
This is Cube.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * poly program : Cube.h                nov 7 91                    david stes
 * a Cube is a Control containing exactly one CubeCell.  the idea is to let a
 * user manipulate a cube with a dark (front) face that represents the window
 * on a 3d space.
 * initially, the cube appears as a dark square.  next, by clicking on a vertex
 * or a face, the user rotates the cube.  it's possible to do a full turn
 * without a mouseup.
 * instance vars
 * none.
 * public methods
 * -initFrame:......................initializing a new Cube
 * -(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse.........YES
 * -reset...........................set to frontview
 * -setmatrix:(float*)set...........copy 9 floats into cube tfmatrix
 * -getmatrix:(float*)get...........copy 9 floats from cube tfmatrix
 * -mouseDown.......................private version
 * -read
 * code history
 * nov 8 91 : v0.0 stes create
 * jan24 92 : v0.1 stes inspectorname for ib

#import <appkit/Control.h>     /* the Class we're subclassing             */
#import <objc/objc.h>          /* BOOL                                    */
#import <appkit/graphics.h>    /* NXRect,NXPoint etc.                     */

@interface Cube : Control
    /* no instance variables    */

/* methods overriden from super */
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;

/* target-actions methods       */
- reset  :sender;

/* reading and setting value    */
- setmatrix:(float *)set;
- getmatrix:(float *)get;

- (const char *)inspectorName;


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