
This is enitest.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]


    Sample program which consists of two threads: the original thread, to
    transmit packets, and a new thread to receive any in-coming packets.

                                              - Bill Heelan

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <servers/netname.h>
#include <sys/message.h>
#include <net/etherdefs.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <cthreads.h>
#include "eniutils.h"
#include "libeni.h"

#define DFLT_DST    "overbeek"
#define ETHER_FILE  "etherfile"
#define FRAME_TYPE  71

extern u_short htons(u_short s) ;
extern u_short ntohs(u_short s) ;
extern void rcv_packets(any_t ignore) ;
extern void send_packets(void) ;

char *prog ;

int main(int ac, char *av[])
    cthread_t rthread ;

    prog = tail(av[0]) ;
    if(eni_init() == -1)
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: eni_init() failed.\n", prog) ;
	exit(1) ;
    } ;

    rthread = cthread_fork((any_t (*)())rcv_packets, (any_t)0) ;
    cthread_detach(rthread) ;

    send_packets() ;

    thread_suspend((thread_t)rthread) ;
    cthread_abort(rthread) ;

    exit(0) ;

    Construct and transmit a packet based on information received from
    standard input.  A newline, in response to a prompt, selects the
    default value for that item of information.

void send_packets(void)
    char dflt_data[32] ;
    char dst_host[64] = DFLT_DST ;
    char in[256] ;
    int done = 0 ;
    int pcount = 0 ;
    int r ;
    int type = FRAME_TYPE ;
    unsigned char data[ENI_MTU] ;
    unsigned char edst[6] ;

    while( ! done)
	printf("Enter destination host [%s]: ", dst_host) ;
	if(fgets(in, sizeof in, stdin) == (char *)0)
	    done = 1 ;
	    if(*in != '\n')
		nuke_newline(in) ;
		if( ! get_ether_addr(in, edst, ETHER_FILE))
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't find address for %s.\n", prog,
			     in) ;
		    continue ;

		strcpy(dst_host, in) ;
	    printf("Enter packet type [%d]: ", type) ;
	    if(fgets((char *)in, sizeof in, stdin) == (char *)0)
		done = 1 ;
		if(*in != '\n')
		    if(sscanf(in, "%d", &type) != 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad number -- using %d.\n", prog,
				type) ;

		sprintf(dflt_data, "Packet #%d", pcount) ;
		printf("Enter data [%s]: ", dflt_data) ;
		if(fgets((char *)data, sizeof data, stdin) == (char *)0)
		    done = 1 ;
		    u_short t ;

		    t = (u_short)htons(type) ;

		        Assume the data is a nul terminated string and copy the
		        nul terminator.
		    if(*data == '\n')
			bcopy(dflt_data, (char *)data, strlen(dflt_data) + 1) ;
		    r = eni_send_packet(edst, t, (void *)data, strlen((char *)data) + 1) ;
		    pcount++ ;
		    if(r != 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: eni_send_packet() returns %d.\n", prog, r) ;

    Loop, receiving packets and printing their contents, until eni_get_packet
    returns an error, or we are killed from the initial thread (see the 'main'

void rcv_packets(any_t ignore)
    char dstr[ADDR_STR_LEN] ;
    int len ;
    int r ;
    unsigned char pack[ENI_PACKET_SIZE] ;

    while((r = eni_get_packet(pack, &len)) != -1)
	unsigned short type ;

	bcopy((char *)(pack + TYPE_OFFSET), (char *)&type, sizeof type) ;
	type = ntohs(type) ;

	    Assume (hope :-) the data is a nul terminated string.
	printf("%s: from %s: type = %d, data length = %d\n\tdata is [%s]\n",
	       prog, addr_to_hex(pack + SADDR_OFFSET, dstr), (int)type, len,
	       pack + DATA_OFFSET) ;

    fprintf(stderr, "%s: eni_get_packet() returned %d.\n",
	    prog, r) ;

    cthread_exit((any_t)0) ;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.