
This is SurfGIFDecoder.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

** Copyright (c) 1995 Netsurfer Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
** Author: <bbum@friday.com>

/*  This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
**  and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
**  "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
**  for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

#import "SurfGIFSupport.h"
#import "SurfGIFDecoder.Internal.h"

#ifdef VERBOSE
#undef VERBOSE
#undef METHOD
#undef METHODnl

#define VERBOSE 		if(_SDFlags.verboseMode)
#define METHOD  		fprintf(stderr, "[%s %s%s] ", \
                                object_getClassName(self), \
                 		        (self == [self class]) ? "+" : "-", \
#define METHODnl  		fprintf(stderr, "[%s %s%s]\n", \
                                object_getClassName(self), \
                 		        (self == [self class]) ? "+" : "-", \
@implementation SurfGIFDecoder
 *    This class encapsulates all state necessary to decode a particular
 * GIF stream into an instance of NXImage.  The instance of NXImage may
 * contain multiple NXBitmapImageReps-- each one containing one of the
 * images decoded from the GIF stream.  This level of abstraction [a class
 * encapsulating the decoder] is necessary to fully support the features of
 * GIF in a manner compatible with NXImage and also support the move to a
 * threaded environment.
 * The GIF specification defines more than an image encapsulation schema;
 * the decoder must be able to "remember" some state between decoding
 * images.  For example, a valid GIF stream is one that contains nothing
 * but a Global Color Table -- as well, a valid GIF stream is one that
 * doesn't contain any Color Tables at all; when encountered, it
 * effectively inherits the color table used to decode the last image
 * [hence the usefulness of a stream that is nothing but a color table].

+ initialize
#ifdef DEBUG
	if(sizeof(SurfColorEntry32) != 4) {
				"SurfColorEntry32 NOT 4 bytes/32 bits is (%d bytes)\n",
	if(sizeof(SurfColorEntry16) != 2) {
				"SurfColorEntry16 NOT 2 bytes/16 bits is (%d bytes)\n",
	return self;

+ sharedInstance
 * This method is provided for convenience and should only be used in a
 * single-threaded conversion environment.  In a multiple threaded
 * environment, it is much safer to not use this method and to manage the
 * multiple iinstances using the normal alloc/init/free paradigm.
	static id sharedInstance = nil;

	if (!sharedInstance) {
		sharedInstance = [self alloc];
		[sharedInstance init];
	return sharedInstance;

+ (const char *const *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes
 * Returns a NULL terminated array of file extensions that this decoder
 * class can decode.
	static const char *const gifTypes[]	= {"gif", "GIF", NULL};
	return gifTypes;

+ (BOOL)canLoadFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
 * Returns YES if the first few bytes of stream indicate an image that an
 * instance of this decoder can likely decode successfully.
	long startingPosition = NXTell(stream);
	BOOL canRead		  = NO;
	char magic[3];

    /* read the first three characters -- these should be 'GIF' for
       a valid GIF stream.  As per the specification, we ignore the
       version number;  regardless of the version, we are supposed
       to read the encapsulated data and do our best.
	if(!NXRead(stream, magic, 3))
		goto resetAndReturn;

    /* First three characters should be 'GIF'
	if( (magic[0] == 'G') &&
		(magic[1] == 'I') &&
		(magic[2] == 'F') )
		canRead = YES;

    /* Reset stream back to the starting postiion.
	NXSeek(stream, startingPosition, NX_FROMSTART);
	NXLogError("Attempted to NXSeek() a stream that cannot be NXSeek()ed.");
	canRead = NO;
	return canRead;

- (void)printForDebugger:(NXStream *)stream
	[super printForDebugger:stream];

- init
	_SGIFDFlags.gctZeroUnused	  = YES;
	_SGIFDFlags.produceSilhouette = NO;

	[self _resetDecoder];
	decompressionState = NXZoneMalloc([self zone], sizeof(LWZState));
	return self;

- free
	return [super free];

/* set/query
- (BOOL) produceSilhouette
 * Returns YES if decoder will produce a silhouette of the image.  A
 * silhuette is transparent wherever the gif is transparent and is solid
 * white wherever the image is non-transparent.
	return _SGIFDFlags.produceSilhouette;

- (void) setProduceSilhouette:(BOOL) aFlag
 * Enables/disables silhouette mode.
 * see #{-produceSilhouette}.
	_SGIFDFlags.produceSilhouette = aFlag;

- (BOOL) gctZeroUnused
 * Returns YES if the decoder will zero all unused global color table
 * entries beyond the last entry for the current image.  Basically, this
 * ensures that if the image references an entry in the color table beyond
 * the color table size (since the global color table is large enough to
 * hold the maximum sized color table, overrunning the current global color
 * table size CANOT cause a memory exception), the resulting pixel will be
 * black.
	return _SGIFDFlags.gctZeroUnused;

- (void) setGctZeroUnused:(BOOL) aFlag
 * Enables/disables zeroing of unused global color table entries.
 * see #{-gctZeroUnused}.
	_SGIFDFlags.gctZeroUnused = aFlag;

- (void) setShowColorTable:(BOOL) aFlag
 * If enabled, each color table will be printed in ASCII form to stderr.
	_SGIFDFlags.showColorTable = aFlag;

- (BOOL) showColorTable
 * Returns YES if each decoded color table is printed to stderr.
	return _SGIFDFlags.showColorTable;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.