
This is TMConnectionRunner.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Interface to TMConnectionRunner class.
   Written by Tiggr <tiggr@es.ele.tue.nl> and Michael <michael@thi.nl>

   Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Pieter J. Schoenmakers and Michael L.H. Brouwer.
   All rights reserved.

   This file is part of RUNNER.

   RUNNER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
   your option) any later version.

   RUNNER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
   License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with RUNNER; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write
   to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
   MA 02111-1307, USA.

   $Id: TMConnectionRunner.h,v 1.2 1995/11/29 17:40:51 tiggr Exp $  */

#import "TMConnectionObserver.h"
#import <dpsclient/dpsNeXT.h>

/* Revamps of the well-known dpsclient port functions.  The PRIORITY is
   ignored, as is the MAX_SIZE.  For all DPS* functions, a connection
   runner must have been allocated for the call to have any effect.  */
void DPSAddPort (port_t new_port, DPSPortProc handler, int max_size,
		 void *user_data, int priority);
void DPSRemovePort(port_t port);

/* Revamps of the well-known dpsclient timed entry functions.  The
   PRIORITY is ignored.  */
DPSTimedEntry DPSAddTimedEntry (double period, DPSTimedEntryProc handler,
				void *user_data, int priority);
void DPSRemoveTimedEntry (DPSTimedEntry te);

/* Start a timeout on the reception of a message on the registered PORT
   for TIMEOUT milliseconds.  Iff the intvalue of TIMEOUT is -1, the
   default timeout for this port is used.  */
void DPSStartTimeout (port_t port, int timeout);

/* Cancel a previously started timeout (which is also done upon
   reception of a message within the timeout value).  */
void DPSCancelTimeout (port_t port);

@class HashTable;

@interface TMConnectionRunner: TMConnectionObserver
  /* The set on which we listen.  */
  port_t set;

  /* The hashtable for the monitored ports.  */
  HashTable *ports;

  /* The head and tail of the timeout delta.  */
  struct dps_registered_port *timeout_head, **timeout_tail;

/* Return the shared instance of the connection runner.  This is the
   designated and only allowed way to obtain a `new' connection runner.  */
+(TMConnectionRunner *) sharedRunner;

/* Run the loop, never returning.  */
-(void) run;

/******************** port manipulation ********************/

/* Add the PORT to the set of monitored ports, invoking HANDLER with the
   incoming message and the DATA if a message arrives on this port.  TIMEOUT
   is the default timeout (in milliseconds).  */
-(void) addPort: (port_t) port
	handler: (DPSPortProc) handler
	   data: (void *) data
	timeout: (int) timeout;

/* Remove the PORT from the set of monitored ports.  */
-(void) removePort: (port_t) port;

/******************** timed entries ********************/

/* Create a new timed entry for the indicated PERIOD (in milliseconds)
   with the HANDLER and the USER_DATA.  Return its handle.  */
-(DPSTimedEntry) addTimedEntry: (int) period
		       handler: (DPSTimedEntryProc) handler
			  data: (void *) user_data;

/* Remove the timed entry TE.  */
-(void) removeTimedEntry: (DPSTimedEntry) te;

/******************** timeouts ********************/

/* Cancel a previously started timeout.  */
-(void) cancelTimeout: (port_t) port;

/* Start a timeout on the reception of a message on the registered PORT
   for the default timeout.  If within the timeout a message is not
   received, the handler is invoked with a NULL message.  */
-(void) startTimeout: (port_t) port;

/* Start a timeout on the reception of a message on the registered PORT
   for the specified TIMEOUT milliseconds.  */
-(void) startTimeout: (port_t) port
	     timeout: (int) timeout;


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