
This is PacManView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

// This object is the guts of the whole game.  It is like a central clearing
// house... it renders all the peices within itself.  Rather than having lots
// of independent views that do theire rendering all throughout the game, this
// view ties together a lot of player/ghost objects and has them render
// themselves inside of itself.  This makes the drawing a bit more efficient
// and allows allows easy programmatic control of which order things get drawn
// in.  Since the images all use transparency, etc., this order is very
// important.  The two main methods in here are the autoUpdate: method, which
// is a giant state machine that handles the logic of the game, and the
// updateSelf:: method that updates the screen from one animation frame to the
// next.  drawSelf:: is  a less complex version of updateSelf:: because it
// always renders the whole view, not just the things which have changed since
// the last update.  By having two different methods, drawing is sped up at
// the sacrifice of code clarity.  (Having two different rendering methods
// gives better speed, but code complexity is nasty and the difficulty of
// keeping both methods in sync so that they give identical results make for
// a lot of work.)  I haven't yet found a good way to simplify the rendering
// engine without slowing it down...if you have any suggestions, I would like
// to hear them of course, but I've already tried quite a few things.

#import <gamekit/gamekit.h>

// states -- tells autoUpdate what to do
#define BLINK_LEVEL 10	// when out of dots we do this
#define READY 11		// READY on screen (starting a new level)
#define DIEREADY 12		// READY on screen (after a die)
#define DYING_PAC 13	// the Pac melts during this phase
#define GAME_OVER GAMEOVER	// I forget which one to use, so define both

// Sizes of arrays used to determine which maze to use for a level
// and the point value for a fruit on a particular level
#define NUMSCREENS 24
#define WAITFORDEMO 600	// Wait x cycles before gameover to start demo

// values for "fruitOn" (besides YES and NO; these two are transitory states)
#define DRAW	2		// do we put fruit on the screen?
#define ERASE	3		// do we erase fruit from the screen?

// offset for drawing ghost/fruit point values.
#define TEXTOFFSET (-10)
#define WIPETEXT (-1)	// flag to undraw text scores

// when fruit gets erased
#define ERASEFRUIT	(200 + (([controller level] <= 10) ? 10 * (10 - \
	[controller level]) : 0) + timeToFruit)

// macro for zapping rectangle at specific coords
#define ZAPRECT(r, x, y) NX_X(&(r)) = (x); NX_Y(&(r)) = (y); \
	[dirtPile addRegion:&(r)]
#define CLRRECT(r)  [dirtPile addRegion:&(r)]; \
	[staticBuffer composite:NX_COPY fromRect:&(r) toPoint:&((r).origin)]

@interface PacManView:GameView

	// various actors that get rendered in our view.
    id  backGround2;
    id  maze;
    id  fruit[3];
    id  player;
    id  ghost[4];
	id  gameOver[3];
    int begin;				// used as a counter for state transitions
	BOOL erasePwr, eraseReady;	// erase power dot, ready text?
	int fruitCount;			// counter to decide when to do fruit stuff
	int timeToFruit;		// when to put next fruit up
	int fruitOn;			// if fruit is out there...YES, NO, DRAW, or ERASE.
	int numFruits;			// how many fruits put up in current level
	int fruitPointCount, ftx, fty, fruitPoints, ftx2, fty2;
	int ghostPointCount[4], gtx[4], gty[4], ghostPoints[4], gtx2[4], gty2[4];
	NXPoint mazePos, myorigin;
    NXRect eraseRect, textEraseRect, readyRect;
	NXSize gameOverSize[3];
	int  scale;
	BOOL cheatMode; // in cheat mode?
	GKTrackerId	ghostId, fruitId;	// bonus trackers

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frm;	// initialize instance
- loadPix;					// gameBrain calls this from appDidInit
- ghost:(int)i;				// return ghost #i
- autoUpdate:sender;		// sent by timer

- updateSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;  //used by internals for speed
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;  // standard rendering method
- keyDown:(NXEvent *)myevent;		// handle keyDown events.
- setUpScreen;	// sets up screen from level start, calls -startScreen below.
- startScreen;	// sets up screen without refilling all eaten dots.
- restartGame;	// start game over.
- restartGameForDemo:(BOOL)doingDemo;	// use to keep start game sound quiet
			// in demo mode if that's what the user wants.

- blinkPowerDot;		// update static buffer where power dots are.
- setBackgroundFile:(const char *)fileName andRemember:(BOOL)remember;
- buildColorBackground;
- rebuildStaticBuffer;
- rebuildStaticAt:(NXRect *)rect;

- (int)scale;
- setScale:(int)newScale;

- setGhostTracker:(GKTrackerId)tracker;
- setFruitTracker:(GKTrackerId)tracker;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.