


The converter converts .nib files built with BuildUIsNow 1.0 beta3
to aCupOfCoffee 1.0. Please make sure you have a copy of your nib
files before converting. 

To convert a file, drop the file convertBeta3ToFinal into
a terminal window, then drop your nib file into
that terminal window. You get something like

/Users/John/aCupOfCoffee/converter/convertBeta3ToFinal /foo/bar.nib

Press Return to execute the command.

The converter copies your file to a .nib~ file in the same folder,
then changes the .nib file in place. Now you can open the
.nib file in IB with aCupOfCoffee.palette.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.