
This is SurfImageDecoder.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

** Copyright (c) 1995 Netsurfer Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
** Author: <bbum@friday.com>

/*  This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
**  and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
**  "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
**  for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

@class HashTable, List;

typedef enum {
	SEV_Unknown = -1, 	// unknown severity
	SEV_Notice, 		// warning or notification message
	SEV_Failure,		// message documents failure in decoder
	SEV_Fatal			// decoder seriously broken
} SurfErrorSeverity;

@protocol SurfErrorDelegate
- (void) decoder: aDecoder
	 spewMessage:(const char *) errMsg
	withSeverity:(SurfErrorSeverity) aSeverity;

@interface SurfImageDecoder : Object <SurfErrorDelegate>
	HashTable 		*decoderClassByType; /*"decoder classes hashed by type"*/
	HashTable 		*decoderByType; /*"decoders hashed by type"*/
	List			*decoderList; 	/*"list of all decoders"*/
	NXWindowDepth	imageDepth; 	/*"target decoding depth"*/

	const char * 	*_unfilteredFileTypes;		/*" INTERNAL "*/
	HashTable		*_decoderReferences;		/*" INTERNAL "*/

	struct __SIDFlags {							/*" INTERNAL "*/
		unsigned char	verboseMode:1;			/*" INTERNAL "*/
		unsigned char	spewStderr:1;			/*" INTERNAL "*/
	} _SIDFlags;								/*" INTERNAL "*/

	id 						_lastDecoder;		/*" INTERNAL "*/
	id <SurfErrorDelegate> 	errorDelegate;		/*"Error Delegate"*/

 * Existance Methods
+ sharedInstance;
- init;
- free;

 * Image Type Management
- (const char *const *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes;
- (BOOL)canLoadFromStream:(NXStream *)aStream;
- (void) dumpTypes;

 * Decoder Management
- decoderForType:(const char *) imageType;
- (Class) decoderClassForType:(const char *) imageType;
- decoderForStream:(NXStream *) aStream;
- (Class) decoderClassForStream:(NXStream *) aStream;
- addDecoderClass: aClass;

 * Decoding an Image
- decodeFromFile:(const char *) filePath;
- decodeFromFile:(const char *) filePath intoImage: anImage;
- decodeFromFile:(const char *)	filePath
	   intoImage: anImage
	 withDecoder: aDecoder;

- decodeFromStream:(NXStream *) aStream;
- decodeFromStream:(NXStream *) aStream intoImage:anImage;
- decodeFromStream:(NXStream *) aStream

 * Configuration
- (void) setImageDepth:(NXWindowDepth) aDepth;
- (NXWindowDepth) imageDepth;

 * State Inspection
- (BOOL) lastImageCorrupt;
- decoderList;
- decoderByType;
- decoderClassByType;
- (BOOL) verboseMode;
- (void) setVerboseMode:(BOOL) aFlag;

 *  Error Handling
- (void) setSpewToStderr:(BOOL) aFlag;
- (BOOL) spewToStderr;
- (void) setErrorDelegate:(id <SurfErrorDelegate>) aDelegate;
- errorDelegate;

 * Debugging
- (void)printForDebugger:(NXStream *)aStream;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.