
This is CubicSliderCell.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.4  by Raymond Lutz, 24 juin 1993.


INHERITS FROM	SliderCell: ActionCell : Cell : Object

DECLARED IN	CubicSliderCell.h


The CubicSliderCell is used to implement the CubicSlider Control as well as to provide Matrices of CubicSliderCells.


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Inherited from Cell	char	*contents;
id	support;
struct _cFlags1	cFlags1;
struct _cFlags2	cFlags2;

Inherited from ActionCell	int	tag;
id	target;
SEL	action;

Inherited from SliderCell	double	value;
double	maxValue;
double	minValue;
NXRect	trackRect;

Declared in CubicSliderCell	double	A;
double	xFlat;
double	yFlat;
double	absoluteMinValue;
double	absoluteMaxValue;
double	newExtremumValue;
int	extremumType;
BOOL	absoluteMinValueSet;
BOOL	absoluteMaxValueSet;
BOOL	minIsEditable;
BOOL	maxIsEditable;
BOOL	mouseIsUp;
BOOL	cubic;
id	upTarget;
SEL	upAction;
id	minMaxView;
id	form;
id	knobButton;
id	dblButton;
DPSTimedEntry 	teNum;

A 	The cubic polynomial transfer function scaling factor. 

xFlat 	The cubic polynomial center x coordinate.

yFlat 	The cubic polynomial center y coordinate.

absoluteMinValue 	The minimum allowable minValue of the slider.

absoluteMaxValue 	The maximum allowable maxValue of the slider.

newExtremumValue 	The next minimum or maximum value.

extremumType 	The new extremum type (1 is maximum, 0 minimum).

absoluteMinValueSet 	Whether the CubicSliderCell has an absoluteMinValue set.

absoluteMaxValueSet 	Whether the CubicSliderCell has an absoluteMaxValue set.

minIsEditable 	Whether the user can edit the minimum value.

maxIsEditable 	Whether the user can edit the maximum value.

mouseIsUp 	Whether the user released the slider knob.

cubic	Whether the CubicSliderCell has a cubic polynomial transfer function.

upTarget 	The object's notification target on mouseUp.

upAction 	The message to send to the up target.

cover	A disabled unbordered button masking  the slider and intercepting events.

minMaxView	A view containing the small form and the two buttons.

form	The popping form.

knobButton	The button that commands the current slider value to be the newExtremumValue.

dblButton	The button that commands the range to be doubled.

teNum	The timed entry function used to extract minMaxView from the view hierarchy.


Initializing a new CubicSliderCell	- init

Setting CubicSliderCell Values	- doubleValue
- floatValue
- intValue
	- linearDoubleValue
- linearFloatValue
- linearIntValue
- maxValue
- minValue
- setDoubleValue: 
- setFloatValue: 
- setIntValue: 
- setMaxValue: 
- setMinValue: 

Tracking the Mouse	- startTrackingAt:inView: 
- stopTracking:at:inView:mouseIsUp: 
- trackMouse:inRect:ofView:

Setting Cell Transfer Function	- setCubic:
- isCubic

Setting User Access	- setMinEditable
- minIsEditable
- setMaxEditable
- maxIsEditable

Setting Absolute Range	- setAbsoluteMinValue
- absoluteMinValueSet
- absoluteMinValue
- clearAbsoluteMinValue

- setAbsoluteMaxValue
- absoluteMaxValueSet
- absoluteMaxValue
- clearAbsoluteMaxValue

Targets And Actions	- upAction
- setUpAction: 
- upTarget: 
- setUpTarget: 
- setUpTarget:action: 

Archiving	- read: 
- write:


- init

Initializes and returns the receiver, a new instance of CubicSliderCell.  The value is set to 0.0, the minValue is set to 0.0, the maxValue is set to 1.0, and the CubicSliderCell is continuous and cubic. This method is the designated initializer for CubicSliderCell.

See also: ± setContinuous:, ± setMaxValue:, ± setMinValue:

- setEnabled:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, enables the Slider; if NO, disables the Slider.  Redraws the interior of the Slider if autodisplay is on and the enabled state has changed.  Returns self.  

- (double)minValue

Returns the minimum value of the Slider.

- setMinValue:(double)aDouble

Sets the minimum value of the CubicSlider. If  aDouble conflicts  with a set absoluteMinValue (being smaller) then absoluteMinValue will also be set to this specified minimum value. Returns self.

See also: ±  setAbsoluteMinValue:

- (double)maxValue

Returns the maximum value of the Slider.

- setMaxValue:(double)aDouble

Sets the maximum value of the CubicSliderCell. If  aDouble conflicts  with a set absoluteMaxValue (being greater) then absoluteMaxValue will also be set to this specified maximum value. Returns self.

See also: ±  setAbsoluteMaxValue:

- setMinEditable:(BOOL) aFlag

Sets the slider minimum value user access. If flag is YES, the user will be able to specify a new minimum value after a double-click; if NO, a system beep will inform that the minimum value can't be edited. Returns self.

See also: ±  setAbsoluteMinValue:

- (BOOL) minIsEditable

 Returns YES if the user can edit the slider minimum value, NO otherwise.

- setMaxEditable:(BOOL) aFlag

Sets the slider maximum value user access. If flag is YES, the user will be able to specify a new maximum value after a double-click; if NO, a system beep will inform that the maximum value can't be edited. Returns self.

See also: ±  setAbsoluteMaxValue:

- (BOOL) maxIsEditable

 Returns YES if the user can edit the slider maximum value, NO otherwise.

- setAbsoluteMinValue:(double)aDouble

Sets a slider absoluteMinValue: even if the user has access to the slider minimum value, he won't be allowed to set it smaller then  aDouble (a system beep will indicate that a limit exists and has been reached). If  aDouble conflicts  with the current slider minimum value (being greater) then the slider minimum value will also be set to aDouble. Returns self.

See also: ±  setMinValue, ±  absoluteMinValue, ±  absoluteMinValueSet, ±  clearAbsoluteMinValue

- (BOOL) absoluteMinValueSet

 Returns YES if an absoluteMinValue has been set, NO otherwise.

See also: ±  absoluteMinValue, ±  setAbsoluteMinValue, ±  clearAbsoluteMinValue

- (double)absoluteMinValue

Returns the absoluteMinValue of the Slider (no check done if set or not ).

See also:  ±  setAbsoluteMinValue, ±  absoluteMinValueSet, ±  clearAbsoluteMinValue

- clearAbsoluteMinValue
Clears the absoluteMinValue of the Slider. Returns self.

See also:  ±  absoluteMinValue, ± setAbsoluteMinValue, ±  AbsoluteMinValueSet

- setAbsoluteMaxValue:(double)aDouble

Sets a slider AbsoluteMaxValue: even if the user has access to the slider maximum value, he won't be allowed to set it greater then  aDouble (a system beep will indicate that a limit exists and has been reached). If  aDouble conflicts  with the current slider maximum value (being smaller) then the slider maximum value will also be set to aDouble. Returns self.

See also: ±  setMaxValue, ±  absoluteMaxValue, ±  AbsoluteMaxValueSet, ±  clearAbsoluteMaxValue

- (BOOL) absoluteMaxValueSet

Returns YES if an absoluteMaxValue has been set, NO otherwise.

See also: ±  absoluteMaxValue, ±  setAbsoluteMaxValue, ±  clearAbsoluteMaxValue

- (double)absoluteMaxValue

Returns the absoluteMaxValue of the Slider (no check done if set or not ).

See also:  ±  setAbsoluteMaxValue, ±  AbsoluteMaxValueSet, ±  clearAbsoluteMaxValue

- clearAbsoluteMaxValue
Clears the absoluteMaxValue of the Slider. Returns self.

See also:  ±  absoluteMaxValue, ± setAbsoluteMaxValue, ±  AbsoluteMaxValueSet

- setCubic:(BOOL) aFlag

If flag is YES, the transfer function will be a cubic polynomial; if NO, it will be linear, as its superclass (that is, no transfer function).  
Returns self.

See also: ±  linearIntValue, ±  linearFloatValue, ±  linearDoubleValue

- (BOOL) isCubic

 Returns YES if the slider has a cubic polynomial transfer function, NO otherwise (no transfer function).

- setUpTarget:anObject action:(SEL)aSelector

Sets the receiver's up target and up action method to anObject and aSelector. The later is sent to the former when   the slider cell  receives a stopTracking:at:inView:mouseIsUp: message (that is, when the user releases the slider knob). Useful when one needs user feedback about transformations  too computing intensive to be done continuously: an approximation of the final result can be updated by the standard target  and the final result thoroughly determined by this up target. Returns self.

See also:  ± setUpTarget:, ± setUpAction:, ± mouseIsUp

- target

Returns the receiver's target

- setUPTarget:anObject

Sets the receiver's upTarget to anObject.  Returns self.

See also:  ± setUpAction:

- (SEL)upAction

Returns the selector for the receiver's action method. 

See also:  ± setUpAction:

- setUpAction:(SEL)aSelector

Sets the receiver's up action method to aSelector.  Returns self.

See also:  ± setUpTarget:

- (BOOL)mouseIsUp

Returns YES if the user released the slider knob, NO if he is still dragging (this is an alternative to setUpTarget:action: and used with a continuous slider). 

- (double)linearDoubleValue

Returns the linear value of the CubicSliderCell.

- (float)floatValue

Returns the value of the CubicSliderCell as a float.

- (int)intValue

Returns the value of the CubicSliderCell as an int.

- (double)doubleValue

Returns the value of the CubicSliderCell.

- setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble

Sets the value of the CubicSliderCell to aDouble.  Updates the CubicSliderCell knob position to reflect the new value and returns self.

- setFloatValue:(float)aFloat

Sets the value of the CubicSliderCell to aDouble.  Updates the CubicSliderCell knob position to reflect the new value and returns self.

- setIntValue:(int)anInt

Sets the value of the CubicSliderCell to anInt.  Updates the CubicSliderCell knob position to reflect the new value and returns self.

- (float)linearFloatValue

Returns the linear value of the CubicSliderCell as a float.

- (int)linearIntValue

Returns the linear value of the CubicSliderCell as an int.

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the CubicSliderCell from the typed stream stream.  Returns self.

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the receiving CubicSliderCell to the typed stream stream and returns self.


- takeCubicNewSliderStatusFrom: sender

This method invoked by CubicSlider (or a Matrix owning CubicSliderCells) when one of its extremum values has been modified by the user or when its transfer function has been toggled between linear and cubic polynomial with an ALT double-click. Targets are the regular cell (or matrix) action target and the additionnal CubicSliderCell upTarget  (if any).

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.