maxSoundStreams) 
		{	newStream = [[NXPlayStream allocFromZone:[self zone]] initOnDevice:dev];
        newStream = [soundStreams removeLastObject];
	{	[newStream setDelegate:self];
		if (![newStream isActive])
	   	 	[newStream activate];

    return newStream;

- (void)releaseSoundStream:(NXPlayStream *)soundStream
    [soundStreams addObject:soundStream];

	// This method lets you create new instances of SoundEffect. If the specified
	// sound file does not exist, the allocated instance is freed and nil is returned.

- initFromSection:(const char *)path withLimit:(unsigned int)n
	flags.limit = n;
	return [self initFromSection:path];

- initFromSection:(const char *)path
    [super init];

	if(flags.limit == 0) flags.limit = 255;

    if (!(sound = [[Sound alloc] initFromSection:path]))
	{	NXLogError ("Couldn't load sound from %s", path);
		[self free];
		return nil;

	if([sound samplingRate]<22000.0)
		[sound convertToFormat:SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16 samplingRate:SND_RATE_LOW channelCount:2];
    return self;

- (int)soundsPlaying
	return flags.refCount;

	// Free frees the SoundEffect. If this sound effect is being played at the time,
	// the free is delayed and happens as soon as all pending sounds are finished.

- free
    if (flags.refCount) {
	flags.freeWhenDone = YES;
	return nil;
    } else {
	if (sound) [sound free];
	return [super free];

	// These 3 methods play the sound effect.

	// This function ensures that soundstreams will be reactivated (by calling:
	// soundStream:didCompleteBuffer:) if lots of (>20) short sounds are played within
	// one function without invoking the eventloop 
- playEvent
	[NXApp getNextEvent:NX_NULLEVENTMASK waitFor:0.0 threshold:NX_BASETHRESHOLD];
    return [self play:1.0 pan:0.0];

- play
    return [self play:1.0 pan:0.0];

- play:(float)volume pan:(float)pan
    float left,right;
    NXPlayStream *soundStream;
    if((flags.refCount>=flags.limit) || (!soundEnabled)) return self;

    if (!(soundStream = [self soundStream]))
	{	NXLogError ("No sound stream to play sound %x", self);
		return self;
    left = right = volume;
    if (pan > 0.0) left  *= 1.0 - pan;
    else if (pan < 0.0) right *= 1.0 + pan;
    [soundStream setGainLeft:left right:right];

    [soundStream playBuffer:(void *)[sound data]
		         size:(unsigned int)[sound dataSize]
                 channelCount:(unsigned int)[sound channelCount]
	             samplingRate:[sound samplingRate]];


    return self;

	// Delegate methods for internal use only.

- soundStream:sender didCompleteBuffer:(int)tag
    [self releaseSoundStream:sender];
    if (flags.freeWhenDone && flags.refCount == 0)
		[self free];

    return sender;

- soundStreamDidAbort:sender deviceReserved:(BOOL)flag
    return [self soundStream:sender didCompleteBuffer:0];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.