
This is GameActor.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

// Abstract Class from which sprites may be derived.
// This basically provides basic variables to hold location and
// the necessary methods to access the location instance variables.
// For basic funtionality, -move: and -renderAt::move: need to be overridden
// -move: should set up px and py to  tell the object which way to move
// and renderAt::move: should be able to draw a representation of the
// GameActor.  Note that actual movement happens when -moveOneFrame is
// called; -renderAt::move: will call -moveOneFrame if move:YES is chosen.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface GameActor:Object
	id  gameView;		// the parent gameView
	int myX, myY;		// where we're at
	int lastx, lasty;	// where we were last drawn
	int px, py;			// which way we're going (x-y velocities)
	int padding1;
	int scale;			// big or original size characters?
	int padding2, padding3;

- init;				// initialize the new instance vars
- (int)xpos;		// return our x-coord
- (int)ypos;		// return our y-coord
- move:sender;		// Move the actor one animation frame
- lastAt:(float *)xx :(float *)yy;	// to find out where actor was last drawn
- at:(float *)xx :(float *)yy;		// where is the actor now?
- moveOneFrame;		// makes the animation advance one step.  Call -move:
					// first to set up params.
- renderAt:(int)posx :(int)posy move:(BOOL)moveOk;	// draw pac
		// you should lock focus on view that gets the Pac first.
- (int)scale;
- setScale:(int)newScale;


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