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/* Implementation of the TMConnectionRunner class. Written by Tiggr <> and Michael <> Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Pieter J. Schoenmakers and Michael L.H. Brouwer. All rights reserved. This file is part of RUNNER. RUNNER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. RUNNER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with RUNNER; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. $Id: TMConnectionRunner.m,v 1.2 1995/11/29 17:40:51 tiggr Exp $ */ #import <mach/mach.h> #import <mach/notify.h> #import <mach/mach_error.h> #import <machkit/NXPort.h> #import <remote/NXConnection.h> #import <remote/NXProxy.h> #import <sys/time.h> #ifdef HAVE_FOUNDATION #import <foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h> #endif #import "TMConnectionRunner.h" /* The structure used to record information on a port. */ struct dps_registered_port { /* The port proc to be invoked. */ DPSPortProc proc; /* The user definable argument for the PROC. */ void *user_data; /* The default timeout (in milliseconds) to start counting down from when triggered. If 0, this entry is never timed out and not even present on the delta list. */ int timeout_init; /* The current timeout value, relative to the previous entry in the delta list. */ int timeout_delta; /* The delta dll used for timeouts. */ struct dps_registered_port *next, **prev; }; /* How nice of NeXT not to define this struct. Now we can do it, while `dpsclient/dpsNeXT.h' can still be included. */ struct __DPSTimedEntry { /* The port used to timeout in this entry. We could of course use a single shared port and compute the timeout to use for the shared port each time by ourself, but that would be duplicating the functionality already present for port timeouts. Besides, ports are cheap. */ port_t port; /* The proc to invoke. */ DPSTimedEntryProc proc; /* The user definable argument for the PROC. */ void *user_data; /* The time (in milliseconds) between successive invocations of this proc. */ int period; }; /* The shared instance of the TMConnectionRunner. */ static id shared_instance; /* Forward declaration. */ static void notification_handler (msg_header_t *msg, void *userData); void DPSAddPort (port_t new_port, DPSPortProc handler, int max_size, void *user_data, int priority) { [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] addPort: new_port handler: handler data: user_data timeout: 0]; } /* DPSAddPort */ void DPSRemovePort(port_t port) { [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] removePort: port]; } /* DPSRemovePort */ DPSTimedEntry DPSAddTimedEntry (double period, DPSTimedEntryProc handler, void *user_data, int priority) { return [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] addTimedEntry: 1000 * period handler: handler data: user_data]; } /* DPSAddTimedEntry */ void DPSRemoveTimedEntry (DPSTimedEntry te) { [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] removeTimedEntry: te]; } /* DPSRemoveTimedEntry */ void DPSStartTimeout (port_t port, int timeout) { if (timeout == -1) [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] startTimeout: port]; else [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] startTimeout: port timeout: timeout]; } /* DPSStartTimeout */ void DPSCancelTimeout (port_t port) { [[TMConnectionRunner sharedRunner] cancelTimeout: port]; } /* DPSCancelTimeout */ static void timed_entry_handler (msg_header_t *msg, void *user_data) { DPSTimedEntry te = user_data; struct timeval start, end; double now; time_t ms; if (msg) { /* Someone's doing naughty things with the wrong port. */ abort (); } gettimeofday (&start, NULL); now = start.tv_sec + start.tv_usec / 1e6; te->proc (te, now, te->user_data); gettimeofday (&end, NULL); /* Initiate the next invocation. */ ms = (1000 * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec + 500) / 1000); [shared_instance startTimeout: te->port timeout: ((ms > te->period) ? 0 : te->period - ms)]; } /* timed_entry_handler */ @implementation TMConnectionRunner /******************** private methods ********************/ /* */ -(struct dps_registered_port *) registrationOfPort: (port_t) port { struct dps_registered_port *reg = [ports valueForKey: (void *) port]; if (!reg) LogError ("no port %d", port); return (reg); } /* -registrationOfPort: */ -(void) handleNotification: (notification_t *) nt { if (nt->notify_header.msg_id == NOTIFY_PORT_DELETED) { struct dps_registered_port *reg; [(NXPort *) [NXPort newFromMachPort: nt->notify_port] invalidate]; reg = [ports valueForKey: (void *) nt->notify_port]; if (reg) [self removePort: nt->notify_port]; } } /* -handleNotification: */ /* Remove the REG from the timeout dll and return it. */ -(struct dps_registered_port *) removeFromTimeoutQueue: (struct dps_registered_port *) reg { *reg->prev = reg->next; if (reg->next) { reg->next->prev = reg->prev; reg->next->timeout_delta += reg->timeout_delta; } else timeout_tail = reg->prev; reg->prev = NULL; reg->next = NULL; return (reg); } /* -removeFromTimeoutQueue: */ -(void) startTimeout: (int) timeout ofRegistration: (struct dps_registered_port *) reg { struct dps_registered_port **preg; int cum; if (reg->prev) { LogError ("%d", timeout); [self removeFromTimeoutQueue: reg]; } for (cum = 0, preg = &timeout_head; *preg && cum + (*preg)->timeout_delta < timeout; cum += (*preg)->timeout_delta, preg = &(*preg)->next); reg->next = *preg; reg->prev = preg; *preg = reg; reg->timeout_delta = timeout - cum; if (reg->next) { reg->next->timeout_delta -= reg->timeout_delta; reg->next->prev = ®->next; } else timeout_tail = ®->next; } /* -startTimeout:ofRegistration: */ /******************** public methods ********************/ /* Make sure only one runner is ever active. */ +sharedRunner { if (!shared_instance) shared_instance = [[self alloc] init]; return (shared_instance); } /* +sharedRunner */ -(void) addPort: (port_t) port handler: (DPSPortProc) handler data: (void *) data timeout: (int) timeout { struct dps_registered_port *reg; kern_return_t kr; kr = port_set_add (task_self (), set, port); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) LogError ("port=%d set=%d: %s", port, set, mach_error_string (kr)); else { reg = malloc (sizeof (*reg)); reg->proc = handler; reg->user_data = data; reg->timeout_init = timeout; reg->timeout_delta = 0; reg->next = NULL; reg->prev = NULL; [(HashTable *) ports insertKey: (void *) port value: reg]; } } /* -addPort:handler:data:timeout: */ -(DPSTimedEntry) addTimedEntry: (int) period handler: (DPSTimedEntryProc) handler data: (void *) user_data { DPSTimedEntry te = malloc (sizeof (*te)); kern_return_t kr = port_allocate (task_self (), &te->port); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { LogError ("port_allocate: %s (%d)", mach_error_string (kr), kr); free (te); return (NULL); } te->proc = handler; te->user_data = user_data; te->period = period; [self addPort: te->port handler: timed_entry_handler data: te timeout: 0]; [self startTimeout: te->port timeout: te->period]; return (te); } /* -addTimedEntry:handler:data: */ -(void) cancelTimeout: (port_t) port { struct dps_registered_port *reg = [self registrationOfPort: port]; if (reg) if (!reg->prev) LogError ("port %d not in timeout queue", port); else [self removeFromTimeoutQueue: reg]; } /* -cancelTimeout: */ -init { kern_return_t kr; port_t p; if (![super init]) return (nil); timeout_tail = &timeout_head; p = task_notify (); if (p) kr = KERN_SUCCESS; else { kr = port_allocate (task_self (), &p); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) kr = task_set_special_port (task_self (), TASK_NOTIFY_PORT, p); } if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) { kr = port_set_allocate (task_self (), &set); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) port_set_add (task_self (), set, p); } if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) [self error: "port manipulation: %s", mach_error_string (kr)]; ports = [[HashTable alloc] initKeyDesc: "i" valueDesc: "!"]; [self addPort: task_notify () handler: notification_handler data: self timeout: 0]; return (self); } /* -init */ -(void) removePort: (port_t) port { struct dps_registered_port *reg; port_set_remove (task_self (), port); reg = [self registrationOfPort: port]; if (reg->prev) [self removeFromTimeoutQueue: reg]; [ports removeKey: (void *) port]; free (reg); } /* -removePort: */ -(void) removeTimedEntry: (DPSTimedEntry) te { kern_return_t kr; [self removePort: te->port]; kr = port_deallocate (task_self (), te->port); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) LogError ("port_deallocate (%d): %s (%d)", te->port, mach_error_string (kr), kr); free (te); } /* -removeTimedEntry: */ -(void) run { struct dps_registered_port *msg_reg; msg_header_t *msg = alloca (MSG_SIZE_MAX); struct timeval previous, now; int used_timeout; msg_return_t mr; #ifdef HAVE_FOUNDATION NSAutoreleasePool *pool; #endif gettimeofday (&previous, NULL); for (;;) { #ifdef HAVE_FOUNDATION pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #endif msg->msg_local_port = set; msg->msg_size = MSG_SIZE_MAX; /* If we haven't got things to do, wait indefinitely. */ if (!timeout_head) { used_timeout = 0; mr = msg_receive (msg, 0, 0); } else { used_timeout = timeout_head->timeout_delta; mr = msg_receive (msg, RCV_TIMEOUT, (timeout_head->timeout_delta < 0 ? 0 : timeout_head->timeout_delta)); } msg_reg = NULL; if (mr == RCV_SUCCESS) { msg_reg = [self registrationOfPort: msg->msg_local_port]; /* Remove the timeout, if neccessary. */ if (msg_reg && msg_reg->prev) [self removeFromTimeoutQueue: msg_reg]; } else if (mr != RCV_TIMED_OUT) LogError ("msg_receive: %s", mach_error_string (mr)); /* Handle the timeout queue. */ gettimeofday (&now, NULL); if (timeout_head) { timeout_head->timeout_delta -= ((now.tv_usec - previous.tv_usec) / 1000 + (now.tv_sec - previous.tv_sec) * 1000); if (timeout_head->timeout_delta <= 0) { struct dps_registered_port *reg; int i; /* Run at most the number of zero-delta entries present at _this_ moment. */ for (i = 0, reg = timeout_head; reg && reg->timeout_delta <= 0; i++, reg = reg->next); /* Run elapsed timeouts. */ while (timeout_head && timeout_head->timeout_delta <= 0 && i--) { reg = [self removeFromTimeoutQueue: timeout_head]; reg->proc (NULL, reg->user_data); } } } previous = now; /* Invoke the handler. */ if (msg_reg) msg_reg->proc (msg, msg_reg->user_data); #ifdef HAVE_FOUNDATION [pool release]; #endif } } /* -run */ -(void) startTimeout: (port_t) port { struct dps_registered_port *reg = [self registrationOfPort: port]; if (reg) [self startTimeout: reg->timeout_init ofRegistration: reg]; else LogError ("port=%d not registered", port); } /* -startTimeout: */ -(void) startTimeout: (port_t) port timeout: (int) timeout { struct dps_registered_port *reg = [self registrationOfPort: port]; if (reg) [self startTimeout: timeout ofRegistration: reg]; else LogError ("port=%d timeout=%d not registered", port, timeout); } /* -startTimeout: */ @end static void notification_handler (msg_header_t *msg, void *userData) { [(id) userData handleNotification: (void *) msg]; } /* notification_handler */
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