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Copyright Ó 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997  Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.  Version 1.10.0.

MiscKit History

This file tracks changes of all versions of the MiscKit after version 1.0.  The untracked pre-releases include the daymisckit releases and various independent releases of various MiscKit resources; none of the changes from the pre-release versions are noted in this file.

From version 1.2.8 and on every single bug fixed is mentioned specifically.  It is felt that this is more useful than just saying ªand many other bug fixesº.  The information about submissions is also more detailed than the initial listings, giving author info and other details which might be of interest.  The Authors.rtf file gives complete authoring information about all kit resources.

V1.10.0 Ð Changes in the current version

Earlier versions

Pre History of the MiscKit

V1.0.0	V1.0.1	V1.1.0	V1.1.1	V1.2.0	V1.2.1	V1.2.2	V1.2.3	V1.2.4	V1.2.5	V1.2.6	V1.2.7	V1.2.8	V1.3.0	V1.4.0	V1.4.1	V1.5.0	V1.6.0	V1.6.1	V1.6.2	V1.6.3	V1.7.0	V1.7.1	V1.8.0	V1.8.1	V1.9.0

V1.10.0	7/28/97	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added Levenstein distance compare method to MiscString.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to HTMLText in Temp area.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscTableScroll, LazyScrollDir, and ScrollDir.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements MiscMatrix.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements MiscSplitView.  (Dwight Everhart).
 ·	Added -setProgressForStream: method to MiscProgressView.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Added ThreadedApp example and classes to Temp area (need to finish Misc-izing).  (Chris Roehrig).
 ·	Added methods to MiscTextExtensions for printf() like functionality on Text objects.  (Erik M. Buck).
 ·	Added MiscHeadedMatrix class.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Added MiscDragScrollWindow class and exmaple.  (Dwight Everhart).
 ·	Added ClassBuilder (fix-n-go tool) to Temp area.  (John Holdsworth).
 ·	Added ColorMerge palette, MiscImageDissolver palette, and Julia example to Temp area.  (Mark Probst).
 ·	Added TCPLib object to Temp area.  (Kevin Hoogheem).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscTime (isLeapYear function is now static; you should use +isLeapYear: to access it).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscTreeBrowser (API changes, dragging branches).  (Tim Bissell).
 ·	MiscFormField (was FormField) and MiscTilingButton (was TilingButton) moved into kit proper from Temp area.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscParseTable routines; minor bug fixes and now deals with C style comments (// or /* */).  (Mike Elston).
 ·	Makefile tweaks; all examples should now build under OPENSTEP via cc3.  (Tom Hageman, Don Yacktman).

V1.9.0	12/18/96	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Fix to top level Makefile, new ªcc3º script, new go.tiff in MiscCoolButtons.  (Tom Hageman).
 ·	Fix to Makefiles of MiscTreeBrowserTest.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Removal of unnecessary EOF header inclusion in IconTester example.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Removal of unnecessary FoundationKit header inclusion in ListView palette.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Minor bug fixes to MiscStringCompat.c, MiscTime.h, MiscAppDefaults.m, Browser.Dragging.m, FindMenu palette, HTMLText, and Authors.rtf.  New icons for MiscDragViews, MiscSplitBrowser, and FormField palettes.  (Stefan Böhringer).
 ·	Minor bug fixes and/or enhancements to MiscTreeBrowser, MiscTree.  Addition of MiscBrowserZoo which obsoletes MiscTree_Brower example and MiscSplitBrowser project in Temp area.  (Daniel Böhringer).

V1.8.1	10/31/96	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added MiscTreeBrowser palette and example.  (Tim Bissell, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscPopUpButton.  (Stefan Böhringer).
 ·	Added MiscSplitBrowser palette.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Added TilingButton, DefaultController, FormField, FindMenuPalette, and HTMLText to Temp area.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Fixes to list-misc script in Examples area.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Fixes to MiscClassDecoder palette (for NSxxx).  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Fixes and enhancements to MiscTime.  (Stefan Böhringer).
 ·	Fixes and enhancements to MiscDragViews.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Fixes to cnvwrap example.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Fixes to MiscSplitView.  (Dwight Everhart).

V1.8.0	9/5/96	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added MiscSplitBrowser to Temp area.  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Added mode for case insensitive searches and created MiscTree.Search documentation and added features to MiscTree for paths, changing List class used internally, and not copying values (so ints and pointers can be used instead of ids).  (Daniel Böhringer).
 ·	Added dragging category to support drag protocol with an NXBrowser.  (Stefan Böhringer).
 ·	Update to the regexpr documentation.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	MiscTabMatrix now supports multiple rows.  (David Solis).
 ·	Added MiscClockViewEOF to Temp area.  (Michael M. Friedel).
 ·	Enhanced MiscClockView with ±changeDate:, ±increment:, and ±decrement: methods.  (Michael M. Friedel).
 ·	MiscString ±left: and ±right: now return empty strings (ªº) if requested to return strings of zero length.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Minor bug fixes throughout MiscString.  Thanks to Mat Hostetter.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fixed MiscClockView bug with meridian calculations.  Thanks to andrew_abernathy@omnigroup.com.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added List palette.  (Ralph Zazula).
 ·	Enhancement and bug fixes to MiscSplitView (can turn off autosave name uniquing).  (Dwight Everhart).
 ·	Added new MiscTextExtensions:  ±textAsCopy, ±textAsString, ±selectedTextAsCopy, ±lengthOfLineForSel:, ±selectWordUnderCaret.  (Stefan Böhringer).
 ·	Added new MiscString methods:  ±unbalancedQuotation:, ±trimLeadChars:, ±trimTrailChars:, ±expandUnprintableCharsToOctalQuotedDigits , ±collapseBackslashQuotedChars , ±setDefault:toFilename:usingTitle:.  (Stefan Böhringer, Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscMergeKit enhancements (support for loops and use of lists as variables' values).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscINETAddress, MiscINETSocket, MiscSocket.  (Wolfgang Baron, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscSubprocess (_childDidExit sending done message to delegate is safer).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscTableScroll, LazyScrollDir, and ScrollDir.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).

V1.7.1	2/14/96	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added MiscSplitView object and example app.  (Dwight D. Everhart).
 ·	Added MiscAppIconAnimator object and IconTester example app.  (Craig Laurent).
 ·	New versions of FREE.h and SELECT.h.  (Raf Schietekat).
 ·	Updated MiscTree documentation.  (Brian Glaeske).
 ·	Bug fix in MiscTree (memory leak).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscMergeKit.  (Robert Todd Thomas).
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscTableScroll, its documentation, and ScrollDir.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).
 ·	Addition of LazyScrollDir example.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).
 ·	Addition of MiscTree Search category.  (Stefan Bohringer).

V1.7.0	12/20/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added image2m utility.  (Mark Onyschuk).
 ·	Added leaveDelimiters stuff to MiscMergeEngine.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Lots of changes to the top-level kit documentation, including a new FAQ.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Enhancement to MiscFile (more control over choice of children classes).  (Alastair Thomson).
 ·	Fixes/enhancements to TreeView example app.  (Aleksey Sudakov).
 ·	Added new features to MiscDragViews.  (Stefan Bohringer).
 ·	MiscTableSource is now a subclass of MiscList.  (Rohit Khare).
 ·	Bug fixes in MiscSavePanel.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Bug fixes in MiscValueField and MiscSliderField.  (David Fedchenko).
 ·	Bug fix in MiscMatrix (drawing).  (Mark R. Onyschuk).

V1.6.3	11/30/95	Maintenance release:
 ·	Bug fix to MiscTableScroll.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).
 ·	Bug fix to Robby's Makefiles/project and other Makefiles throughout the kit, fixed AutoDoc permissions.  (Don Yacktman).

V1.6.2	11/13/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added Robby demo app and MiscAppIcon category.  (Sean Luke).
 ·	Added MiscTableScroll palette and ScrollDir example.  (Eric Sunshine, Paul S. McCarthy).
 ·	Added save to EPS/TIFF in TreeView example app.  (Aleksey Sudakov).
 ·	New version of AutoDoc (v1.8.4).  (Adam Swift).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscTabActionCell.  (Michael B. Johnson).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscCoolButtons palette, new MiscTime -calcDayOfWeek in use.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscDirectory object.  (Georg Tuparev).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscShell object.  (Steve Hayman).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscMailApp object and MiscClassVariable API, fixed some file permissions that were incorrect.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fixed errors in some parts of kit documentation.  (Eric Sunshine, Don Yacktman).

V1.6.1	7/27/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to MiscMatrix.  (Georg Tuparev, others).
 ·	New version of AutoDoc (v1.8.1).  (Adam Swift, others).
 ·	New version of cnvwrap.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Minor bug in MiscCircularSlider -read: fixed.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Added format_comment Perl script.  (Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	Added MiscCompletionText to Temp area.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added MiscGISKit.  (Dale Amon, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscClipTextPalette, moved it out of Temp area.  (Balazs Pataki, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Cleaned up MiscSubProcess a little.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added -hasPrefix to MiscString compat methods.  (Scott Anguish).
 ·	Updates to some of the documentation.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscINETAddress (returns nil if self is freed) and MiscSerialPort (added -free method).  (Carl Lindberg, Mike Hovan).
 ·	Update to regexpr documentation.  (Carl Lindberg)
 ·	Tweaked various includes and Makefiles.  (Don Yacktman).

V1.6.0	7/12/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Tried to remove calls littered about the kit that referred to MiscString compatability methods.  (Don Yacktman, Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Added MiscMergeKit object kit.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added list-misc Perl script that was posted to the MiscKit mailing list.  (Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	Fixed memory leak in MiscClockView and added capability to be ªhiddenº.  (Constantin Szallies, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added misckit/miscinterface.h header.  Use it to grab all the headers that refer to palletized objects in libs.  (John Milton, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscTableSource object and MiscListSorting category.  (Vince Demarco)
 ·	Added MiscPaperView/MiscColorView palette.  (Thomas Engel)
 ·	Added preliminary regexpr documentation and left/right buttons to MiscCoolButtons palette.  (Carl Lindberg)
 ·	Fix to leap year calculation in MiscDateView.  (Rod Ragner).
 ·	Added MiscRecordParser object.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscClipTextPalette palette to the Temp area.  (Balazs Pataki).
 ·	Bug fix and enhancement to cnvwrap--thanks to Todd Nathan for spotting the bug.  (Don Yacktman, Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Enhanced MiscString home directory/tilde handling.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Enhanced MiscSubprocess handling of synchronous subprocessesÐnow reads stderr as well as stdout.  (Nicolas Droux,  Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Fixed bug in autodoc which printed ªClass Descriptionº on category descriptions.  (Todd Nathan).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscSortedStorage sort routines.  (Michael Giddings).
 ·	Bug fix to MiscString crashing when trimming spaces from strings that are nothing but spaces.  (Noted by T. S. Engel, fixed by Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscString(UNIX) category is now MiscString(Unix) to avoid namespace conflicts (especially with macros).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fixed writing of octal 8-bit chars in MiscParseTable.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added -loadFromFile: method to MiscString.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscTime copy allocates a copy of [self class] now.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Enhancements to MiscCircularSlider (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Created separate MiscString library.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes (-freeObjects works now, inserting lists shouldn't reverse order) and enhancements (can add/insert contents of List objects now) to MiscLinkedList.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscString -plainTextForRTF no longer leaks Text objects.  (Don Yacktman, thanks to Eric Sunshine for noticing problem.)

V1.5.0	4/17/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Shared instance stuff added to MiscSavePanel.  (Peter Langston).
 ·	Added BPM.app example of MiscStopwatch.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added AutoDoc Perl script.  (Adam Swift).
 ·	Added MiscSearcher object.  (Hugh Ashton).
 ·	Added MiscGauge palette.  (Robert Todd Thomas).
 ·	Added NetImageFilter example filter service to Temp area.  (Marco Scheurer, Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	Added UniqueInstance class to Temp area.  (Michael T. H. Scott).
 ·	Added -dispatchToDelegate:message:[with:] methods to the MiscRuntimeExtensions.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscSortedList.  (Constantin Szallies).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscTime and its documentation.  (Kurt Werle, Carl Lindberg, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscSwapView.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Bug fixes to MiscThreeStateButton.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	New MiscSoundPalette, adds MiscSoundView.  (Sean Luke).
 ·	New buttons on MiscCoolButtons palette.  (Sean Luke, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Bug fix to qlipo program (now v1.3).  (Darcy Brockbank).
 ·	Some bug fixes to MiscMatrix.  (Scott Violet, Carl Lindberg, Georg Tuparev, Mike Ferris).
 ·	Fixed the MiscTabMatrixPalette's palette.table.  Complaints in the console about missing images should go away.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscMailApp bug fix (noticing if the mail app was quitted and restarting it or invalidating the object if necessary).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fixed the copyright messages throughout the kit.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added -knowsDefaultValue: and -didAutolaunch to MiscAppExtensions.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	MiscString fixes, added -system, and -writeToStream:.  (Don Yacktman, Thomas Engel, Carl Lindberg).

V1.4.1	2/9/95	Maintenance release:
 ·	Minor fixes to Makefiles and project structures.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Upgraded MiscTab palette from v1.3 to v1.5.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscAbstraction class.  (Michael T. H. Scott).

V1.4.0	2/3/95	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added ±miscStringSortCaseSensitive: method to List class extensions, MiscTaggedImage class, MiscTabMatrixPalette (with permission), MiscKeys macros.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscClockViewExtensions category to temp area.  (Jesse Tayler).
 ·	Folded MOKit classes into the MiscKit:  MODocType (MiscDocType), MODocController (MiscDocument), MODocManager (MiscDocManager), MOString/MOPathString/MOSybaseString (MiscString).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscFile (and several categories), List(StringSearching) category (in MiscListExtensions), _MiscDirectoryStream, MiscAppFile, MiscUser, and MiscUserGroup classes and three example apps (UsersAndGroups, FileBrowser, FileSearchTest) which use these new objects.  (Robert Todd Thomas).
 ·	Added submission.make and language.make.  (Stephan Wacker).
 ·	Fixed up ªdebugº variable in Miscdaemon more cleanly (now non-global with accessor functions) and added a cooperative MiscKit debug/diagnostic facility (see debug.[hm] for details).  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Cleaned up some of the icons.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added UNIX-HatersTool example app (shows use of MiscSwapKit, MiscTabMatrix, and MiscShell).  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added Text_more category (for copy/cut/paste to arbitrary pastboards) to Temp area.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added -initWithTime_t: to MiscTime class.  (Robert T. Thomas).
 ·	Overrode -format: for MiscStopwatch to get sane behavior.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscWindowButtons category.  (John Randolph).
 ·	Added MiscSavePanel object.  (Peter Langston).
 ·	MiscClockView bug fix in archiving code.  (Stan Jirman, Robert Stabl).
 ·	New MiscSoundPalette should fix HP crashing problems.  Beware incompatible changes!  New documentation added.  (Sean Luke).
 ·	Fix to make MiscClassDecoder example build correctly without first installing the MiscKit.  (Stephan Wacker).
 ·	SwapKit is now a palette; replaces library project.  (Thomas Engel, Robert T. Thomas, Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fix to generate-makefile program and addition of qlipo (v1.2) program.  (Darcy Brockbank).
 ·	Updated MiscString to adopt the MiscCompare and MiscEndCompare protocols.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscShell fixes; moved out of Temp to MiscKit proper.  (Steve Hayman).
 ·	Fixed Makefiles on MiscClockView palette and palette.table in MiscCoolButtons  palette.  Adjusted the example .nib for MiscOrderForm.  Fixed examples so all build properly for make all.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	The ªKº and ªMº #defines are not in MiscBase anymore unless you #define MISC_NUM_CONSTANTS before the file is first imported.  They are considered too dangerous to be defining by default.  (Don Yacktman).

V1.3.0	12/15/94	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	The main library is now under ProjectBuilder control.  There is a good chance this will lock out non-NS-3.2 people, and will definitely lock out non-NS people, but perhaps this can be worked around in the future...I don't feel too bad about locking out non-NS since most of the library is heavily dependant upon NS anyway.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Yet more MiscString methods...  (Mostly searching and replacing variations).  Some of us just never quit!  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Most MiscDragViews bugs fixed.  (Robert Todd Thomas).
 ·	Added MiscAnnouncer class and MiscDependency protocol (public versions of Icon Kit classes).  (H. Scott Roy).
 ·	Added MiscClassDecoder utility/bundle.  (Stephan Wacker).
 ·	Added MiscThreadedObject object.  (Steve Quirk).
 ·	Added MiscTimedEntry object.  (James T. Romano).
 ·	Nicer line drawing on TreeView example.  (Robert Nicholson).
 ·	Update to the MiscClockView.  (Scott Anguish, Stan Jirman).
 ·	Update to the MiscCalendarView.  (Jon Kutemeier).
 ·	Added MiscDirectory object.  (Georg Tuparev).
 ·	Added getset utility for creating template objects.  (Mark Onyshuk).
 ·	Added mksubproj utility for NS 3.0 users.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Added cnvwrap utility/example app.  (Carl Lindberg).
 ·	Added MiscUniqueStringArray object and a few obvious but missing MiscStringArray methods.  (Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	List extension to sort Lists full of MiscStrings.  (Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	Added generate-makefile utility program.  (Darcy Brockbank).
 ·	Added MiscDictionary documenatation that I forgot to write for the last release.  Oops!  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscPickList to temp directory.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Added MiscFile stuff to temp directory.  (Robert Todd Thomas).
 ·	Changeable pathnames to the Help files brought up by the MiscInfoController.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Don't have to declare ªint debugº when doing an -all_load anymore, but watch out for clashes if you define ªdebugº in your programs!  I hope to do this more cleanly in a future release... (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscTime class methods added for determining leap year, days in a month, etc.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Yet more Makefile adjustments.  (Don Yacktman, Bill Bumgarner).
 ·	Fixes (with archiving) and enhancements to MiscStringArray.  (Don Yacktman, Bill Bumgarner).

V1.2.8	10/31/94	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	MiscReadOnlyColorWell can now be placed in a scrolling view.  (Michael T. H. Scott).
 ·	Added MiscDateView palette.  (Hugh Ashton).
 ·	Added MiscString_ExtendedParsing category.  (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added MiscRuntimeExtensions Object category, MiscTextExtensions Text category and added to the MiscListExtensions.  If you have any ideas for things to add here, send 'em in!  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	MiscSerialPort2 in Temp area.  Unfinished work needs comments; it may eventually replace the current MiscSerialPort object.  (Arnaud Meuret).
 ·	Update to MiscArrowButton.  (R. Todd Thomas).
 ·	More MiscMatrix fixes.  (Darrin Smart).
 ·	More MiscDragView fixes.  (Chris Walters).
 ·	Made more refinements to the Makefiles, fixed profile target, and fixed build/runtime problems with DragViewTest app.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Fixed a potential memory smash when unarchiving MiscStringArray objects.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Fixed bug in MiscParseTable routines.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Cleaned up MiscLock.  Use -hasLock instead of -haveLock from now on!  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Added MiscDistributor object to MiscTee palette and created a test app to demonstrate its use.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Removed extraneous printf from MiscDictionary object.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	MiscMailApp will now wait until it can't find the ªMailSendDemoº port before launching Mail.app.  (Don Yacktman)
 ·	Enhanced some of the documentation.  (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Fixed MiscThreeStateButton to work properly inside Matrix objects with its inspector and all.  (Don Yacktman, Trevor Pocock).
 ·	Added -(BOOL)isRTFText to MiscString plus a few bug fixes, including one in -cat:n:fromZone: and others in MiscParseTable that weren't 8bit clean.  It should work better now...  (Don Yacktman, Darcy Brockbank).
 ·	Added -plainTextForRTF to MiscString.  (Darcy Brockbank).
 ·	Fixed MiscString memory leak with DO bycopy and bug that grew buffer by a byte on unarchiving MiscStrings.  (Eric Norum, Don Yacktman).

V1.2.7	9/30/94	Maintenance and update release:
 ·	IBMole palette contributed.  (Montgomery Zukowski).
 ·	MiscDragViews palette significantly enhanced.  (Various).
 ·	Changed some method names in the MiscAppDefaults category, fix for receiptfilter to work with Mail.app 3.3, added MiscShell and QuickProject to the Temp area.  (Steve Hayman).
 ·	Enhancements and bug fixes to MiscMatrix (Darrin Smart, Steve Quirk, Scott Violet).
 ·	Enhancements to MiscCircularSlider (Laurent Daudelin).
 ·	Enhancements and bug fixes to MiscTime (Steve Hayman, Kurt Werle).
 ·	Added MiscRtMatrix object (Thomas Engel).
 ·	Added MiscBackWindow, MiscFramingView, MiscTargetActionView, MiscFileFinder, and MiscRemoteApplication objects (Dale Amon).
 ·	Added Examples/ProjectTemplates, MiscParseTable functions and MiscDictionary, MiscMailSpeaker, and MiscMailApp objects with MailTest app (Don Yacktman).
 ·	Any many other bug fixes, tweaks, and enhancements.

V1.2.6	6/18/94	Special Expo edition MiscKit maintenance and update release:
 ·	More tweaks to the MiscDragViews (Bruce McKenzie).
 ·	Added MiscTee IB palette (David Fedchenko).
 ·	Added MiscAppDefaults category for NXApp (Steve Hayman).
 ·	Cool picture in Copyright.rtfd.  Many thanks go to Steve Weintz!
 ·	New ªdebugº target added to top level Makefile.
 ·	Additions to MiscStringArray.
 ·	Bug fixes, tweaks, and enhancements all over the place (all minor).

V1.2.5	5/31/94	MiscKit maintenance and update release:
 ·	Rework of Makefiles in several spots... they are much better now.
 ·	Added pty support to MiscSubprocess (seems to work...).
 ·	Added MiscStringArray method:  ±removeString: and documentation.
 ·	Added MiscString methods:  ±replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString: withString: and variants, bug fix to ±compareTo:n:caseSensitive: and associated documentation.  (From Bruce McKenzie)
 ·	Added Sean Luke's MiscSoundPalette.
 ·	Bug fixes, tweaks, and enhancements all over the place (all minor), many to make things compile cleanly on HPPA machines.

V1.2.4	5/18/94	MiscKit patch to fix dumb mistakes and add new toys:  (released on ftp.et.byu.edu only, as a beta for 1.2.5)
 ·	Added Frame document format for generating NeXT-style docs in FrameMaker.  (Donated by J.B. Nicholson-Owens.)
 ·	Added MiscExplodingMenu class (donated by Andy Stone).  Added support for the class to MiscInfoController.
 ·	Added MiscINETAddress, MiscINETSocket, and MiscSocket classes (donated by Chris Kane).
 ·	Added MiscCalendarView class (donated by Jon Kutemeier).
 ·	Added SwapKit tutorial first draft.  Please send comments, edits, and enhancements to Thomas Engel (tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org) so that he can improve the documentation.
 ·	Added MiscString methods:  ±hasType:, ±isAllOfType:, ±gets, ±fgets:keepNewline, ±fgets:, ±streamGets:keepNewline:, ±streamGets:, and ±padToLength:withChar:.  (From Carl Lindberg)
 ·	Bug fixes and enhancements to TreeView example app, MiscSerialPort, MiscString, MiscStringArray, MiscSubprocess, many of the docs, etc.
 ·	Removed MiscFindPanel as a separate project and spread it throughout the kit, which simplifies things greatly and removes a lot of links.
 ·	Fixed the Makefiles, etc, that were broken in 1.2.3.  (What a headache!)

V1.2.3	3/30/94	MiscKit maintenance and update release:
 ·	Install doesn't lose nice(?) directory icons and documentation is indexed for DLÐthanks to Jean-Francois Groff <jfg@infodesign.ch> for the fixes!
 ·	Added objects from the MOKit:  MiscBundleLoader, MiscMatrix, MiscNibController, and MiscClassVariable.  Added the MOKit documentation templates to Examples area.
 ·	Added MiscXmodem object and MiscLogSlider and MiscCircularSlider palettes.
 ·	Added MiscTree(Browser) category and example app.
 ·	Added new foundation classes along with protocols:  MiscList, MiscStorage, MiscSortedList, MiscSortedStorage.
 ·	Interface update to the SwapKit ByObject category.
 ·	Fixed up MiscStringRegex test app and moved it from Temp, squashed memory leak in MiscStringRegex.m category.
 ·	The Miscdaemon functions for building UNIX daemons have been added.
 ·	Minor bug fixes to MiscSearchText and MiscTBMK.
 ·	Moved the MiscDragView, MiscIconWell, and MiscDragImageView objects into the kit with palette, test app, and docs.

V1.2.2	3/8/94	MiscKit maintenance and update release (specially prepared and released early for inclusion in the Big Green CD):
 ·	Added MiscInspectorKit and MiscSwapKit.
 ·	Fixed addition of MiscStringRegex.[m] in the library.
 ·	Added the following headers:  FREE.h, SELECT.h (both contain macros).
 ·	ExtendedApp is now obsolete; a category is used.  -getRealNameFor: is implemented properly now.

V1.2.1	3/4/94	MiscKit maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added the following categories:  MiscString(Regex).
 ·	Updated the MiscValueFieldPalette palette (adds Slider+field).
 ·	Removed several obsolete  methods from MiscString(PatternMatching).
 ·	Added the following examples:  receiptfilter.
 ·	Fixed some MiscString bugs (what?  still more?) and other bugs throughout.  Keep sending me reports!

V1.2.0	2/14/94	MiscKit maintenance and update release:
 ·	Added the following objects:  MiscInfoController, MiscInfo, MiscOrderForm, MiscRegistration.
 ·	Added the following palettes:  MiscValueFieldPalette.
 ·	Added sound alerts to the Makefile.  Maybe this will make people RTFM.
 ·	Added a bunch of .dir.tiff icons; we'll probably upgrade eventually.
 ·	Fixed some MiscString bugs (what?  still more?) and added more tests to the test suite.

V1.1.1	2/4/94	MiscKit non-public/internal ªbetaº release:
 ·	Added the following objects:  MiscRemoteSubprocess, MiscSubprocess, and MiscStringArray.
 ·	Added the following categories:  MiscListExtensions, and MiscObjectRecycler.
 ·	Added the following headers (macros):  MiscBase, and MiscListIterations.
 ·	Fixed some MiscString bugs (what?  still more?) and added more methods; sped up the MiscStack considerably.

V1.1.0	1/31/94	MiscKit maintenance release:
 ·	Added the following objects:  MiscReadOnlyColorWell, MiscColor, MiscHalftoneColor, MiscScreenColor, MiscSerialPort, MiscLinkedList, MiscLinkedListNode, and the new MiscString PatternMatching category.  This is why we're at version 1.1.0 and not simply version 1.0.2.
 ·	New regexpr.c solves linking problems; MiscTBMK.c can now handle stream as well as memory searches.
 ·	Added the MiscColorWells palette and TinyTerm example app.
 ·	The MiscArrowButton palette is a hair friendlier in IB.
 ·	Tweaked the Makefiles some more.
 ·	Reorganized the Documentation directory so that it is compatible with NeXT's HeaderViewer.app.

V1.0.1	1/14/94	The first general public release of the MiscKit.  This release fixes some minor bugs and tweaks other things:
 ·	Several MiscString bugs have been corrected (class, docs).  Added more tests to the test suite.
 ·	MiscArrowButtonPalette is now fully integrated into the kit.
 ·	Added section to README.rtf on compiling for 3.0 and note on the necessary -ObjC linker flag.
 ·	Source directory Makefile no longer requires ª.º to be in your path.
 ·	Top level Makefile distclean target now removes .dir3_0.wmd files.
 ·	Fixed Chris Kane's e-mail address in Authors.rtf.
 ·	Added the brief history section below.

V1.0.0	1/10/94	The first release version of the MiscKit.  Basically a final beta for all those who knew about ftp.byu.edu and/or were on the misckit mailing list.

A brief history of where the MiscKit came from,
as Don remembers it.

The MiscKit has had a very interesting origin.  The very first objects found in the MiscKit were originally objects written  by Don Yacktman for use in his personal NEXTSTEP projects.  Any object that was general purpose was thrown into the kit, so that during project development any of these objects could be called upon.  Most of the objects originally came out of necessity for implementing various parts of Don's NEXTSTEP games, class projects at school, or both.  Because these objects turned out to be so useful (at least to Don) he released them to the general public.  Some of the objects had first been released independently, such as the MiscString.  It was released with the name ªStringº.  However, shortly after the release of String, Don packaged everything together into a single library which was publicly released with the name ªdaymisckitº, using don's initials as the prefix for the objects in the kit.  Because quite a few people used the DAYMiscKit, you will find that the Headers area installs several daymisckit compatibility headers.  This allows DAYMiscKit users to upgrade to the current MiscKit without re-writing their code.
Shortly after the release of the DAYMiscKit, Don offered some help to Scott Anguish with an Interface Builder palette that he was working on.  After Don fixed a minor bug and sent the palette back to Scott, Scott asked Don if he would be willing to allow other people to make contributions to the kit.  Don decided that was a nifty idea and decided to open up the kit in such a way that anyone could contribute to the kit if they wished to do so.  Until this point, anything added to the kit was initially written by Don, although several people had contributed snippets of code to the String class.  The first submission of a complete object from someone other than Don was Scott's ClockView, which is now found in the MiscClockView.palette, the palette that Don debugged for Scott.
Don made an announcement to the comp.sys.next.announce newsgroup that he was going to allow public contributions to the kit, and set up the misckit@byu.edu mailing list for anyone who would be interested in following this software development effort.  Through the mailing list the basic charter, license, and other MiscKit policies were refined over a period of time.  It turns out that this process was excruciating for Don, which fact is only slightly insinuated by Don in the messages posted to the MiscKit.  He wrote all the drafts and updated them according to the suggestions from the list, until everyone was more or less happy with them.  It is plain that he would have preferred to have someone else do the License, but there were no willing souls.  (Everyone apparently knew better than to volunteer for the hot seat.)
When everything finally settled down, and various submissions had begun to come in, Don began the final preparations for the MiscKit's official distribution.  The 1.0.0 version was originally supposed to be released in November 1993, but Don found that getting the initial structure of the kit organized in a nice way took a lot more work than was expected.  Now, however, the MiscKit is here and ready for you to use it.  It is hoped that it was worth the blood, sweat, and tears necessary to bring it to you.
Because the MiscKit is in a constant state of development, there will probably always be some items in the Temp directory that are in the process of being brought into the MiscKit.  The history of the MiscKit is far from complete at this point!  If you wish to be kept abreast of new MiscKit releases, contact Don_Yacktman@byu.edu to be placed on a mailing list for release announcements.  If you are already on the misckit@byu.edu mailing list (primarily for MiscKit developers, but users are welcome) you will automatically get copies of these announcements.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.