
This is OATextFieldFormatterInspector.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by M. Onyschuk and Associates Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	<OATextField/OATextFieldFormatterInspector.h>

Class Description

An inspector for OATextFieldFormatter instances. This class is used from within Interface Builder to perform additional editing of OATextFieldFormatters applied to OATextField objects.

Instance Variables

id panel;
id object;

panel	No description.

object	No description.

Method Types

	- object
	- ok:
	- revert:
	- setObject:
	- view

Instance Methods

-  (OATextFieldFormatter *)object

Returns the OATextFieldFormatter instance being inspected by the receiver.

See also:  -setObject:

-  ok:sender

Copies values from the receiver's inspector panel to its inspected object. Subclasses should make sure to call the superclass implementation of -ok: to ensure proper inspector behavior from within IB.

See also:  -revert:, -ok: (IBInspector class)

-  revert:sender

Copies values from the receiver's object to its inspector panel. Subclasses should make sure to call the superclass implementation of -revert: to ensure proper inspector behavior from within IB.

See also:  -ok:, -revert: (IBInspector class)

-  setObject:(OATextFieldFormatter *)anObject

Sets the receiver's inpsected object to anObject.

See also:  -object

-  (View *)view

Returns the receiver's inspector panel's content view.

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