
This is HighScoreSlot.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// HighScoreSlot.h -- this is a slot in the table and holds all the info
//    about a particular high score.  Future versions may hold more data
//    and the only fields that *must* have valid data are pos and score.

// This class makes use of the DAYMiscKit which contains several classes
// that are of general use and not gamekit specific.  (DAYString, DAYTime,
// and DAYStopwatch are used by HighScoreSlot.)

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

#define GKHighScoreSlot_VERSION 1

@interface HighScoreSlot:Object <NXTransport>
	// The vars simply hold data about an instance of game play.
	// This objects holds a record of info for easy transport over
	// the net and easy saving and reading to and from files.
    int finalScore, startLevel, endLevel;	// basic info about game
	id startTime, endTime;	// DAYTime (DAYMiscKit)
	id elapsedTime;			// DAYStopwatch (DAYMiscKit)
	id playerName, userName, machineName; // DAYString (DAYMiscKit)

+ initialize;			// sets the version number of the class
- init;					// same as [xxx initName:"Nobody" score:0];
- initName:(const char *)initName	// another initializer, same as
		score:(int)initScore;	// [xxx initName:"Nobody" score:0 endLevel:0];
- initName:(const char *)initName score:(int)initScore
		endLevel:(int)initLevel;	// designated initializer

- dumpToLog:aLogFile;	// used by server when logging

// The following methods access value of the slot.
- (const char *)playerName;		// the scoring player's name
- (const char *)userName;		// the scoring player's login name
- (const char *)machineName;	// the machine used to play the game
- (int)finalScore;				// score achieved
- (int)startLevel;				// level game began at
- (int)endLevel;				// level game reached
- startTime;					// Date and time when game began
- endTime;						// Date and time when game finished
- elapsedTime;					// Length of time game play was actually in
								// progress (ie. excluding paused periods)

// The following methods change the values of the slot.  All return self.
- setPlayerName:(const char *)t;
- setUserName:(const char *)t;
- setMachineName:(const char *)t;
- setFinalScore:(int)t;
- setStartLevel:(int)t;
- setEndLevel:(int)t;
- setStartTime:aTime;	// aTime is _not_ copied, so don't free it!
- setEndTime:aTime;		// rather, aTime will be freed by the slot
- setElapsedTime:aTime;	// so treat it as "handing off" the object
- (BOOL)isAbove:aSlot;	// return YES if should be before aSlot in the table

// for archiving to/from a file
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- copy;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.