
This is HighScoreServer.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// HighScoreServer.h

// This class is the actual high score server for any given game.
// You shouldn't need to subclass it:  Just change the class of
// HighScoreSlot used and change the GameInfo object's parameters.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import <machkit/senderIsInvalid.h> 	// superclass

@interface HighScoreServer:Object <HighScoreServer, NXSenderIsInvalid>
	id table;		// a HighScoreTable list to hold all the slots
	id template;	// a template cleared table
	id clientList;	// a List of all current clients
	id connList;	// a List of all current connections to clients
	id clientAuth;	// a Storage of BOOLs: is client authorized?
	id emptySlot;	// returned when no slot in table
	id gameInfo;	// holds info about the client
	id gameName;	// name of the game we are serving (DAYString)
	id scoreFile;	// name of the file where we save highscores (DAYString)
	BOOL haveNonTemplateTable;	// True if we have an empty table and no
	// template from the client.  If we get a template before this empty
	// table is modified, then we'll re-send the template to all the
	// clients as the current table.

+ turnLoggingOn:(BOOL)flag;	// allows your server to log all transactions
+ makeLogFile;	// override to change where loggin goes to.
				// Just return a DAYLogFile instance!

// methods used internally, etc.  NOT for clients to call!
- init;		// NEVER use this method; use -initForGame:
- initForGame:(const char *)name;	// initializes with a game name
- (const char *)pathToTables;		// override to change where file is stored
- free;		// free server and associated objects
- save;		// save the highscore file
- load;		// load the highscore file
- _makeTableRatherThanLoad;	// builds an empty table if can't load one
- (BOOL)authorize:(id <HighScoreClient>)client;		// gets a password from
			// the client to see if client is authorized.  Checks password
			// against the encoded password in the gameinfo object.
- (BOOL)validateClient:(id <HighScoreClient>)client;	// returns YES if
			// client is validated for editing and clearing the table;
			// attempts to authorize the client if not already authorized.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.