
This is Random.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef __Random_h_INCLUDE_GNU
#define __Random_h_INCLUDE_GNU

#include <objc/Object.h>

/* id defaultRandom; ?? */

@interface Random : Object

- setRandomSeedFromClock;
- (long) _nextRandom;

- (long) randomInt;
- (long) randomIntBetween: (long)lowBound and: (long)highBound;
- (long) randomDie: (long)numSides; /* between 0 and numSides-1 */

- (BOOL) randomCoin;
- (BOOL) randomCoinWithProbability: (double)p;

- (float) randomFloat;
- (float) randomFloatBetween: (float)lowBound and: (float)highBound;
- (float) randomFloatProbability;

- (double) randomDouble;
- (double) randomDoubleBetween: (double)lowBound and: (double)highBound;
- (double) randomDoubleProbability;

- (double) randomGaussian;

- read: (TypedStream*)aStream;
- write: (TypedStream*)aStream;


#endif /* __Random_h_INCLUDE_GNU */

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