
This is the README for ObjPaletteExample.N.bs.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

ObjectPalette Example

This is is a quick example in the "mini-example" vein. It is a demonstration of  how to generate an object palette for Interface Builder. The object itself does very little (adds two numbers and returns the result), so the example should only be considered as a skeleton of how to develop object palettes. Under 3.0, palettes for IB are no longer restricted to subclasses of View. The now may  be objects, windows or menus as well as views. However, they must be able to draw themselves (to be shown in IB). The trick is to use a view, then associate the object (or whatever) with this view (using the -associateObject: type: with:  method. See the code in ObjectPalette.m. Also note the "with" in this method, there is a error in some of the NeXT IB docs.) The only other trick here is the use of a special icon to represent the object on the File window of IB (using the -getIBImage method).


Class description

Instance Variables

id	summandOne
id	summandTwo
id	sum

Instance Methods

- sumThem:sender

This method takes floats from summandOne and summandTwo and returns their sum to sum, all of which must be fields of the Form class. 

Direct any questions or inquiries to Charlie at    charlie@technosci.com (NeXTmail is okay).

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