
This is AUTHORS.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright (c) 1993 Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.  First draft.

MiscKit Authors
This file details the authors of the MiscKit.  Changes to a portion of the MiscKit should be forwarded to the appropriate author/manager, as listed.  (To the manager, if one exists, otherwise to the author.)  For history's sake, those who have contributed code are also listed.  The information is presented below as follows:

Resource:	(object, palette, documentation, app, whatever this includes)
	a:  original author, e-mail address
	o:  owner (copyright holder), e-mail address
	m:  manager (send changes, bug reports, and suggestions here), e-mail address
	c:  contributors (one per line, if any), e-mail address

In cases where the a, o, or m fields are the same person, you will see a line like this:

	a, o, m:  person, e-mail
Multiple maintainers are also possible, like this, though this is discouraged:

	m:  person, e-mail (object)
	m:  person, e-mail (palette)
	m:  person, e-mail (documentation)

If you have general comments about the MiscKit, or would like to recommend a resource (object, app, utility, whatever) to add to the MiscKit, contact the MiscKit mailing list at misckit@byu.edu.  To get on or off the list, contact the list maintainer at misckit-request@byu.edu.  For special concerns, contact the MiscKit administrator (moderator), Don Yacktman, at Don_Yacktman@byu.edu.

MiscKit:  organization, README and other random explanatory documentation, makefiles
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

CoolButtons:  IB palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

ExtendedApp:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com

MiscClockView:  object, IB Palette, PB subproj, documentation
	a, o, m:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscLockFile:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscLogFile:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscStopWatch:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
MiscString:  object, documentation, IB palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@csnext.colgate.edu
	c:  David Lehn, dlehn@ARPA.MIL

MiscTime:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu
ExtendedApp:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, Don_Yacktman@byu.edu

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.