
This is AUTHORS.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright (c) 1993 Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.  Version 0.2.1.

MiscKit Authors
This file details the authors of the MiscKit.  Changes to a portion of the MiscKit should be forwarded to the appropriate author/manager, as listed.  (To the manager, if one exists, otherwise to the author.)  For history's sake, those who have contributed code are also listed.  The information is presented below as follows:

Resource:	(object, palette, documentation, app, whatever this includes)
	a:  original author, e-mail address
	o:  owner (copyright holder), e-mail address
	m:  manager (send changes, bug reports, and suggestions here), e-mail address
	c:  contributors (one per line, if any), e-mail address

In cases where the a, o, or m fields are the same person, you will see a line like this:

	a, o, m:  person, e-mail
Multiple maintainers are also possible, like this, though this is discouraged:

	m:  person, e-mail (object)
	m:  person, e-mail (palette)
	m:  person, e-mail (documentation)

If you have general comments about the MiscKit, or would like to recommend a resource (object, app, utility, whatever) to add to the MiscKit, contact the MiscKit mailing list at misckit@byu.edu.  To get on or off the list, contact the list maintainer at misckit-request@byu.edu.  For special concerns, contact the MiscKit administrator (moderator), Don Yacktman, at Don_Yacktman@byu.edu.

MiscKit top level:  organization, README and other random explanatory documentation, makefiles
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

CoolButtons:  IB palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

ExtendedApp:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com

MiscClockView:  object, IB Palette, PB subproj, documentation
	a, o, m:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscFindPanel:  object, documentation, example app, bundle, categories
	a, o, m:  Christopher J. Kane, kane@gac.edu or kane@sonata.cc.purdue.edu
MiscLockFile:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscLogFile:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscProgress:  objects, IB palette, PB subproj
	a, o, m:  James Heiser, jheiser@adobe.com
	a, c:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

MiscStopWatch:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscString:  object, documentation, IB palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@csnext.colgate.edu
	c:  David Lehn, dlehn@ARPA.MIL

MiscTime:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
TriStateButton:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

In Temp folder, works in progress

 Many of these objects need to have names changed and details worked out before they can be integrated with the rest of the kit.  As this is done, they will migrate to the standard locations.  They are here so that you can see where things are headed, and in an emergency, make use of the items here now, even though they aren't fully integrated and are subject to change in interface, etc.
 PriorityQueue:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Mark Onyschuk, mark@plexus.guild.org

DataStructures:  objects
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	Note:  Stack and Queue are simple variations on a List; PriorityQueue is different from Mark's queue, and has different feature that some might find useful.  The main thing is that my queue expects the object to return it's priority, whereas Mark's expects you to assign a priority at insertion time.  (Mine still won't let you change an object's priority in the middle, and it would be nice to be able to delete objects from the middle.)  One advantage of this one, over Mark's, is that all the standard List methods are available.  I have not yet decided if the two should be combined, left separate, or what.  Any suggestions here from interested observers?

DAY_Stuff:  contributions
	a, o, m:  David Lehn, dlehn@arpa.mil
	Note:  These will be folded into MiscString and MiscTime (in the future) as contributions.

getdate.y:  contributions
	a, o, m:  public domain, Steven M. Bellovin (smb@research.att.com), Rich $alz (rsalz@bbn.com), and Jim Berets (jberets@bbn.com)
	Note:  This code, as it is public domain, will not fall under MiscKit license, but will be folded into the MiscTime object to allow for parsing/pretty printing, etc. in the future.  Submitted by Mark Onyschuk along with the PriorityQueue.

ImageWell:  object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	Note:  This code is currently being reworked by Robert T. Thomas (todd@avocado.cuc.ab.ca) into DragView and ImageView classes (and an IconWell to boot).

ProgressView:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	Note:  Don's mods to the NeXT IB example will become contributions to James Heiser's palette, and this palette will disappear.

TreeView:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	Note:  This needs a bunch of cleaning up.  The important thing is the Tree object¼

RotationSliderPalette:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	Note:  I plan to add some other visual representations and make it resizeable.

ObjectCategories:  category
	a, o, m:  John Karabaic, John_Karabaic@next.com
	Note:  Group and host picker methods¼

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.