
This is IN_PROGRESS.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright (c) 1993 Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.  First draft.

MiscKitÐIn Progress

This file contains a list of projects that are currently being worked upon and who is doing the work.  If there's a specific feature you'd want to see implemented in conjunction with a particular project, get in touch with the contact and make the suggestion.  The appearance of an item here doesn't not guarantee that the item will ever be finished or ever appear in the MiscKit, but increases the likelihood of this happening!  The purpose of this list is to help keep people from duplicating work that has already been, or is being, done.

·	Tree data structure class¼Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
·	Info menu controller class¼Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
·	Generic Preferences management system¼Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
·	Making a resizeable circular slider (enhancement of a previously released version)¼Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
·	Various sound meter UI objects, stereo, robot ªmouthº, etc¼sean@digaudio.byu.edu (Sean Luke)
·	Stereo sound device delegate driver (peak detection, etc.)¼sean@digaudio.byu.edu (Sean Luke)
·	What are you working on?  Let's get it listed in here.  E-mail Don_Yacktman@byu.edu to get a listing.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.