This is EDBConnectInspector.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import "EDBConnectInspector.h" #import "EDBConnector.h" #import "ConnectBrowserCell.h" #import "MColCell.h" #import "EDBOutlet.h" #import <assert.h> #define NOLDEBUG static EDBConnectInspector *onlyInspector = nil; static int sortFunction(id *ob1,id *ob2) { int ret = strcmp([*ob1 outletName],[*ob2 outletName]); if (!ret) ret = [*ob1 sequence]-[*ob2 sequence]; return ret; } @implementation EDBConnectInspector + obtainEDBConnectInspector { if (onlyInspector != nil) return onlyInspector; return (onlyInspector=[[[self class] alloc] init]); } - init { char buf [MAXPATHLEN + 1]; NXBundle *bundle; NXSize size,size1; NXSplitView *splitView; NXRect splitFrame; NXImage *image; MColCell *mcell; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s init\n",[self name]); #endif if (onlyInspector && [self class]==[EDBConnectInspector class]) { [super free]; return onlyInspector; } if (![super init]) return nil; bundle = [NXBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; [bundle getPath:buf forResource:"EDBConnectInspector" ofType:"nib"]; if (![NXApp loadNibFile:buf owner:self withNames:NO fromZone:[self zone]]) { [super free]; return nil; } [[window contentView] getBounds:&splitFrame]; splitView = [[NXSplitView alloc] initFrame:&splitFrame]; [splitView setDelegate:self]; [upperBox removeFromSuperview]; [lowerBox removeFromSuperview]; [splitView addSubview:upperBox]; [splitView addSubview:lowerBox]; [[window contentView] addSubview:splitView]; [splitView display]; [lowerBox getBounds:&splitFrame]; minHeight = splitFrame.size.height; connections = [[ExtList alloc] init]; mcell = [[MColCell alloc] init]; [mcell addColWithOffset:0]; [mcell addColWithOffset:150]; [connectMatrix setPrototype:mcell]; [connectMatrix getCellSize:&size]; size.width = 300; [connectMatrix setCellSize:&size]; [connectMatrix addCol]; [connectMatrix setMode:NX_RADIOMODE]; [connectMatrix setEmptySelectionEnabled:YES]; [outletBrowser setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClickOutlet:)]; [outletBrowser setCellClass:[ConnectBrowserCell class]]; [actionMatrix setTarget:self]; [actionMatrix setAction:@selector(clickAction:)]; [actionMatrix setCellClass:[TextFieldCell class]]; [actionMatrix getCellSize:&size]; [actionScrollView getContentSize:&size1]; size.width = size1.width; [actionMatrix setCellSize:&size]; [actionMatrix addCol]; [actionMatrix sizeToCells]; [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] setSelectable:YES]; [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] setEditable:YES]; bundle = [NXBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; [bundle getPath:buf forResource:"EDBdimple_nib" ofType:"tiff"]; image = [[NXImage alloc] initFromFile:buf]; [image setName:"EDBdimple_nib"]; [bundle getPath:buf forResource:"EDBdimpleH_nib" ofType:"tiff"]; image = [[NXImage alloc] initFromFile:buf]; [image setName:"EDBdimpleH_nib"]; outletCount = 0; outlets = NULL; refreshOnRevert = YES; onlyInspector = self; return self; } - free { [connections free]; [outlets free]; if (self == onlyInspector) onlyInspector = nil; return [super free]; } - revert:sender { #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s revert:\n",[self name]); #endif if (!refreshOnRevert) { refreshOnRevert = YES; return [super revert:sender]; } outlets = [object getOutlets]; outletCount = [outlets count]; [self getConnections:connections]; [self displayConnections:connections]; [outletBrowser loadColumnZero]; [self selectOutlet]; return [super revert:sender]; } - ok:sender { NXAtom outletName = NXUniqueString([[[outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectedCell] stringValue]); int count = [connections count]; int ind; id connector; int outletNr; id matrix = [outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0]; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s ok\n",[self name]); #endif if (![NXApp isConnecting]) return self; outletNr = [[outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectedRow]; ind = [connectMatrix selectedRow]; if (ind>=0 && ind<count) // remove Connection { connector = [connections objectAt:ind]; [[NXApp activeDocument] removeConnector:connector]; [connections removeObjectAt:ind]; if ([[outlets objectAt:outletNr] multiUse]) [self removeSequenceNumberOf:connector]; [connector free]; [self displayConnections:connections]; if (![[outlets objectAt:outletNr] multiUse] && ![[outlets objectAt:outletNr] isTarget]) { matrix = [outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0]; [self outletAt:[matrix selectedCell] inMatrix:matrix setConnected:NO andDisplay:YES]; } [connectMatrix selectCellAt:-1:-1]; [okButton setTitle:"Connect"]; } else // add Connection { connector = [self createConnectorForOutlet:outletName withNr:outletNr andSel:([[outlets objectAt:outletNr] isTarget]) ? [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] stringValue] : NULL]; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s createConnector: source=%lx (%s),dest=%lx (%s)," "outlet=%s,sel=%s\n",[self name],(u_long)[NXApp connectSource], [[NXApp connectSource] name],(u_long)[NXApp connectDestination], [[NXApp connectDestination] name],outletName,[connector selName]); #endif ind = [connections insertOrdered:connector usingFunc: (SortFunc *)sortFunction]; [[NXApp activeDocument] addConnector:connector]; [self displayConnections:connections]; if (![[outlets objectAt:outletNr] multiUse] && ![[outlets objectAt:outletNr] isTarget]) [self outletAt:[matrix selectedCell] inMatrix:matrix setConnected:YES andDisplay:YES]; [connectMatrix selectCellAt:ind:0]; [okButton setTitle:"Disonnect"]; } return self; } - createConnectorForOutlet:(NXAtom)outletName withNr:(int)outletNr andSel:(const char *)sel { id connector; connector = [[EDBConnector alloc] initWithSource: [NXApp connectSource] andDestination:[NXApp connectDestination] forOutlet:outletName andSel:sel]; if ([[outlets objectAt:outletNr] multiUse]) [self setSequenceNumberFor:connector]; return connector; } - (BOOL)wantsButtons { #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s wantsButtons\n",[self name]); #endif return YES; } - outletAt:cell inMatrix:matrix setConnected:(BOOL)flag andDisplay:(BOOL)disp { if (flag) { [cell setBranchImage:[NXImage findImageNamed:"EDBdimple_nib"]]; [cell setBranchImageH:[NXImage findImageNamed:"EDBdimpleH_nib"]]; } else { [cell setBranchImage:nil]; [cell setBranchImageH:nil]; } if (disp) [matrix drawCell:cell]; return self; } - setSequenceNumberFor:connector { NXAtom outletName = [connector outletName]; int ind; int count = [connections count]; int maxNum; for (ind=maxNum=0; ind<count; ind++) { if (outletName==[[connections objectAt:ind] outletName] && [[connections objectAt:ind] sequence]>maxNum) maxNum = [[connections objectAt:ind] sequence]; } [connector setSequence:maxNum+1]; return self; } - removeSequenceNumberOf:connector { NXAtom outletName = [connector outletName]; int ind; int count = [connections count]; int seqNum = [connector sequence]; int k; for (ind=0; ind<count; ind++) { if (outletName==[[connections objectAt:ind] outletName] && (k=[[connections objectAt:ind] sequence])>seqNum) [[connections objectAt:ind] setSequence:k-1]; } return self; } - clickAction:sender { #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s clickAction:\n",[self name]); #endif [okButton performClick:self]; return self; } - clickConnection:sender { int count = [connections count]; int ind = [sender selectedRow]; int outletInd; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s clickConnection:\n",[self name]); #endif assert(ind<count); [NXApp displayConnectionBetween:[[connections objectAt:ind] source] and: [[connections objectAt:ind] destination]]; refreshOnRevert = NO; outletInd = [self indexOfOutlet:[[connections objectAt:ind] outletName]]; [[outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAt:outletInd:0]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:[connections objectAt:ind] andOutlet:outletInd]; [okButton setEnabled:YES]; [okButton setTitle:"Disconnect"]; return self; } - fillTargetMatrixForConnection:connection andOutlet:(int)outletInd { if (outletInd>=0 && outletInd<outletCount && [[outlets objectAt:outletInd] isTarget]) { [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] setStringValue:[connection selName]]; [actionMatrix setEnabled:YES]; [actionMatrix selectCellAt:0:0]; } else { [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] setStringValueNoCopy:""]; [actionMatrix setEnabled:NO]; } return self; } - clickOutlet:sender { NXAtom outletName = NXUniqueString([[[sender matrixInColumn:0] selectedCell] stringValue]); int count = [connections count]; int ind; int outletNr; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s clickOutlet:\n",[self name]); #endif outletNr = [[sender matrixInColumn:0] selectedRow]; for (ind=0; ind<count && [[connections objectAt:ind] outletName]!=outletName; ind++); if (![[outlets objectAt:outletNr] multiUse] && ind<count) { [NXApp displayConnectionBetween:[[connections objectAt:ind] source] and:[[connections objectAt:ind] destination]]; refreshOnRevert = NO; [okButton setTitle:"Disconnect"]; [okButton setEnabled:YES]; [connectMatrix selectCellAt:ind:0]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:[connections objectAt:ind] andOutlet:outletNr]; } else { [okButton setTitle:"Connect"]; [okButton setEnabled:[NXApp isConnecting]]; [connectMatrix selectCellAt:-1:-1]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:nil andOutlet:outletNr]; } return self; } - doubleClickOutlet:sender { #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s doubleClickOutlet:\n",[self name]); #endif [okButton performClick:self]; return self; } - getConnections:list { #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s getConnections:\n",[self name]); #endif [[NXApp activeDocument] listConnectors:list forSource:object]; [list sortUsingFunc:(SortFunc *)sortFunction]; return self; } - displayConnections:list { int count = [list count]; int rows,cols; char name [256]; const char *p; int outletInd; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s displayConnections\n",[self name]); #endif [connectMatrix getNumRows:&rows numCols:&cols]; for (rows--; rows>=0; rows--) [connectMatrix removeRowAt:rows andFree:YES]; for (rows=0; rows<count; rows++) { [connectMatrix addRow]; outletInd = [self indexOfOutlet:[[list objectAt:rows] outletName]]; if (outletInd>=0 && [[outlets objectAt:outletInd] multiUse]) { sprintf(name,"%s-%03d", [[outlets objectAt:outletInd] outletName], [[list objectAt:rows] sequence]); [[connectMatrix cellAt:rows:0] setStringValue:name at:0 copy:YES]; } else [[connectMatrix cellAt:rows:0] setStringValue: [[list objectAt:rows] outletName] at:0 copy:NO]; [[NXApp activeDocument] getNameIn:name for:[[list objectAt:rows] destination]]; if (name[0] == '\0') { p = [[[list objectAt:rows] destination] name]; if (p == NULL) p = "First Responder"; [[connectMatrix cellAt:rows:0] setStringValue:p at:1 copy:YES]; } else [[connectMatrix cellAt:rows:0] setStringValue:name at:1 copy:YES]; } [connectMatrix sizeToCells]; [connectScrollView display]; return self; } - selectOutlet { int count = [connections count]; int ind; id dest = [NXApp connectDestination]; int outletNr; [revertButton setEnabled:NO]; if ([NXApp isConnecting]) { [okButton setEnabled:YES]; for (ind=0; ind<count && [[connections objectAt:ind] destination]!=dest; ind++); if (ind < count) // Connection line for existing Connection { outletNr = [self indexOfOutlet:[[connections objectAt:ind] outletName]]; [[outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAt:outletNr:0]; [connectMatrix selectCellAt:ind:0]; [okButton setTitle:"Disconnect"]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:[connections objectAt:ind] andOutlet:outletNr]; } else // Select next free outlet { outletNr = [self indexOfFirstFreeOutlet]; [[outletBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAt:outletNr:0]; [connectMatrix selectCellAt:-1:-1]; [okButton setTitle:"Connect"]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:nil andOutlet:outletNr]; } } else { [okButton setEnabled:NO]; [okButton setTitle:"Connect"]; [self fillTargetMatrixForConnection:nil andOutlet:-1]; } return self; } - (int)indexOfOutlet:(NXAtom)name { int ind; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s indexOfOutlet:%s\n",[self name],name); #endif for (ind=0; ind<outletCount; ind++) { if ([[outlets objectAt:ind] outletName] == name) return ind; } return -1; } - (int)indexOfFirstFreeOutlet { int ind; int indConns; int countConns = [connections count]; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s indexOfFirstFreeOutlet\n",[self name]); #endif for (ind=0; ind<outletCount; ind++) { if ([[outlets objectAt:ind] multiUse]) return ind; for (indConns=0; indConns<countConns && [[connections objectAt:indConns] outletName]!= [[outlets objectAt:ind] outletName]; indConns++); if (indConns >= countConns) return ind; } return -1; } - (BOOL)outletIsConnected:(int)ind { int indConns; int countConns = [connections count]; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s outletIsConnected\n",[self name]); #endif if ([[outlets objectAt:ind] multiUse]) return NO; for (indConns=0; indConns<countConns && [[connections objectAt:indConns] outletName]!= [[outlets objectAt:ind] outletName]; indConns++); if (indConns >= countConns) return NO; return YES; } - outletAddedToObject:sender { if (object != sender) return self; [self revert:self]; return self; } - outlet:(NXAtom)name removedFromObject:sender { List *conns; int count, ind; id connector; if (object != sender) return self; conns = [[List alloc] initCount:[connections count]]; [[NXApp activeDocument] listConnectors:conns forSource:object]; count = [conns count]; for (ind=0; ind<count; ind++) { connector = [conns objectAt:ind]; if ([connector outletName] == name) { [[NXApp activeDocument] removeConnector:connector]; [connector free]; } } [self revert:self]; [conns free]; return self; } - outletOfObject:sender renamedFrom:(NXAtom)from to:(NXAtom)to { List *conns; int count, ind; id connector; if (object != sender) return self; conns = [[List alloc] initCount:[connections count]]; [[NXApp activeDocument] listConnectors:conns forSource:object]; count = [conns count]; for (ind=0; ind<count; ind++) { connector = [conns objectAt:ind]; if ([connector outletName] == from) [connector setOutletName:to]; } [self revert:self]; [conns free]; return self; } - (int)browser:sender fillMatrix:matrix inColumn:(int)column { int indOuts; int countConns = [connections count]; int indConns; #ifdef LDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s browser:fillMatrix:inColumn:%d\n",[self name],column); #endif for (indOuts=0; indOuts<outletCount; indOuts++) { [matrix addRow]; [[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] setStringValueNoCopy: [[outlets objectAt:indOuts] outletName]]; [[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] setLoaded:YES]; [[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] setLeaf:YES]; if ([[outlets objectAt:indOuts] isTarget]) { [[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] setBranchImage: [NXImage findImageNamed:"NXmenuArrow"]]; [[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] setBranchImageH: [NXImage findImageNamed:"NXmenuArrowH"]]; } for (indConns=0; indConns<countConns && [[connections objectAt:indConns] outletName]!= [[outlets objectAt:indOuts] outletName]; indConns++); if (![[outlets objectAt:indOuts] multiUse] && indConns<countConns) { if (![[outlets objectAt:indOuts] isTarget]) [self outletAt:[matrix cellAt:indOuts:0] inMatrix:matrix setConnected:YES andDisplay:NO]; else { [[actionMatrix cellAt:0:0] setStringValue: [[connections objectAt:indConns] selName]]; [actionMatrix selectTextAt:0:0]; } } } [matrix sizeToCells]; return outletCount; } - splitView:sender getMinY:(NXCoord *)minY maxY:(NXCoord *)maxY ofSubviewAt:(int)offset { NXRect rect; offset = 0; [sender getBounds:&rect]; *minY = minHeight; *maxY = rect.size.height - minHeight; if (*maxY < minHeight) *maxY = minHeight; return self; } @end
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