
This is PacManInfoController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <soundkit/Sound.h>
#import "PacManInfoController.h"

@implementation PacManInfoController

// Pressing the invisible button in the info panel starts the PacMan music.
// When this happens, the game's sounds are temporarily turned off.
// We then turn them back on when the sound finishes playing.  If a new
// game is started while we're playing, then we abort the sound so that
// the game's effects can come back.
- playSound:sender
{ // load sound if first time playing...
	if (!sound) sound = [[[Sound alloc]
			initFromSection:"InfoMusic.snd"] setDelegate:self];
	[[[NXApp delegate] soundPlayer] turnOn:NO]; // temp. turn off sound player
	[sound play];
    return self;

- stopSound:sender
{ // will stop the sound (if playing) 
	[sound stop];
	// be sure to turn sound player back on
	[[[NXApp delegate] soundPlayer]
			turnOn:[[[NXApp delegate] preferencesBrain] effects]];
    return self;

- didPlay:sender
{ // turn sound player back on
	[[[NXApp delegate] soundPlayer]
			turnOn:[[[NXApp delegate] preferencesBrain] effects]];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.