
This is load_eni.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

#define ENI	"/usr/local/lib/eni"
#define HOSTS	"/usr/local/etc/enihosts"
#define KL_UTIL "/usr/etc/kl_util"

extern int execl(char *name, ...) ;
extern int exit(int status) ;
extern int gethostname(char *name, int namelen) ;
extern int setuid(uid_t u) ;
extern uid_t geteuid(void) ;
extern void nuke() ;

int main(void)
    char h[HLEN] ;
    char host[HLEN] ;
    FILE *fp ;
    int full_name ;
    int okay = 0 ;

    if(setuid(geteuid()) == -1)
        fprintf(stderr, "load_eni: can't change real and effective uids.\n") ;
        exit(1) ;
    if(gethostname(host, sizeof host) == -1)
	fprintf(stderr, "load_eni: can't get hostname (gethostname failed).\n") ;
	exit(2) ;
    full_name = index(host, '.') == (char *)0 ? 0 : 1 ;
    if((fp = fopen(HOSTS, "r")) == (FILE *)0)
	fprintf(stderr, "load_eni: can't open %s.\n", HOSTS) ;
	exit(3) ;
    while(fgets(h, sizeof h, fp) != (char *)0)
	nuke(h, '\n') ;
	if( ! full_name)
	    nuke(h, '.') ;
	if(strcasecmp(h, host) == 0)
	    okay = 1 ;
	    break ;
    if( ! okay)
	    fprintf(stderr, "load_eni: %s can't run eni.\n", host) ;
	    fclose(fp) ;
	    exit(0) ;
	    fprintf(stderr, "load_eni: error reading from %s.\n", HOSTS) ;
	    fclose(fp) ;
	    exit(4) ;
    fclose(fp) ;
    execl(KL_UTIL, KL_UTIL, "-a", ENI, (char *)0) ;
    perror("load_eni: exec") ;
    exit(5) ;
    return 0 ; /* a little kludge to shut up -Wall */

void nuke(s, c)
    char *s ;
    char c ;
    char *p ;

    if((p = index(s, c)) != (char *)0)
	*p = '\0' ;

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