
[View CONTENTS.rtf] 
[View README.rtf] 


LGDCommunicationKit, Release 1.0 (prerelease)

Copyright (c) 1993, Looking Glass Design, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Project Manager:        Paul Girone
Original Author:        Mike Gobbi
Creation Date:  June 30, 1993

$Revision: 1.2 $

The LGDCommunicationKit
from Looking Glass Design, Inc.

Congratulations on your new acquisition!

At Looking Glass Design, we are committed to providing complete solutions to your programming needs.  To that end, we have chosen NeXT itself as our role-model, and present release packages that can be integrated into your development environment so smoothly you can forget they came from a third-party developer.  Objects have been compiled into libraries, ready to be linked into your applications; if they are intended for use with GUI programs, a palette is provided to simplify interface construction.  Class and kit documentation provided is in the format used by NeXT.   We believe that this use of a familiar layout will enable you to easily find your way around the documentation.  We hope that our contribution enriches your development environment.


For an overview of the kit, see Documentation/IntroLGDCommunicationKit.rtf.  For a list of the kit's contents, see CONTENTS.rtf.


To install the kit as it is shipped, simply enter
    % make
at the command line prompt.  For more information, or for instructions about how to change the directories where the files will be installed, see INSTALLATION.rtf.


We hope that this kit meets your needs and provides you with bug-free performance.  If you should encounter any bugs or inconsistencies, please send them to
and include ªLGDCommunicationKitº in the subject line.  If you have any comments or suggestions (either modifications to the classes in the kit, or else new classes you would like to see added), send them to
and again include ªLGDCommunicationKitº in the subject line.

Known Bugs

permission error on close
If the process uid is not the same as the device file owner then a permission error is generated when the device is closed.

unable to reopen and use device
Depending on system configuration, a process which does not own the device file may not be able to read from the device if it is closed and reopened.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.