
This is CubeCell.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * poly program : CubeCell.h            nov 6 91                     david stes
 * a CubeCell is an ActionCell that implements a Cube control.  but it can as
 * well be used to fill a Matrix with.
 * CubeCell has a method to draw a (three dimensional) cube and a method to
 * track the mouse as long as it points to some point of the cube.
 * to make rotating the cube even more intuitive, one of the 6 faces is
 * coloured in a different shade than the other ones.  it's the original front
 * face (after a reset).
 * instance variables
 * mat[3][3]....................transformation matrix
 * oi,oj,ok.....................label of current frontmost corner
 * radius.......................radius of sphere containing cube
 * base.........................(x,y) of center sphere
 * track........................radius of tracking sphere
 * tracksgn.....................whether we track pts with pos or neg z
 * trckmat......................matrix for change of base
 * ops[5].......................drawing instructions
 * bbox[4]......................user path bounding box (=cellframe)
 * public methods
 * -init.............................initializing a new CubeCell
 * -reset............................initialize matrix to frontview
 * -setmatrix........................copy into transformation matrix
 * -getmatrix........................get copy of transformation matrix
 * -rotate::.........................rotate by [0,2pi[ then by ]-pi/2,+pi/2[
 * -drawcube.........................draw the cube
 * -drawInside:inView:...............static drawing (implements drawSelf)
 * -startTrackingAt:inView:..........the three methods that implement the
 *                                   inherited trackMouse method
 * -continueTracking:at:inView.......
 * -stopTracking:at:inView:mouseIsUp:
 * history
 * nov 6 91 : v0.0 stes create
 * nov 9 91 : v0.1 stes changed instance vars (use matrix instead of angles)
 * jan24 91 : v0.2 stes cleaning up in order to make public/palette-tize

#import <appkit/ActionCell.h>     /* the Class we're subclassing             */
#import <objc/objc.h>             /* BOOL                                    */
#import <appkit/graphics.h>       /* NXRect,NXPoint etc.                     */

@interface CubeCell : ActionCell
    float     mat[3][3];
    /* private */
    int        oi,oj,ok;
    float        radius;
    NXPoint        base;
    float         track;
    int        tracksgn;
    float trckmat[3][3];
    char         ops[5];
    float       bbox[4];

/* public methods */
- init;
- reset;
- setmatrix:(float *)set;
- getmatrix:(float *)get;
- rotate   :(float)ph

- drawcube;
- drawInside       : (const NXRect *)cellframe
             inView:  controlView;
- calcCellSize        : (NXSize       *)theSize
               inRect : (const NXRect *)aRect;

- (BOOL)startTrackingAt      : (const NXPoint *)startPoint
                       inView:  controlView;
- (BOOL)continueTracking     : (const NXPoint *)lastPoint
                           at: (const NXPoint *)currentPoint
                       inView:  controlView;

- read :(NXTypedStream *)s;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)s;


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