
This is GameBrain.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

// This handles a lot of the logic of the game; it has application delegate
// methods to deal with start up and shut down of the application.  It also
// has some window delegate methods that work in conjunction with the game
// window (window with the playing field).  It starts and stops the game,
// odes pausing, makes sure initialization is done properly, moves from
// level to level, and tracks the score along with various bonuses.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

// These next #defines are for arguments to the -askAbortGame: method
// Here are some reasons why (or ways that) you might abort a game:
#define GK_ABORT	0	// user initiated abort (start new game or abort)
#define GK_EXIT		1	// exiting the program

// Following are subtypes for the compound field of the even data in app-
// defined events.  You can use your own subtypes as well...just start them
#define GK_EVENT_BASE 1		// start of the GK defined events

#define GK_NONE 0					// NULL GK app-defined event

			// if you define your own events, they should be declared as
			// (GK_USERBASE + xxx) where xxx is your event number
			// (which should be in the range from 0 to 65534-GK_USER_BASE);
			// that way, if new events are added to the GameKit, you won't
			// get any weird behaviors!

@interface GameBrain:Object
    id  scorePlayer;		// plays music
    id  soundPlayer;		// plays sound files
	id  scoreKeeper;		// keeps score for the game
	id  oneUpView;			// keeps track of "extra men"
	id	strings;			// localized strings in .nib
    id	alert;				// tells user to wait during load
    id	levelText;			// textField on status window
    id	gameScreen;			// gameView instance	
    id	gameTimer;			// gameView instance	
    id  pauseMenuCell;		// menuCell that pauses/unpauses game
    id  gameWindow;			// window holding gameView
    id  gameInfo;			// window holding gameView
    id	highScoreController;	// object to handle High Scores
    id  preferencesBrain;	// object to handle Preferences Panel
	id  infoController;		// object to put out info/help panels
	id  loadingPanel;		// to tell the user we're awake
	id  loadingText;		// used to say what we're loading...
	id  currentSlot;		// high score slot for the game in progress
    BOOL paused;			// game is paused flag
	BOOL ranOnce;			// did the player at least play one game?
	BOOL initDone;			// is the game done with init sequence&alerts?
	BOOL printLevel;		// which title should be put in window on print?
	BOOL playerCheated;		// has the player cheated during this game?
	BOOL aborting;			// is the player aborting a game in progress?
    // instance variables to hold preferences and game status:
    int level, speed, tableNum;

// access to vital "global" game objects
- scoreKeeper;			// main score keeper object
- highScoreController;	// high score controller object
- currentHighScoreSlot;	// returns the high score slot for the game in progress
- scorePlayer;			// plays music
- soundPlayer;			// plays sound files
- mainStrings;			// localized strings in .nib
- gameScreen;			// gameView instance	
- gameWindow;			// window holding gameView
- gameInfo;				// returns the app's gameInfo object
- oneUpView;			// returns the oneUpView object (PlayerUpView instance)
- preferencesBrain;		// object to handle Preferences Panel
- infoController;		// object to put out info/help panels

// misc methods
- init;					// designated initializer
- (int)tableNum;		// the number of the high score table the current
						// game is eligible to be in
- (int)level;			// returns current play level
- (int)speed;			// returns speed
- gameOver;				// end the game & wrap it up, disp. "game over" 
- (int)pause;			// pause the game - internal method
- (int)paused;			// are we paused?
- (BOOL)playerCheated;	// did the player cheat this game?
- (BOOL)aborting;		// is the player aborting a game in progress?
- unpause;				// unpause the game - internal method
- printGame:sender;		// print game screen w/score, level, etc.
- buildNewSlot;			// builds & returns a new high score slot
- makeGameInfo;			// you can override to make a custom gameinfo

	// Interface Builder (IB) methods:
- pauseGame:sender;		// to be sent by menu item
- startNewGame:sender;	// called by New Game menu item and on startup
- unpauseGame:sender;	// same as pauseGame:
- gameOver:sender;		// sent by gameScreen when game is over.
- nextLevel:sender;		// advance game to next level - (for user cheat mode)
- nextLevel;			// advance game to next level - internal
- buildAlert;
- startUp;				// deal with the GK_STARTUP app-defined event
- (BOOL)askAbortGame:(int)why;	// abort:  check if user really wants to
- abortGame:sender;		// above, but terminates the game if YES.
- layerWindows;			// make sure the right windows are on top (stats, etc.)
- appWillInit:sender;			// puts up loading alert.
- appDidInit:sender;			// starts up the game on launch
- appDidBecomeActive:sender;	// reactivates the game
- appDidHide:sender;			// deactivates the game
- appDidResignActive:sender;	// reactivates the game
- appDidUnhide:sender;			// deactivates the game
- appWillTerminate:sender;		// saves high scores and preferences
- quit:sender;					// to catch the "quit" menu item
- applicationDefined:(NXEvent *)theEvent;	// initial startup readme panels
- windowDidResginMain:sender;		// do pause if window loses main status
- windowDidResignKey:sender;		// do pause if window loses key status
- windowDidBecomeKey:sender;		// do unpause if window gains key status 
- windowDidDeminiaturize:sender;	// clean off crap left by the new 


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.