
This is GameActor.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright 1992 by Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.

This is still fairly accurate.  Basically, GameActors are sprites, and that's what you need to know.  Much more to come later¼





A GameActor is an abstract class designed to handle a moving object for an animation program.  A particular subclass would then have certain methods overridden so as to allow it to move about and render itself in it's own unique way.  However, since all subclasses inherit the basic movement and rendering methods, it doesn't matter to which type of GameActor you send a message...to the caller, they all appear to just be actors.

The framework provided requires the subclass to implement the -move: and -renderAt::move: methods in order to create a GameActor that actually does something.  The -move: method sets up instance variables px and py so that the GameActor knows which way to move for the next frame.  The -renderAt::move: method renders the GameActor inside some subclass of View.  You must -lockFocus on the View subclass before attempting to render the GameActor.

To use the GameActor subclass, you instantiate it and then send it messages when you want it to move or render itself.  Typically, you will call -move: to set up movement for all the GameActors and then call -renderAt::move: to draw them all inside of the main game screen.  Note that -move: doesn't actually cause the GameActor's coordinates to change±it only decides how they will change.  This way, all GameActors that decide how to move based upon locations of other GameActors won't cause wierd bugs due to some GameActors moving before other GameActors.  To make the GameActor actually move, you must call -moveOneFrame.  (Note that -renderAt::move: will do this if you specify a value of YES for moveOk.)

At times the controller or another GameActor will need to know where the GameActor is located or was last drawn.  These coordinates are available via the -xpos, -ypos, -lastAt::, and -at:: methods.


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Declared in GameActor	int	myX, myY;
	int	lastx, lasty;
	int	px, py;
	id	gameView;

myX, myY 	Current location of the GameActor.

lastx, lasty 	Where the GameActor was last rendered.

px, py 	Deltas specifying how the GameActor will move in the next frame.

gameView 	A GameView subclass.  Not actually used by this abstract object, but it is provided because subclasses will often need a connection to a parent GameView subclass for some reason or another.


Initialization	- init 
	- gameView
	- setGameView:

Moving and Animation	- move:
- moveOneFrame

Displaying	- renderAt::move:

Current Location	- at::
	- lastAt::
- xpos 
- ypos 


- at:(float *)xx :(float *)yy

Returns by reference the current location of the GameActor.  Returns self.

See also:  ± lastAt::, ±xpos, and ±ypos

- init

Designated initializer for the GameActor.  Clear all the coordinates and deltas.  Returns self.

See also:  ± setGameView:and ±gameView

- gameView

Returns the current value of the instance variable gameView.

See also:  ± setGameView:

- lastAt:(float *)xx :(float *)yy

Returns by reference the last location where the GameActor was rendered.  Returns self.

See also:  ± at::, ±xpos, and ±ypos

- move:sender

Sets the deltas (px, py) which tell the GameActor where to move for the next frame of animation.  Subclasses of GameActor are expected to implement this method; in the generic GameActor, it does nothing.  Returns self.

See also:  ± moveOneFrame, and ±renderAt::move:

- moveOneFrame

Actually causes the GameActor to change coordinates.  Usually called by ±renderAt::move:.  If overridden, the subclass must call the super method at some point.  Returns self.

See also:  ± moveOneFrame, and ±renderAt::move:

- renderAt:(int)posx :(int)posy move:(BOOL)moveOk

Renders the GameActor.  This method assume that you have first locked focus on some View or subclass of View.  Subclasses of GameActor are expected to implement this method.  (A subclass should call the super method first, before implementing subclass-specific code.)

The coordinates posx and posy are offsets into the View subclass which currently is focused; this allows the actual game screen to have borders, etc.; the GameActor assumes that the coordinates (0,0) are the lower left corner of the view; setting posx and posy non±zero allows you to change this.

The moveOk flag tells the GameActor whether or not it needs to move itself before rendering.  See the description above for why movement is delayed until rendering.  Note that if moveOk is set to NO, then you can re-render a game screen without moving the GameActor.

Returns self.

See also:  ± move: and ±moveOneFrame

- setGameView:newGameView

Sets the instance variable gameView to newGameView.  Returns self.

See also:  ± gameView

- (int)xpos

Returns the current x-coordinate of the GameActor.

See also:  ± at::, ±lastAt::, and ±ypos

- (int)ypos

Returns the current y-coordinate of the GameActor.

See also:  ± at::, ±lastAt::, and ±xpos

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