
This is NibInfoMethods.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Robert Nicholson, Thu Feb 10 14:42:10 GMT 1994
// Copyright, 1994. All rights reserved.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface Object(NibInfoMethods)
- NIBINFOReportHeader:(const char *)pathname toStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOReportTrailer:(const char *)pathname toStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOheaderForObject:anObject toStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOdetailForSourceToStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOdetailForDestToStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOselector:(const char *)selector toStream:(NXStream *)s;
- NIBINFOinfoToStream:(NXStream *)s;

@interface View(NibInfoMethods)
- NIBINFOinfoToStream:(NXStream *)s;

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