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/* PlotView.m -- Implementation file for the PlotView class */ #import "PlotView.h" #import "drawingFuncs.h" #import <objc/Storage.h> #import <appkit/NXCursor.h> #import <appkit/Application.h> #import <appkit/Window.h> #import <appkit/Cell.h> #import <appkit/Pasteboard.h> #import <NXCType.h> #import <math.h> #import <dpsclient/psops.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import <string.h> extern float getNumber(NXStream *stream); extern int getSeparator(NXStream *stream); #define MAXNUMLENGTH 50 #define DEFAULTRADIUS 1.0 @implementation PlotView - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect /* * Initializes the new PlotView object. First, an initFrame: message is sent to * super to initialize PlotView as a View. Next, the PlotView sets its own * state -- that it is opaque and that the origin of its coordinate system lies in * the center of its area. It then creates and initializes its associated objects, * a Storage object, an NXCursor, and a Cell. Finally, it loads into the Window * Server some PostScript procedures that it will use in drawing itself. */ { NXPoint spot; [super initFrame:frameRect]; [self setOpaque:YES]; [self setRadius:DEFAULTRADIUS]; [self translate:floor(frame.size.width/2) :floor(frame.size.height/2)]; points = [[Storage alloc] initCount:0 elementSize:sizeof(NXPoint) description:"{ff}"]; crossCursor = [NXCursor newFromImage:[NXImage newFromSection:"cross.tiff"]]; spot.x = spot.y = 7.0; [crossCursor setHotSpot:&spot]; /* * Normally, the next two message expressions would be combined, as: * readOut = [[Cell alloc] initTextCell:""]; * but are here separated for clarity. */ readOut = [Cell alloc]; [readOut initTextCell:""]; [readOut setBezeled:YES]; loadPSProcedures(); return self; } - setDelegate:anObject /* * Sets the PlotView's delegate instance variable to the supplied object. */ { delegate = anObject; return self; } - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount /* * Draws the PlotView's background and axes. If there are any points, * these are drawn too. */ { unsigned int i; NXPoint *aPoint; if (rects == NULL) return self; /* If we're printing, we need to load drawing procedures to printing context */ if (NXDrawingStatus != NX_DRAWING) loadPSProcedures(); /* paint visible area white then draw axes */ PSsetgray(NX_WHITE); NXRectFill(&rects[0]); PSsetgray(NX_DKGRAY); drawAxes(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); /* now take each point and draw it */ PSsetgray(NX_BLACK); i = [points count]; while (i--) { aPoint = (NXPoint *)[points elementAt:i]; drawCircle(aPoint->x, aPoint->y, radius); } return self; } - clear:sender /* * Clears the PlotView by emptying its Storage object of all points * and then redisplaying the PlotView. This action is taken only if * the PlotView's state requires it. */ { if (needsClearing) { [points empty]; [self display]; needsClearing = NO; } return self; } - sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height /* * Ensures that whenever the PlotView is resized, the origin of its * coordinate system is repositioned to the center of its area. */ { [super sizeTo:width :height]; [self setDrawOrigin:-floor(width/2) : -floor(height/2)]; return self; } - registerPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint /* * Adds a point to the list the PlotView keeps in its Storage object. */ { [points addElement:aPoint]; return self; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *) theEvent /* * Responds to a message the system sends whenever the user presses the mouse * button when the cursor is over the PlotView. The PlotView changes the * cursor to a cross-hairs image and then starts asking for mouse-dragged or mouse- * up events. As it receives mouse-dragged events, the PlotView updates the readOut * text Cell with the cursor's coordinates. If the user releases the mouse * button while the cursor is over the PlotView, the PlotView registers the * point and then sends a message to its delegate notifying it of the new * point. */ { int looping = YES, oldMask; NXPoint aPoint; NXRect plotRect, cellRect; char buffer[100]; [crossCursor set]; [self getBounds:&plotRect]; NXSetRect(&cellRect, plotRect.origin.x, plotRect.origin.y, 100.0, 20.0); oldMask = [window addToEventMask:NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK]; [self lockFocus]; do { aPoint = theEvent->location; [self convertPoint:&aPoint fromView:nil]; sprintf(buffer, "(%d, %d)", (int)aPoint.x, (int)aPoint.y); [readOut setStringValue:buffer]; [readOut drawInside:&cellRect inView:self]; [window flushWindow]; if (theEvent->type == NX_MOUSEUP) { /* on mouse-up, register point, inform delegate, and clean up state */ [readOut setStringValue:""]; [readOut drawInside:&cellRect inView:self]; [window flushWindow]; if (NXPointInRect(&aPoint, &plotRect)) { PSsetgray(NX_BLACK); drawCircle(aPoint.x, aPoint.y, radius); [window flushWindow]; [self registerPoint:&aPoint]; needsClearing = YES; if (delegate && [delegate respondsTo:@selector(plotView:pointDidChange:)]) [delegate plotView:self pointDidChange:&aPoint]; } looping = NO; } } while (looping && (theEvent=[NXApp getNextEvent:NX_MOUSEUPMASK|NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK])); [self unlockFocus]; [window setEventMask:oldMask]; [NXArrow set]; return self; } - setRadius:(float)aFloat /* * Sets the value for the radius of the PlotView's points. */ { radius = aFloat; return self; } - (float)radius /* * Returns the value for the radius of the PlotView's points. */ { return radius; } - read:(NXTypedStream*)stream /* * Unarchives the PlotView. Initializes four of the PlotView's instance variables * to the values stored in the stream. */ { [super read:stream]; delegate = NXReadObject(stream); NXReadTypes(stream, "@@@f", &points, &crossCursor, &readOut, &radius); return self; } - write:(NXTypedStream*)stream /* * Archives the PlotView by writing its important instance variables to the stream. */ { [super write:stream]; NXWriteObjectReference(stream, delegate); NXWriteTypes(stream, "@@@f", &points, &crossCursor, &readOut, &radius); return self; } - awake /* * Finishes initializing a PlotView that has just been unarchived (see the read: method). */ { loadPSProcedures(); return [super awake]; } - (const char*)inspectorName { return "PlotViewInspector"; } - plot:sender /* * Responds to a plot: message by asking the PlotView's delegate for a stream * containing the points to plot. It then extracts number pairs from the stream * and creates NXPoint structures with them. For each structure it creates, the * PlotView sends itself a registerPoint: message to add the point to its list of * points. This simple parser ignores input it doesn't understand. */ { int c, sign, retval; float aNum; NXPoint aPoint; NXStream *stream; BOOL processedLine = NO, gotFirst = NO, gotSecond = NO; if (delegate && [delegate respondsTo:@selector(plotView:providePoints:)]) [delegate plotView:self providePoints:&stream]; NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMSTART); while ((c = NXGetc(stream)) != EOF){ sign = 1; retval = getSeparator(stream); if (retval == 1) { c = NXGetc(stream); } else if (retval == -1) { break; } if (!NXIsDigit(c)) { if ((c == '-') && NXIsDigit(c = NXGetc(stream))){ sign = -1; } else { while( (c != '\n') && (c != EOF)) { c = NXGetc(stream); processedLine = YES; } } } if (c == EOF) break; else if (processedLine) { processedLine = NO; continue; } aNum = getNumber(stream); if (!gotFirst) { aPoint.x = sign * aNum; gotFirst = YES; } else if (!gotSecond) { aPoint.y = sign * aNum; [self registerPoint:&aPoint]; gotFirst = gotSecond = NO; } } [self display]; needsClearing = YES; return self; } int getSeparator(NXStream *stream) /* * Removes white space, commas, and plus signs from between * number pairs. */ { int c, firstChar; NXUngetc(stream); c = firstChar = NXGetc(stream); while (NXIsSpace(c) || (c == ',') || (c == '+')) c = NXGetc(stream); /* 1 = ate something; 0 = ate nothing; -1 means EOF */ if (c == firstChar) return 0; else if (c == EOF) return -1; NXUngetc(stream); return 1; } float getNumber(NXStream *stream) /* * Composes a floating point number from a string of number * characters. */ { int c, i = 0; char temp[MAXNUMLENGTH]; NXUngetc(stream); c = NXGetc(stream); while ((NXIsDigit(c) || (c == '.')) && (c != '\n') && (c != EOF)) { temp[i++] = c; c = NXGetc(stream); } NXUngetc(stream); temp[i] = 0; return (atof(temp)); } @end
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