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/* Implementation for Objective-C KeyedCollection collection object Copyright (C) 1993 R. Andrew McCallum <> Dept. of Computer Science, U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 This file is part of the GNU Objective-C Collection library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <coll/KeyedCollection.h> @implementation KeyedCollection + initialize { if (self == [KeyedCollection class]) [self setVersion:-1]; /* alpha release */ return self; } // NON-OBJECT ELEMENT METHOD NAMES; // INITIALIZING; /* This is the designated initializer of this class */ - initDescription: (const char *)contentType keyDescription: (const char *)keyType { [super initDescription:contentType]; if (objc_sizeof_type(keyType) != sizeof(elt)) [self error: "KeyedCollection can't use keys with size different than (elt)"]; OBJC_MALLOC(_keyDescription, char, strlen(contentType)+1); strcpy(_keyDescription, keyType); return self; } - initKeyDescription: (const char *)keyType { return [self initDescription:"@" keyDescription:keyType]; } - free { OBJC_FREE(_keyDescription); return [super free]; } // ADDING OR REPLACING; - insertElement: (elt)newContentElement atKey: (elt)aKey { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } /* The right thing? */ - (elt) replaceElementAtKey: (elt)aKey with: (elt)newContentElement { elt ret; ret = [self removeElementAtKey:aKey]; [self insertElement:newContentElement atKey:aKey]; return ret; } // REMOVING; - (elt) removeElementAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - removeObjectAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self removeElementAtKey:aKey].id_t; } // GETTING ELEMENTS AND KEYS; - (elt) elementAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (elt) keyElementOfElement: (elt)aContent { elt theKey = COLL_NO_KEY; BOOL notDone = YES; void doIt(elt key, elt content) { if (_compare_func(aContent.void_ptr_t, content.void_ptr_t)) { theKey = key; notDone = NO; } } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt whileTrue:¬Done]; if (notDone) [self warning:"in %s, content not found", sel_get_name(_cmd)]; return theKey; } - objectAtKey: (elt)aKey { return [self elementAtKey:aKey].id_t; } - keyObjectOfObject: aContent { return [self keyElementOfElement:aContent].id_t; } // TESTING; - (const char *) keyDescription { return _keyDescription; } - (BOOL) includesKey: (elt)aKey { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return NO; } // COPYING; - shallowCopyAs: (id <Collecting>)aCollectionClass { id (*insertElementAtKeyImp)(id,SEL,elt,elt); id newColl; void addKeysAndContents(const elt key, elt content) { insertElementAtKeyImp(newColl, @selector(insertElement:atKey:), content, key); } if ([(Object*)aCollectionClass conformsTo:@protocol(KeyedCollecting)]) { newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; insertElementAtKeyImp = (id(*)(id,SEL,elt,elt)) objc_msg_lookup(newColl, @selector(insertElement:atKey:)); [self withKeysAndContentsCall:addKeysAndContents]; return newColl; } else return [super shallowCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; } // ENUMERATING; - (BOOL) getNextKey: (elt*)aKeyPtr content: (elt*)anElementPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState; { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return NO; } - (BOOL) getNextElement:(elt *)anElementPtr withEnumState: (void**)enumState { elt key; return [self getNextKey:&key content:anElementPtr withEnumState:enumState]; } - withKeysCall: (void(*)(const elt))aFunc { void doIt(elt key, elt content) { aFunc(key); } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysAndContentsCall: (void(*)(const elt,elt))aFunc { BOOL flag = YES; [self withKeysAndContentsCall:aFunc whileTrue:&flag]; return self; } - withKeysAndContentsCall: (void(*)(const elt,elt))aFunc whileTrue: (BOOL *)flag { void *s; elt key, content; while ([self getNextKey:&key content:&content withEnumState:&s]) aFunc(key, content); return self; } // ADDING OR REPLACING; - insertObject: newContentObject atKey: (elt)aKey { return [self insertElement:newContentObject atKey:aKey]; } - replaceObjectAtKey: (elt)aKey with: newContentObject { return [self replaceElementAtKey:aKey with:newContentObject].id_t; } // GETTING COLLECTIONS OF CONTENTS SEPARATELY; - shallowCopyKeysAs: aCollectionClass; { id newColl = [self emptyCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; id(*addElementImp)(id,SEL,elt) = (id(*)(id,SEL,elt)) objc_msg_lookup(newColl, @selector(addElement:)); void doIt(elt e) { addElementImp(newColl, @selector(addElement:), e); } [self withKeysCall:doIt]; return self; } - shallowCopyContentsAs: aCollectionClass { return [super shallowCopyAs:aCollectionClass]; } // ENUMERATIONS; /* All these need error checking to make sure we're sending messages to objects */ - makeKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_t perform:aSel]; } [self withKeysCall:doIt]; return self; } - makeKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel with: argObject { void doIt(elt e) { [e.id_t perform:aSel with:argObject]; } [self withKeysCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel in: selObject { id (*aSelImp)(id,SEL,id) = (id(*)(id,SEL,id)) objc_msg_lookup(selObject, aSel); void doIt(elt e) { aSelImp(selObject, aSel, e.id_t); } [self withKeysCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel in: selObject with: argObject { id (*aSelImp)(id,SEL,id,id) = (id(*)(id,SEL,id,id)) objc_msg_lookup(selObject, aSel); void doIt(elt e) { aSelImp(selObject, aSel, e.id_t, argObject); } [self withElementsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysAndContentsPerform: (SEL)aSel in: selObject { id (*aSelImp)(id,SEL,id,id) = (id(*)(id,SEL,id,id)) objc_msg_lookup(selObject, aSel); void doIt(elt key, elt content) { aSelImp(selObject, aSel, key.id_t, content.id_t); } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withContentsMakeKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel { void doIt(elt key, elt content) { [key.id_t perform:aSel with: content.id_t]; } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withContentsMakeKeysPerform: (SEL)aSel with: argObject { void doIt(elt key, elt content) { [key.id_t perform:aSel with: content.id_t with: argObject]; } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysMakeContentsPerform: (SEL)aSel { void doIt(elt key, elt content) { [content.id_t perform:aSel with: key.id_t]; } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - withKeysMakeContentsPerform: (SEL)aSel with: argObject { void doIt(elt key, elt content) { [content.id_t perform:aSel with: key.id_t with: argObject]; } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; return self; } - printForDebugger { void doIt(const elt key, elt content) { printf("("); [[self class] printElement:key description:_keyDescription]; printf(","); [self printElement:content]; printf(") "); } [self withKeysAndContentsCall:doIt]; printf(" :%s\n", [self name]); return self; } @end
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