
This is encryptHSpassword.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// encryptHSpassword.c -- use this to encrypt a password to put into a
//		GameInfo object.  Just replace the #define to the desired
//		password, recompile, and run.  Someday I'll put a real interface
//		on this; at least it works.

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <daymisckit/DAYString.h>


void main()
	id aString = [[DAYString alloc] initString:GK_HS_PASSWORD];
	id encr = [aString encrypt:[[DAYString alloc] initString:"GK"]]; // "GK" is the salt
	printf("Encrypted string is:  \"%s\"\n", [encr stringValue]);

// compile with:
//  cc -ObjC encryptHSpassword.c -ldaymisckit -lNeXT_s -o encryptHSpassword

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