This is IndexedCollection.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Implementation for Objective-C IndexedCollection object Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: R. Andrew McCallum <> Date: May 1993 This file is part of the GNU Objective C Class Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <objects/IndexedCollection.h> #include <objects/IndexedCollectionPrivate.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <objects/Array.h> @implementation IndexedCollection + initialize { if (self == [IndexedCollection class]) [self setVersion:0]; /* beta release */ return self; } /* This is the designated initializer of this class */ - initWithType: (const char *)contentEncoding { [super initWithType:contentEncoding keyType:@encode(unsigned int)]; return self; } /* Override the designated initializer for our superclass KeyedCollection to make sure we have unsigned int keys. */ - initWithType: (const char *)contentEncoding keyType: (const char *)keyEncoding { if (strcmp(keyEncoding, @encode(unsigned int))) [self error:"IndexedCollection key must be an unsigned integer."]; return [self initWithType:contentEncoding]; } // ADDING; - insertElement: (elt)newElement atIndex: (unsigned)index { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } /* Semantics: You can "put" an element only at index "count" or less */ - putElement: (elt)newElement atIndex: (unsigned)index { unsigned c = [self count]; if (index < c) [self replaceElementAtIndex:index with:newElement]; else if (index == c) [self appendElement:newElement]; else [self error:"in %s, can't put an element at index beyond [self count]"]; return self; } - putElement: (elt)newElement atKey: (elt)index { return [self putElement: newElement atIndex: index.unsigned_int_u]; } - insertObject: newObject atIndex: (unsigned)index { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self insertElement:newObject atIndex:index]; } - insertElement: (elt)newElement before: (elt)oldElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:index]; return self; } - insertObject: newObject before: oldObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self insertElement:newObject before:oldObject]; } - insertElement: (elt)newElement after: (elt)oldElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:index+1]; return self; } - insertObject: newObject after: oldObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self insertElement:newObject after:oldObject]; } /* Possibly inefficient. Should be overridden. */ - appendElement: (elt)newElement { return [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:[self count]]; } - appendObject: newObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self appendElement:newObject]; } /* Possibly inefficient. Should be overridden. */ - prependElement: (elt)newElement { return [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:0]; } - prependObject: newObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self prependElement:newObject]; } - appendContentsOf: (id <Collecting>) aCollection { void doIt(elt e) { [self appendElement:e]; } if (aCollection == self) [self safeWithElementsCall:doIt]; else [aCollection withElementsCall:doIt]; return self; } - prependContentsOf: (id <Collecting>) aCollection { void doIt(elt e) { /* could use objc_msg_lookup here */ [self prependElement:e]; } if (aCollection == self) [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; else { /* Can I assume that all Collections will inherit from Object? */ if ([aCollection respondsTo:@selector(withElementsInReverseCall:)]) [(id)aCollection withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; else [aCollection withElementsCall:doIt]; } return self; } - addContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { [self appendContentsOf:aCollection]; return self; } - insertContentsOf: (id <Collecting>)aCollection atIndex: (unsigned)index { void doIt(elt e) { [self insertElement: e atIndex: index]; } if (aCollection == self) [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; else { if ([aCollection respondsTo:@selector(withElemetnsInReverseCall:)]) [(id)aCollection withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; else [aCollection withElementsCall:doIt]; } return self; } /* We can now implement this <Collecting> protocol method */ - addElement: (elt)newElement { return [self appendElement:newElement]; } // REPLACING; /* Subclasses may require different ordering semantics */ - (elt) replaceElement: (elt)oldElement with: (elt)newElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; return [self replaceElementAtIndex:index with:newElement]; } /* Inefficient. Should be overridden */ - (elt) replaceElementAtIndex: (unsigned)index with: (elt)newElement { elt ret; ret = [self removeElementAtIndex:index]; [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:index]; return ret; } - replaceObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index with: newObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self replaceElementAtIndex:index with:newObject].id_u; } - replaceRange: (IndexRange)aRange with: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.start, [self count]); CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.end-1, [self count]); [self removeRange:aRange]; [self insertContentsOf:aCollection atIndex:aRange.start]; return self; } - replaceRange: (IndexRange)aRange using: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { int i; void *state = [aCollection newEnumState]; elt e; CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.start, [self count]); CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.end-1, [self count]); for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end && [aCollection getNextElement:&e withEnumState:&state]; i++) { [self replaceElementAtIndex:i with:e]; } [aCollection freeEnumState:&state]; return self; } // SWAPPING; /* Perhaps inefficient. May be overridden. */ - swapAtIndeces: (unsigned)index1 : (unsigned)index2 { elt tmp = [self elementAtIndex:index1]; [self replaceElementAtIndex:index1 with:[self elementAtIndex:index2]]; [self replaceElementAtIndex:index2 with:tmp]; return self; } // REMOVING; - (elt) removeElementAtIndex: (unsigned)index { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - removeObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self removeElementAtIndex:index].id_u; } - (elt) removeFirstElement { return [self removeElementAtIndex:0]; } - removeFirstObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self removeFirstElement].id_u; } - (elt) removeLastElement { return [self removeElementAtIndex:[self count]-1]; } - removeLastObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self removeLastElement].id_u; } - removeRange: (IndexRange)aRange { int i; CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.start, [self count]); CHECK_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR(aRange.end-1, [self count]); for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end; i++) [self removeElementAtIndex:aRange.start]; return self; } /* We can now implement this <Collecting> protocol method */ - (elt) removeElement: (elt)oldElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; return [self removeElementAtIndex:index]; } // GETTING MEMBERS BY INDEX; - (elt) elementAtIndex: (unsigned)index { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - objectAtIndex: (unsigned)index { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self elementAtIndex:index].id_u; } - (elt) firstElement { return [self elementAtIndex:0]; } - firstObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self firstElement].id_u; } - (elt) lastElement { return [self elementAtIndex:[self count]-1]; } - lastObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self lastElement].id_u; } // GETTING MEMBERS BY NEIGHBOR; // This method should be overridden by linkedlists and trees; - (elt) successorOfElement: (elt)oldElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; return [self elementAtIndex:index+1]; } // This method should be overridden by linkedlists and trees; - (elt) predecessorOfElement: (elt)oldElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(oldElement); return 0; } unsigned index = [self indexOfElement:oldElement ifAbsentCall:err]; return [self elementAtIndex:index-1]; } - successorOfObject: anObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self successorOfElement:anObject].id_u; } - predecessorOfObject: anObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self predecessorOfElement:anObject].id_u; } // GETTING INDICES BY ELEMENT; /* Possibly inefficient. */ - (unsigned) indexOfElement: (elt)anElement { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(anElement); return 0; } return [self indexOfElement:anElement ifAbsentCall:err]; } - (unsigned) indexOfElement: (elt)anElement ifAbsentCall: (unsigned(*)(arglist_t))excFunc { unsigned index = 0; BOOL flag = YES; int (*cf)(elt,elt) = [self comparisonFunction]; void doIt(elt e) { if (!((*cf)(anElement, e))) flag = NO; else index++; } [self withElementsCall:doIt whileTrue:&flag]; if (flag) RETURN_BY_CALLING_EXCEPTION_FUNCTION(excFunc); return index; } - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject ifAbsentCall: (unsigned(*)(arglist_t))excFunc { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self indexOfElement:anObject ifAbsentCall:excFunc]; } - (unsigned) indexOfElement: (elt)anElement inRange: (IndexRange)aRange { unsigned err(arglist_t argFrame) { ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR(anElement); return 0; } return [self indexOfElement:anElement inRange:aRange ifAbsentCall:err]; } - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject inRange: (IndexRange)aRange { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self indexOfElement:anObject inRange:aRange]; } - (unsigned) indexOfElement: (elt)anElement inRange: (IndexRange)aRange ifAbsentCall: (unsigned(*)(arglist_t))excFunc { int i; int (*cf)(elt,elt) = [self comparisonFunction]; for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end; i++) if (!((*cf)(anElement, [self elementAtIndex:i]))) return i - aRange.start; RETURN_BY_CALLING_EXCEPTION_FUNCTION(excFunc); } - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject inRange: (IndexRange)aRange ifAbsentCall: (unsigned(*)(arglist_t))excFunc { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self indexOfElement:anObject inRange:aRange ifAbsentCall:excFunc]; } - (unsigned) indexOfFirstDifference: (id <IndexedCollecting>)aColl { unsigned i = 0; BOOL flag = YES; void *enumState = [self newEnumState]; int (*cf)(elt,elt); elt e2; void doIt(elt e1) { if ((![self getNextElement:&e2 withEnumState:&enumState]) || ((*cf)(e1, e2))) flag = NO; else i++; } if ((cf = [self comparisonFunction]) != [aColl comparisonFunction]) return 0; [aColl withElementsCall:doIt whileTrue:&flag]; [self freeEnumState:&enumState]; return i; } /* Could be more efficient */ - (unsigned) indexOfFirstIn: (id <Collecting>)aColl { unsigned index = 0; BOOL flag = YES; void doIt(elt e) { if ([aColl includesElement:e]) flag = NO; else index++; } if ([self comparisonFunction] != [aColl comparisonFunction]) return [self count]; [self withElementsCall:doIt whileTrue:&flag]; return index; } /* Could be more efficient */ - (unsigned) indexOfFirstNotIn: (id <Collecting>)aColl { unsigned index = 0; BOOL flag = YES; void doIt(elt e) { if (![aColl includesElement:e]) flag = NO; else index++; } if ([self comparisonFunction] != [aColl comparisonFunction]) return [self count]; [self withElementsCall:doIt whileTrue:&flag]; return index; } - (unsigned) indexOfObject: anObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self indexOfElement:anObject]; } // TESTING; - (const char *) keyDescription { return @encode(unsigned int); } - (BOOL) includesIndex: (unsigned)index { if (index < [self count]) return YES; else return NO; } - (BOOL) contentsEqualInOrder: (id <IndexedCollecting>)anIndexedColl { elt e1, e2; void *s1, *s2; int (*cf)(elt,elt) = [self comparisonFunction]; if ([self count] != [anIndexedColl count]) return NO; s1 = [self newEnumState]; s2 = [anIndexedColl newEnumState]; while ([self getNextElement:&e1 withEnumState:&s1] && [anIndexedColl getNextElement:&e2 withEnumState:&s2]) { if ((*cf)(e1, e2)) return NO; } [self freeEnumState:&s1]; [anIndexedColl freeEnumState:&s2]; return YES; } /* is this what we want? */ - (BOOL) isEqual: anObject { if (self == anObject) return YES; if ([anObject class] == [self class] && [self count] != [anObject count] && [self contentsEqualInOrder: anObject] ) return YES; else return NO; } - (int) compareContentsOfInOrder: (id <Collecting>)aCollection { int (*cf)(elt,elt) = [self comparisonFunction]; if ([aCollection comparisonFunction] == cf) { void *es1 = [self newEnumState]; void *es2 = [aCollection newEnumState]; elt e1, e2; int comparison; while ([self getNextElement:&e1 withEnumState:&es1] && [aCollection getNextElement:&e1 withEnumState:&es2]) { if ((comparison = (*cf)(e1,e2))) { [self freeEnumState:&es1]; [aCollection freeEnumState:&es2]; return comparison; } } if ((comparison = ([self count] - [aCollection count]))) return comparison; return 0; } [self error:"Can't compare contents of collections with different " "comparison functions"]; return -1; } // COPYING; - shallowCopyRange: (IndexRange)aRange { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:[self species]]; unsigned i, myCount = [self count]; for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end && i < myCount; i++) [newColl addElement:[self elementAtIndex:i]]; return newColl; } - withElementsInRange: (IndexRange)aRange call:(void(*)(elt))aFunc { unsigned i, myCount = [self count]; for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end && i < myCount; i++) (*aFunc)([self elementAtIndex:i]); return self; } - withObjectsInRange: (IndexRange)aRange call:(void(*)(id))aFunc { void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(e.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self withElementsInRange:aRange call:doIt]; } - safeWithElementsInRange: (IndexRange)aRange call:(void(*)(elt))aFunc { unsigned i, myCount = [self count]; id tmpColl = [[Array alloc] initWithType:[self contentType] capacity:aRange.end - aRange.start]; for (i = aRange.start; i < aRange.end && i < myCount; i++) [tmpColl addElement:[self elementAtIndex:i]]; [tmpColl withElementsCall:aFunc]; [tmpColl free]; return self; } - shallowCopyReplaceRange: (IndexRange)aRange with: (id <Collecting>)replaceCollection { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:[self species]]; unsigned i, myCount = [self count]; for (i = 0; i < aRange.start && i < myCount; i++) [newColl appendElement:[self elementAtIndex:i]]; [newColl appendContentsOf:replaceCollection]; for (i = aRange.end; i < myCount; i++) [newColl appendElement:[self elementAtIndex:i]]; return newColl; } - shallowCopyReplaceRange: (IndexRange)aRange using: (id <Collecting>)replaceCollection { id newColl = [self shallowCopy]; unsigned index = aRange.start; BOOL cont = YES; void doIt (elt e) { [newColl replaceElementAtIndex: index with: e]; cont = (++index != aRange.end); } [replaceCollection withElementsCall: doIt whileTrue: &cont]; return newColl; } - shallowCopyInReverseAs: aCollectionClass { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; void doIt(elt e) { [newColl appendElement:e]; } [self withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; return self; } // ENUMERATING; - (BOOL) getNextKey: (elt*)aKeyPtr content: (elt*)anElementPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(unsigned*)enumState is the index of the element that will be returned */ if ((*(unsigned*)enumState) > [self count]-1) return NO; *anElementPtr = [self elementAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)]; *aKeyPtr = (*(unsigned*)enumState); (*(unsigned*)enumState)++; return YES; } - (BOOL) getNextElement:(elt *)anElementPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(unsigned*)enumState is the index of the element that will be returned */ if ((*(unsigned*)enumState) > [self count]-1) return NO; *anElementPtr = [self elementAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)]; (*(unsigned*)enumState)++; return YES; } - (BOOL) getPrevElement:(elt *)anElementPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(unsigned*)enumState-1 is the index of the element that will be returned */ if (!(*enumState)) *(unsigned*)enumState = [self count]-1; else (*(unsigned*)enumState)--; *anElementPtr = [self elementAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)]; return YES; } - (BOOL) getPrevObject:(id *)anObjectPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState { /* *(unsigned*)enumState-1 is the index of the element that will be returned */ CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); if (!(*enumState)) *(unsigned*)enumState = [self count]-1; else (*(unsigned*)enumState)--; *anObjectPtr = [self elementAtIndex:(*(unsigned*)enumState)].id_u; return YES; } - withElementsInReverseCall: (void(*)(elt))aFunc; { BOOL flag = NO; [self withElementsInReverseCall:aFunc whileTrue:&flag]; return self; } - safeWithElementsInReverseCall: (void(*)(elt))aFunc; { BOOL flag = NO; [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:aFunc whileTrue:&flag]; return self; } - withObjectsInReverseCall: (void(*)(id))aFunc { void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(e.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - safeWithObjectsInReverseCall: (void(*)(id))aFunc { void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(e.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - withElementsInReverseCall: (void(*)(elt))aFunc whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { int i; for (i = [self count]-1; *flag && i >= 0; i--) (*aFunc)([self elementAtIndex:i]); return self; } - safeWithElementsInReverseCall: (void(*)(elt))aFunc whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { id tmp = [[Array alloc] initWithContentsOf:self]; [tmp withElementsInReverseCall:aFunc whileTrue:flag]; [tmp free]; return self; } - withObjectsInReverseCall: (void(*)(id))aFunc whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(e.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self withElementsInReverseCall:doIt whileTrue:flag]; } - safeWithObjectsInReverseCall: (void(*)(id))aFunc whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(e.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt whileTrue:flag]; } - makeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_u perform:aSel]; } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - safeMakeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_u perform:aSel]; } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - makeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel with: argObject { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_u perform:aSel with:argObject]; } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self withElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - safeMakeObjectsPerformInReverse: (SEL)aSel with: argObject { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_u perform:aSel with:argObject]; } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self safeWithElementsInReverseCall:doIt]; } - withElementsCall: (void(*)(elt))aFunc whileTrue:(BOOL *)flag { unsigned i; unsigned count = [self count]; for (i = 0; *flag && i < count; i++) (*aFunc)([self elementAtIndex:i]); return self; } - withKeyElementsAndContentElementsCall: (void(*)(const elt,elt))aFunc whileTrue: (BOOL *)flag { unsigned index = 0; void doIt(elt e) { (*aFunc)(index, e); index++; } [self withElementsCall:doIt]; return self; } // SORTING; /* This could be hacked a bit to make it more efficient */ - quickSortContentsFromIndex: (unsigned)p toIndex: (unsigned)r byCalling: (int(*)(elt,elt))aFunc { unsigned i ,j; elt x; if (p < r) { /* Partition */ x = [self elementAtIndex:p]; i = p - 1; j = r + 1; for (;;) { do j = j - 1; while ((*aFunc)([self elementAtIndex:j],x) > 0); do i = i + 1; while ((*aFunc)([self elementAtIndex:i],x) < 0); if (i < j) [self swapAtIndeces:i :j]; else break; } /* Sort partitions */ [self quickSortContentsFromIndex:p toIndex:j byCalling:aFunc]; [self quickSortContentsFromIndex:j+1 toIndex:r byCalling:aFunc]; } return self; } - sortElementsByCalling: (int(*)(elt,elt))aFunc { if ([self count] == 0) return self; [self quickSortContentsFromIndex:0 toIndex:[self count]-1 byCalling:aFunc]; return self; } - sortObjectsByCalling: (int(*)(id,id))aFunc { int comp(elt e1, elt e2) { return (*aFunc)(e1.id_u, e2.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self sortElementsByCalling:comp]; } - sortContents { [self sortElementsByCalling:COMPARISON_FUNCTION]; return self; } - sortAddElement: (elt)newElement byCalling: (int(*)(elt,elt))aFunc { unsigned insertionIndex = 0; BOOL insertionNotFound = YES; void test(elt e) { if ((*aFunc)(newElement, e) < 0) insertionNotFound = NO; else insertionIndex++; } [self withElementsCall:test whileTrue:&insertionNotFound]; [self insertElement:newElement atIndex:insertionIndex]; return self; } - sortAddElement: (elt)newElement { return [self sortAddElement:newElement byCalling:COMPARISON_FUNCTION]; } - sortAddObject: newObject { CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return[self sortAddElement:newObject]; } - sortAddObject: newObject byCalling: (int(*)(id,id))aFunc { int comp(elt e1, elt e2) { return (*aFunc)(e1.id_u, e2.id_u); } CHECK_CONTAINS_OBJECTS_ERROR(); return [self sortAddElement:newObject byCalling:comp]; } // RELATION WITH KeyedCollection; - insertElement: (elt)newContentElement atKey: (elt)aKey { return [self insertElement:newContentElement atIndex:aKey.unsigned_int_u]; } - (elt) replaceElementAtKey: (elt)aKey with: (elt)newContentElement { return [self replaceElementAtIndex:aKey.unsigned_int_u with:newContentElement]; } - (elt) removeElementAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self removeElementAtIndex:aKey.unsigned_int_u]; } - (elt) elementAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self elementAtIndex:aKey.unsigned_int_u]; } - (BOOL) includesKey: (elt)aKey { return [self includesIndex:aKey.unsigned_int_u]; } - printForDebugger { void doIt(elt e) { [self printElement:e]; printf(" "); } [self withElementsCall:doIt]; printf(" :%s\n", [self name]); return self; } - (void) _encodeContentsWithCoder: (Coder*)coder { unsigned int count = [self count]; const char *encoding = [self contentType]; void archiveElement(elt e) { [coder encodeValueOfType:encoding at:elt_get_ptr_to_member(encoding, &e) withName:"IndexedCollection Element"]; } [coder encodeValueOfSimpleType:@encode(unsigned int) at:&count withName:"IndexedCollection Contents Count"]; [self withElementsCall:archiveElement]; } - (void) _decodeContentsWithCoder: (Coder*)coder { unsigned int count, i; elt newElement; const char *encoding = [self contentType]; [coder decodeValueOfSimpleType:@encode(unsigned int) at:&count withName:NULL]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { [coder decodeValueOfType:encoding at:elt_get_ptr_to_member(encoding, &newElement) withName:NULL]; [self appendElement:newElement]; } } - _writeContents: (TypedStream*)aStream { unsigned int count = [self count]; const char *encoding = [self contentType]; void archiveElement(elt e) { objc_write_types(aStream, encoding, elt_get_ptr_to_member(encoding, &e)); } objc_write_type(aStream, @encode(unsigned int), &count); [self withElementsCall:archiveElement]; return self; } - _readContents: (TypedStream*)aStream { unsigned int count, i; elt newElement; const char *encoding = [self contentType]; objc_read_type(aStream, @encode(unsigned int), &count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { objc_read_types(aStream, encoding, elt_get_ptr_to_member(encoding, &newElement)); [self appendElement:newElement]; } return self; } @end
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