
This is Counter.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Counter.h"
#import <threadkit/threadkit.h>

@implementation Counter

- awakeFromNib
	thread = [ [ TKThread alloc ] initFor: self
			perform: @selector ( startCounter ) ] ;
	return self ;

- startCounter
	while ( 1 )
		counter = 0 ;
		while ( counter <= 100 )
			[ TKThread yield ] ;
			[ NXApp threadLock ] ;
			[ target setIntValue: counter ] ;
			[ NXApp threadUnlock ] ;
			counter++ ;
		sleep ( 2 ) ;

- suspend: sender
	[ thread threadLock ] ;
	return self ;

- resume: sender
	[ thread threadUnlock ] ;
	return self ;


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