
This is Authors.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright Ó 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997  Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.  Version 1.10.0.

MiscKit Authors
This file details the authors of the MiscKit.  Changes to a portion of the MiscKit should be forwarded to the appropriate author/manager, as listed.  (To the manager, if one exists, otherwise to the author.)  For history's sake, those who have contributed code are also listed.  The information is presented below as follows:

Resource:	(object, palette, documentation, app, whatever this includes)
	a:	original author, e-mail address
	o:	owner (copyright holder), e-mail address
	m:	manager (send changes, bug reports, and suggestions here), e-mail address
	c:	contributors (one per line, if any), e-mail address

In cases where the a, o, or m fields are the same person, you will see a line like this:

	a, o, m:  person, e-mail
Multiple maintainers are also possible, like this, though such arrangements are discouraged:

	m:  person, e-mail (object)
	m:  person, e-mail (palette)
	m:  person, e-mail (documentation)

If you have general comments about the MiscKit, or would like to recommend a resource (object, app, utility, whatever) to add to the MiscKit, contact the MiscKit mailing list at misckit@yacktman.com.  To get on or off the list, contact the list maintainer at misckit-request@yacktman.com.  For special concerns, contact the MiscKit administrator (moderator), Don Yacktman, at don@misckit.com.

Table of Contents

MiscKit top level	AutoDoc	BPM	Browser.Dragging	BrowserZoo	cnvwrap	ExtendedApp	FileBrowser	FileSearchTest	format_comment	FREE.h	generate-makefile	getset	IBMole	IconTester	image2m	language.make	LazyScrollDir	list-misc	ListPalette	MiscAbstraction	MiscAnnouncer	MiscAppDefaults	MiscAppExtensions	MiscAppFile	MiscAppIcon	MiscAppIconAnimator	MiscArrowButton	MiscBackWindow	MiscBase	MiscBundleLoader	MiscCalendarView	MiscCircularSlider	MiscClassDecoder	MiscClassVariable	MiscClipTextPalette	MiscClockView	MiscColor	MiscColorView	MiscColorWells	MiscCoolButtons	Miscdaemon	MiscDateView	MiscDependency	MiscDictionary	MiscDirectory	_MiscDirectoryStream	MiscDistributor	MiscDocManager	MiscDocType	MiscDocument	MiscDragScrollWindow	MiscDragViews	MiscExplodingMenu	MiscFile	MiscFileFinder	MiscFindPanel	MiscFormField	MiscFramingView	MiscGauge	MiscGISKit	MiscHalftoneColor	MiscHeadedMatrix	MiscINETAddress	MiscINETSocket	MiscInfo	MiscInfoController	MiscInspectorKit	MiscKeys	MiscLinkedList	MiscLinkedListNode	MiscList	MiscListExtensions	MiscListIteration	MiscListSorting	MiscLockFile	MiscLogFile	MiscLogSlider	MiscMailApp	MiscMailSpeaker	MiscMatrix	MiscMergeKit	MiscNeXTdocumentFormat	MiscNibController	MiscObjectRecycler	MiscOrderForm	MiscPaperView	MiscParseTable	MiscPopUpButton	MiscPriorityQueue	MiscProgressPalette	MiscProtocols	MiscQueue	MiscReadOnlyColorWell	MiscRecordParser	MiscRegistration	MiscRemoteApplication	MiscRemoteSubprocess	MiscRtMatrix	MiscRuntimeExtensions	MiscSavePanel	MiscScreenColor	MiscSearcher	MiscSelectionMatrix	MiscSerialPort	MiscShell	MiscSliderField	MiscSocket	MiscSortedList	MiscSortedStorage	MiscSoundPalette	MiscSplitBrowser	MiscSplitView	MiscStack	MiscStopWatch	MiscStorage	MiscString	MiscStringArray	MiscStringExtendedParsing	MiscStringPatternMatching	MiscStringRegex	MiscStringService	MiscSwapKit	MiscSubprocess	MiscTableScroll	MiscTableSource	MiscTabMatrixPalette	MiscTaggedImage	MiscTargetActionView	MiscTBMK	MiscTee	MiscTextExtensions	MiscThreadedObject	MiscTime	MiscTimedEntry	MiscTree	MiscTreeBrowser	MiscTree(Browser)	MiscTree(Search)	MiscThreeStateButton	MiscUniqueStringArray	MiscUser	MiscUserGroup	MiscValueField	MiscWindowButtons	MiscXmodem	mksubproj	ProjectTemplates	qlipo	receiptfilter	Robby	ScrollDir	SearchBench	SELECT.h	submission.make	TinyTerm	TreeView	UNIX-HatersTool	UsersAndGroups

Temp Area

ClassBuilder	ColorMerge	DataStructures	DefaultController	FindMenu.palette	HTMLText	MiscClockViewEOF	MiscClockViewExtensions	MiscCompletionText	MiscCoordAdditions	MiscPickList	MiscSerialPort2	MiscTimeAdditions	NetImageFilter	ObjCategories.rtf	QuickProject	TCPLib	Text_more	ThreadedApp	TilingButton	UniqueInstance

Author Listing

MiscKit top level:  organization, README and other random explanatory documentation, makefiles
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c:  Tom Hageman, tom@basil.icce.rug.nl
	Note:  Makefiles loosely derived from NeXT internal Makefiles as found in the CCRMA MusicKit source code distribution

AutoDoc:  example script
	a, o, m:  Adam Swift, aswift@its.com
	c:  Todd Anthony Nathan, todd@icebox.com
	c:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@friday.com
	c:  Kim Shrier, kim@media.com

BPM:  example app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

Browser.Dragging:  NXBrowser category
	a, o, m:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

BrowserZoo:  example of various MiscKit Browsers
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

cnvwrap:  example app
	a, o, m:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

FileBrowser:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

FileSearchTest:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

 format_comment:  example script
	a, o, m:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@friday.com
	c:  K. Lo Shih, lo@apdg.com

FREE.h:  macros
	a, o, m:  Raf Schietekat, RfSchtkt@maze.ruca.ua.ac.be

generate-makefile:  utility program
	a, o, m:  Darcy Brockbank, samurai@amber.hasc.ca
getset:  Perl script
	a, o, m:  Mark Onyschuk, Mark_Onyschuk@NeXT.COM
IBMole:  palette, examples
	a, o, m:  Montgomery Zukowski, monty@intuitiveedge.com
	c:  Art Isbell, art@cubicsol.com
IconTester:  example
	a, o, m:  Craig Laurent, cdl@is.com

image2m:  palette, examples
	a, o, m:  Mark Onyschuk, Mark_Onyschuk@NeXT.COM
language.make:  makefile extension
	a, o, m:  Stephan Wacker, stephan@rodion.muc.de
LazyScrollDir:  example app
	a, o, m:  Eric Sunshine, sunshine@mcgh.org
	a, o:  Paul S. McCarthy, zarnuk@mcgh.org

list-misc:  Perl script
	a, o, m:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@friday.com
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
ListPalette:  palette
	a, o, m:  Ralph Zazula, zazula@running-start.com
MiscAbstraction:  object
	a, o, m:  Michael T. H. Scott, mths@longshot.demon.co.uk

MiscAnnouncer:  object
	a, o, m:  H. Scott Roy , hsr@CS.Stanford.EDU

MiscAppDefaults:  category
	a, o:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com
	c:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscAppExtensions:  category, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com
	c:  John Karabaic, John_Karabaic@NeXT.com
	c:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org

MiscAppFile:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

MiscAppIcon:  Application category
	a, o, m:  Sean Luke, seanl@cs.UMD.EDU

MiscAppIconAnimator:  object
	a, o, m:  Craig Laurent, cdl@is.com

MiscArrowButton:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

MiscBackWindow:  object
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk

MiscBase:  macros, constants
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscBundleLoader:  category, documentation
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com (category)
	a, c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (docs)
MiscCalendarView:  object, palette, documentation
	a, o, m:  Jon Kutemeier, jkute@fnbc.com

MiscCircularSlider:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	a, o:  Vince DeMarco, vince@whatnxt.cuc.ab.ca
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  Laurent Daudelin, laurent@planon.qc.ca

MiscClassDecoder:  palette, bundle, example
	a, o, m:  Stephan Wacker, stephan@rodion.muc.de
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
MiscClassVariable:  object, documentation
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscClipTextPalette:  palette, objects
	a, o, m:  Balazs Pataki, pataki@next-1b.manuf.bme.hu
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscClockView:  object, IB Palette, PB subproj, documentation
	a, o, m:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Stan Jirman, stan@atlantis104.Stanford.EDU
	c:  Constantin Szallies, tini@gurke.ping.de
	c:  Constantin Szallies, tini@gurke.ping.de
MiscColor:  Object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscColorView:  palletized object
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org

MiscColorWells:  Palette
	a, o:  Morgan D. Wise, wisem@statnextm.lakes.trenton.sc.us
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Michael T. H. Scott, mths@longshot.demon.co.uk

MiscCoolButtons:  IB palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Sean Luke, seanl@cs.umd.edu
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

Miscdaemon:  functions
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscDateView:  object, palette, documentation
	a, o, m:  Hugh Ashton, hugh@furuike.twics.com
	c:  Rod Ragner, rragner@stallion.vm.iastate.edu

MiscDependency:  protocol
	a, o, m:  H. Scott Roy , hsr@CS.Stanford.EDU

MiscDictionary:  object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

 MiscDirectory:  object
	a:  Simson L. Garfinkel, simsong@pleasant.cambridge.ma.us (original)
	a, o, m:  Georg Tuparev, tuparev@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE

_MiscDirectoryStream:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

MiscDistributor:  object, documentation, example app (see MiscTee )
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscDocManager:  object, documentation, example app
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscDocType:  object, documentation, example app
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscDocument:  object, documentation, example app
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscDragScrollWindow:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Dwight Everhart, everhart@alterlife.com

MiscDragViews:  objects, palette
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (Image resizing)
	c:  Bruce McKenzie, bruce@trwlasd.com (bug fixes, archiving)
	c:  Stephen Fitzpatrick, sfitzp@elegabalus.cs.qub.ac.uk (bug fix)
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@Objectario.com (target/action)
	c:  Bill Shirley, Bill_Shirley@WilTel.com (clean up)
	c:  Chris Walters, ubs!zeus!walters@uunet.uu.net (bug fixes)
	c:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de (accept images)
	c:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de (IW inspector, etc.)

MiscExplodingMenu:  object, documentation, test app
	a, o, m:  Andrew Stone, andrew@stone.com

MiscFile:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Alastair Thomson, alastair@BlackAlbatross.otago.ac.nz

MiscFileFinder:  object
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk

MiscFindPanel:  object, documentation, example app, bundle, categories
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c: Craig Kelley, craig_kelley@wiltel.com

MiscFormField:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
MiscFramingView:  object
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk

MiscGauge:  palette
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

MiscGISKit:  object kit
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	Note:  Special thanks are due to the Genesis Project, Ltd.

MiscHalftoneColor:  Object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscHeadedMatrix:  Object
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

MiscINETAddress:  Object, Documentation
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m, c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Wolfgang Baron, Wolfgang_Baron@ixpoint.de

MiscINETSocket:  Object, Documentation
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m, c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Wolfgang Baron, Wolfgang_Baron@ixpoint.de

MiscInfo:  Object, Documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscInfoController:  Object, Documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscInspectorKit:  Objects
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org or tsengel@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de

MiscKeys:  macros
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscLinkedList, MiscLinkedListNode:  objects, documentation
	a, o, m:  Sean Luke, seanl@cs.umd.edu
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (docs, new methods)
MiscList:  Object, Documentation
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET

MiscListExtensions:  categories, documentation
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com (DeepCopy stuff only)
	a, o:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (the rest)
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@thoughtport.com (sorting)
	c:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com (searching)
MiscListIteration:  macros
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscListSorting:  object
	a, o, m:  Vince Demarco, vdemarco@bou.shl.com

MiscLockFile:  object, documentation, test app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscLogFile:  object, documentation, test app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscLogSlider:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscMailApp:  object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscMailSpeaker:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscMatrix:  object, documentation, bundle
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Georg Tuparev, tuparev@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Darrin Smart, darrin@research.canon.oz.au
	c:  Steve Quirk, steveq@telerate.com
	c:  Scott Violet, scott@nacm.com
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  Mark Onyschuk, Mark_Onyschuk@NeXT.COM
	c:  Matt Jacobus,  <unknown>
MiscMergeKit:  object kit
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
MiscNeXTdocumentFormat.frame:  documentation template
	a, o, m:  J.B. Nicholson-Owens, jbn@uiuc.edu
MiscNibController:  object, documentation
	a, o:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscObjectRecycler:  category, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscOrderForm:  category, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscPaperView:  palletized object
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org

MiscParseTable:  functions, categories, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Mike Elston, mike@caisys.demon.co.uk

MiscPopUpButton:  category
	a, o, m:  Stefan Böhringer, Stefan.Boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscPriorityQueue:  object, documentation, test app
	a, o, m:  Mark Onyschuk, Mark_Onyschuk@NeXT.COM
MiscProgressPalette:  objects, IB palette, PB subproj
	a, o, m:  James Heiser, jheiser@adobe.com
	a, c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

MiscProtocols:  Protocols (MiscCompare, MiscEndCompare, 	MiscStorageCursorPositioning, MiscListCursorPositioning)
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET

MiscQueue:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscReadOnlyColorWell:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Morgan D. Wise, wisem@statnextm.lakes.trenton.sc.us
MiscRecordParser:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscRegistration:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscRemoteApplication:  object
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk

MiscRemoteSubprocess:  macros, constants
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscRtMatrix:  object
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org

MiscRuntimeExtensions:  category
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscSavePanel:  object
	a, o, m:  Peter Langston, psl@acm.org
	c:  Carl E. Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

MiscScreenColor:  object
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscSearcher:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Hugh Ashton, hugh@furuike.twics.com

MiscSelectionMatrix:  object
	a, o, m:  Georg Tuparev, tuparev@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE

MiscSerialPort:  object
	a, o, m: Matt Brandt, matt@drefla.mese.com
	c: Carl E. Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

MiscShell:  palette, object
	a, o, m:  Steve Hayman, shayman@Objectario.com

MiscSliderField:  IB palette, object, documentation
	a, o, m:  David Fedchenko, max@chernobog.wa.com

MiscSocket:  object, documentation
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m, c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscSortedList:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET
	c:  Constantin Szallies, tini@gurke.ping.de

MiscSortedStorage:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET
	c:  Michael Giddings, giddings@sadie.chem.wisc.edu

MiscSoundPalette:  IB palette, objects (MiscTapper, MiscSoundTracker, 	MiscVolumeMeter, MiscVolumeLight, MiscSoundView)
	a, o, m:  Sean Luke, seanl@cs.umd.edu

MiscSplitBrowser:  palette
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscSplitView:  example, object
	a, o, m:  Dwight D. Everhart, everhart@alterlife.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (included .tiff is now a .m)

MiscStack:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscStopWatch:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
MiscStorage:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET

MiscString:  object, documentation, IB palette, test app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  David Lehn, dlehn@vt.edu
	c:  Mike Ferris, mike@lorax.com
	c:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com
	c:  Bruce McKenzie, bruce@trwlasd.com
	c:  Darcy Brockbank, darcy@amber.hasc.ca
	c:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

MiscStringArray:  object, documentation
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com (object)
	a, o:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (docs)
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Juergen Zeller, zet@cip.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de
	c:  Jeff Martin, Jeff_Martin@next.com (some code from PAStringList)
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com
	c:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@thoughtport.com
MiscString_ExtendedParsing:  category
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org

MiscStringPatternMatching:  category
	a, o, m:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com

MiscStringRegex:  category, test app
	a, o, m:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

MiscStringService:  example app
	a, o, m:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

MiscSwapKit:  Palette, Objects, Documentation
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org or tsengel@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
	c:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (icon, makefiles)

MiscSubprocess:  object
	a, o:  Drew Davidson, drew@its.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com
	c:  Nicolas Droux, droux@info.isbiel.ch

MiscTableScroll:  object
	a, o, m:  Eric Sunshine, sunshine@mcgh.org
	a, o:  Paul S. McCarthy, zarnuk@mcgh.org

MiscTableSource:  object
	a, o, m:  Vince Demarco, vdemarco@bou.shl.com
	c:  Rohit Khare, khare@pest.w3.org

MiscTabMatrixPalette:  palette
	a, o, m:  Bill Edney, bedney@firstsoft.com
	c:  Sean Hill, shill@iphysiol.unil.ch
	c:  Mark Onyschuk, Mark_Onyschuk@NeXT.COM
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Art Isbell, art@cubicsol.com
	c:  Michael B. Johnson, wave@pixar.com
	c:  David Solis, dsolis@data.net.mx
	Note:  Special thanks are due to McCaw Cellular.

MiscTaggedImage:  class
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscTargetActionView:  object
	a, o, m:  Dale Amon, amon@music.qub.ac.uk

MiscTBMK:  functions
	a, o, m:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com

MiscTee:  IB palette, object, documentation
	a, o, m:  David Fedchenko, max@chernobog.wa.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (MiscDistributor object, documentation, example app, and inspector only)

MiscTextExtensions:  category
	a, o:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c:  Erik M. Buck, embuck@palmer.cca.rockwell.com
	c, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscThreadedObject:  object
	a, o, m:  Steve Quirk, steveq@telerate.com

MiscThreeStateButton:  object, IB palette, PB subproj
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Trevor Pocock, trev@mcs.hanse.de
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
MiscTime:  object, documentation, test app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com
	c:  Kurt Werle, kurt@frsvnsvn.vip.best.com
	c:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com
	c:  Stefan Böhringer, Stefan.Boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
MiscTimedEntry:  object
	a, o, m:  James T. Romano, james@hbsd-im.telerate.com

MiscTree:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Brian Glaeske, brian@gehenna.gps.com (documentation)
	c:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

MiscTreeBrowser:  palette, example app
	a, o, m:  Tim Bissell, Tim_Bissell@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscTree(Browser):  category, obsolete example app
	a, o, m:  Scott Anguish, sanguish@digifix.com
	c:  Brian Glaeske, brian@gehenna.gps.com (documentation)

MiscTree(Search):  category
	a, o, m:  Stefan Böhringer, stefan.boehringer@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	c:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
MiscUniqueStringArray:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@thoughtport.com
MiscUser:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscUserGroup:  object, example app
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

MiscValueField:  Palette, object, documentation
	a, o, m:  David Fedchenko, max@chernobog.wa.com

MiscWindowButtons:  Category
	a, o, m:  John Randolph, jcr@idiom.com

MiscXmodem:  object, documentation
	a, o, m:  Eric Norum, eric@skatter.usask.ca

mksubproj:  utility
	a, o, m:  Carl Lindberg, lindberg@BLaCKSMITH.com

ProjectTemplates:  example PB projects
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
qlipo:  utility program
	a, o, m:  Darcy Brockbank, samurai@amber.hasc.ca
receiptfilter:  example app
	a:  Steve Hayman, shayman@objectario.com (v1.1, original)
	a:  Paul Cardon, pmarc@zapotec.math.byu.edu (v1.2, overhaul)
	c, o, m:  Paul Cardon, pmarc@zapotec.math.byu.edu
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com

Robby:  example app
	a, o, m:  Sean Luke, seanl@cs.UMD.EDU

ScrollDir:  example app
	a, o, m:  Eric Sunshine, sunshine@mcgh.org
	a, o:  Paul S. McCarthy, zarnuk@mcgh.org

SearchBench:  example app
	a, o:  Christopher J. Kane, ckane@next.com
	m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
SELECT.h:  macros
	a, o, m:  Raf Schietekat, RfSchtkt@maze.ruca.ua.ac.be

submission.make:  makefile extension
	a, o, m:  Stephan Wacker, stephan@rodion.muc.de
TinyTerm:  example app
	a, o, m: Matt Brandt, matt@drefla.mese.com

TreeView:  Example app (uses the MiscTree)
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	c:  Bob Weiner, weiner@pts.mot.com
	c:  Robert Nicholson, robert@steffi.dgsys.com
	c:  Aleksey Sudakov, zander@cnext.crec.mipt.ru

UNIX-HatersTool:  Example app (uses MiscTabMatrix, MiscSwapKit, MiscShell)
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org or tsengel@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
	c:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (Misc-ized, first aid->finger)
	c:  Steve Hayman, shayman@Objectario.com (some shell scripts)

UsersAndGroups:  Example app (uses MiscUser, MiscUserGroup classes)
	a, o, m:  Robert Todd Thomas, Todd_Thomas@fnbc.com

In Temp folder, works in progress

 Many of these objects need to have names changed and details worked out before they can be integrated with the rest of the kit.  As this is done, they will migrate to the standard locations.  They are here (with the author's permission) so that you can see where things are headed, and in an emergency, make use of the items here now, even though they aren't fully integrated and are subject to change in interface, etc.  (The administrator also has a private Temp directory for other submissions that are pending; it tends to be 3-4 times the size of the Temp directory on average.  Thos submissions have been held back at the author's request.)
ClassBuilder:  objects
	a, o, m:  John Holdsworth, johnh@bigfoot.com
	Note:  Don just needs to fold this into the kit.  It should be usable as is.

ColorMerge:  objects, example, palette
	a, o, m:  Mark Probst, schani@CSlab.tuwien.ac.at
	Note:  Two palettes and an example which need to be integrated into the kit.  The palette projects need to have .subproj's to generate the libraries needed, Julia needs to link against said library.

DataStructures:  objects
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com (PriorityQueue)
	a, o, m:  Doug McClure, ets!dougm@uunet.UU.NET (MiscPriorityQueue)
	Note:  Well, we've already got a priority queue, but here are two other contenders.  We have to figure out how to combine them into something a bit more useful.  I think Doug's queue is perhaps a better approach to use, with its inheritance heirearchy, but Mark's queue has the method to combine queues, which is handy.  Also, my queue's ability to allow the object to provide its own priority should be implemented in a category of Doug's queue (which is in fact possible to do).  Also, a dynamic subclass of Doug's queue which allows objects in the queue to change their priority on the fly would be nice.

DefaultController:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	Note:  This isn't properly Misc-ized yet.  Also, it needs to be merged with some code for Defaults that Don has been working on to complete the MiscKit Preferences system.

FindMenu.palette:  palette
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	Note:  Simple dynamic IB palette for 3.3.  Need to adjust MiscKit Makefile's install target so that we have a way to install these sorts of palettes.

HTMLText:  object
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	Note:  I (Don) can't get this one to work.  It is here so that folks can play with it, but it is definitely a work under construction!

MiscClockViewEOF:  object
	a, o, m:  Michael M. Friedel, mfriedel@interpc.de
	Note:  Adds EO associations, etc., to better support EOF.  See notes on MiscClockViewExtensions.

MiscClockViewExtensions:  object
	a, o, m:  Jesse Tayler, jtayler@tmade.com
	Note:  Adds the ability to set a MiscClockView with a NSDate (and hence using EOF).  [This isn't in the kit proper yet because we need to integrate it in such a way that those without EOF won't run into troubles.  If you have EOF and need this functionality, just copy the source into your project for now.  I'll eventually create a new library for all EOF extensions.  --Don]

MiscCompletionText:  object
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org
	Note:  We could probably add this right now, but I wanted to give it time to mature, especially since this will likely be combined with the MiscEmacsText that is brewing behind the scenes...

MiscCoordAdditions:  category
	a, o, m:  Todd Nathan, todd@interwest.net
	Note:  I'm not yet decided where to put this.  If I put it in the MiscKit library, then you'll have to link against the GIS kit (not good) but if I put it in the GIS kit, then you can't use the GIS Kit without linking against the AppKit.  So for the moment I'll defer.  (OPENSTEP was easier to deal with, since the GIS kit is in the MiscFoundation framework...)

MiscPickList:  objects, test app
	a, o, m:  Don Yacktman, don@misckit.com
	Note:  This implements a ªchooserº GUI which pops up a window with a scrolling list of choices which may be entered into a text field.  The advantage of this over a pop-up button is that the user can enter in text that is not in the list and they can dynamically add or modify list entries.  This wasn't finished in time for the release, but does work.  The final version will be palettized and attached to a TextField (comes up automatically when the field is accessed) and a button, hopefully without the need for the controller class in between.

MiscSerialPort2:  object
	a, o, m:  Arnaud Meuret
	Note:  This is a major overhaul of Matt Brandt's object; not yet done, but open for comments, etc.

MiscTimeAdditions:  contributions
	Time_Stuff  a, o, m:  David Lehn, dlehn@vt.edu
	Note:  This will be folded into MiscTime (in the future) as a contribution.
	getdate.y  a, o, m:  public domain, Steven M. Bellovin (smb@research.att.com), Rich $alz (rsalz@bbn.com), and Jim Berets (jberets@bbn.com)
	Note:  This code, as it is public domain, will not fall under MiscKit license, but will be folded into the MiscTime object to allow for parsing/pretty printing, etc. in the future.  Submitted by Mark Onyschuk along with the PriorityQueue.

NetImageFilter:  example of NEXTSTEP filter services (images)
	a, o, m:  Marco Scheurer, marco@sentenext1.epfl.ch
	c:  Bill Bumgarner, bbum@friday.com
	Note:  This requires the netpbm utilities to function.  It supports the conversions that they support.  This is still a work in progress.

ObjCategories.rtf:  category
	a, o, m:  John Karabaic, John_Karabaic@next.com
	Note:  Host picker method¼ (I think I'll do something like the MiscValueField to tie a textfiled and a button together to create a MiscHostField object.  Comments?  I think that this would be nice to use in conjunction with the MiscRemoteSubprocess...  -don)

 QuickProject:  app
	a, o, m:  Steve Hayman, shayman@Objectario.com
	Note:  The feature set for this app is nowhere near nailed down, but it is useful as-is.  Please send in input as to what features you think might be useful.

 TCPLib:  object
	a, o, m:  Kevin Hoogheem, khooghee@marys.smumn.edu
	Note:  Kevin's notes:  Here is some work that was done for easy network use.. there is not much here as of now.  I feel that something like these would be great use in creating internet applications.  There is a lot of work that still can be done on this object.

Text_more:  category (Text object)
	a, o, m:  Thomas Engel, tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org
	Note:  Untested as of yet; adds cut/copy/paste of arbitrary pasteboards.

ThreadedApp:  objects, example
	a, o, m:  Chris Roehrig, croehrig@House.ORG
	Note:  The Misc-ization process needs to be completed for this; it is usable as-is.

TilingButton:  object, palette
	a, o, m:  Daniel Böhringer, boehring@biomed.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
	Note:  This can be used just like a diabled button to put images onto GUIs in IB, but unlike the Button class, it will tile the image to fill its frame.  Needs to be fully Misc-ized; it works as-is.

UniqueInstance:  object
	a, o, m:  Michael T. H. Scott, mths@longshot.mpn.com
	Note:  Note from Michael:  In order to be able to include an abstraction type object in nib files what one really needs is a UniqueInstance.  No matter where, or how often it appears, its always the same object.  As you can see these [MiscAbstraction and this object. -- don] are not finished submissions.  I intend to to ask the list for its opinion first.  What particularly puzzles me is why doesn't IB call alloc?  It would simplify matters if it did.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.