
This is Time.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright Ó 1995 Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	Time.h

Class Description

A Time class stores a number of time related values.  Years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds, and microseconds are stored.  The main use of these is to store local times such as the date of creation or the date an event will take place.  The base storage of the Time class is the time_t variable.  The limited range of the time_t data type applies to the Time class (1970 to 2037 ± a day).

The time can be accessed and set as a unit or in pieces through set..., add..., and subtract... methods.  The time can be set as a one unit with setTime_t: or from another Time object with setTime:.  Individual parts of the time are set with the set...  methods.  The names of days and months can be retrieved in both full form and abbreviated form.  Abbreviated mode is set through arbMode:.

Instance Variables

char* timeString;
time_t myTime;
struct tm* timesPtr;
BOOL theAbrMode;
char* mNames[12];
char* mAbrNames[12];
char* dNames[7];
char* dAbrNames[7];

timeString	A string with the current time.

myTime	The current time in seconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970.

timesPtr	The time structure that stores month, day, minute, etc.
	TimesPtr needs to be updated (calculated) from myTime.

theAbrMode	Determines if names day/month names are 3 letter abbreviations.

mNames	The month names.  First letter is capitalized.

mAbrNames	The abbreviated month names. First letter is capitalized.

dNames	The day names. First letter is capitalized.

dAbrNames	The abbreviated day names.  First letter is capitalized.

Method Types

Initializing and freeing a Time instance
- free
- init
- initWithCurrentTime
- initNames
Textual values	- abrMode
- abrMode:
- indexOfDayName:
- nameOfDay:
- indexOfMonthName:
- nameOfMonth:
- timeString
- timeZone

Retrieving values	- getTime_t
- leapYear:
- daysInYear:
- daysInMonth:
- dayOfMonth:
- dayOfWeek
- dayOfYear
- weekOfMonth
- year
- month
- week
- day
- hour
- minute
- second
- microSecond

Setting values	- _syncTimesStruct
	- resetTimeFromTM
	- setToCurrentTime
	- setTime:
- setTime_t:
- setYears:
- setMonths:
- setWeeks:
- setDays:
- setHours:
- setMinutes:
- setSeconds:
- setMicroSeconds:

Adding/Subtracting values	- [add][subtract]Time:
- [add][subtract]Time_t:
- [add][subtract]Years:
- [add][subtract]Months:
- [add][subtract]Weeks:
- [add][subtract]Days:
- [add][subtract]Hours:
- [add][subtract]Minutes:
- [add][subtract]Seconds:
- [add][subtract]MicroSeconds:

Instance Methods

- free

Frees the memory allocated for the name strings and timeString.

- (float)abrMode

Sets timeString to NULL, myTime (time_t) to 0, initializes the names through initNames, and syncs the tm time structure.

- initWithCurrentTime

Does a normal init then calls setToCurrentTime.

- initNames

Allocates name space and sets up name strings.

- (BOOL)abrMode
- (BOOL)abrMode:(BOOL)mode

Returns or sets the if abbreviated names should be returned for the nameOf... methods.

- (long)indexOfDayName: (const char *)dayName

Returns the index of a day given its name string.

- (const char *)nameOfDay:(long)dayIndex
- (const char *)nameOfDay

Returns the name string of the current day or a specified day.

- (long)indexOfMonthName:(const char *)monthName

Returns the index of a month given its name string.

- (const char *)nameOfMonth:(long)monthIndex
- (const char *)nameOfMonth

Returns the name string of the current month or a specified month.

- (const char *)timeString

Returns a 26 character ASCII string that has the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

- (const char *)timeZone

Returns a 3 character string representing the current time zone.

- (const time_t *)getTime_t

Returns a pointer to myTime.

- (BOOL)leapYear:(long)year
- (BOOL)leapYear

Returns YES if the current year or specified year is a leap year.

- (long)daysInYear:(long)year
- (long)daysInYear

Returns the number of days in the current year or in a specified year.

- (long)daysInMonth:(long)monthIndex forYear:(long)year
- (long)daysInMonth:(long)monthIndex
- (long)daysInMonth

Returns the number of days in the current month,  number of days in a specified month in the current year, or in a specified month and year.

- (long)dayOfMonth

Returns day of the month (1-31).

- (long)dayOfWeek

Returns days since Sunday (1-7).

- (long)dayOfYear

Returns days of year (1-366).  Identical to year.

- (long)weekOfMonth

Returns the week of the current month (1-4).

- (long)year

Returns the current year (1970-2037).

- (long)month

Returns months since January (1-12).

- (long)week

Returns week of current year (1-52).

- (long)day

Returns day of year (1-366).

- (long)hour

Returns hours since midnight (0-23).

- (long)minute

Returns minutes after the hour (0-59).

- (long)second

Returns seconds after the minute (0-59).

- (long)microSecond

Returns microseconds after the second (0-99).

- _syncTimeStruct

Updates the tm struct with the time_t in myTime.  Returns self.

- resetTimeFromTM

Updates myTime with the tm struct timesPtr.  Returns self.

- setToCurrentTime

Updates the time to the current local time.  Returns self.

- [set][add][subtract]Time:(Time *)aTimeObj

set			Sets the current time to aTimeObj.
add		Adds the time in aTimeObj to the current time.
subtract	Subtracts the time in aTimeObj from the current time.

- [set][add][subtract]Time_t:(time_t)num

set			Sets the current time to num.
add		Adds the time in num to the current time.
subtract	Subtracts the time in num from the current time.

- [set][add][subtract]Years:(long)num

set			Sets the current years to num.
add		Adds the years in num to the current years.
subtract	Subtracts the years in num from the current years.

- [set][add][subtract]Months:(long)num

set			Sets the current months to num.
add		Adds the months in num to the current months.
subtract	Subtracts the months in num from the current months.

A bug of the month addition and subtraction is that if you attempt to add/subtract months when the numerical day is not in one of the in between months, it will wrap the days.  For instance, if one month is added to January 31, 1970, the new date will be March 3, 1970  This problem also occurs when the day is not going to wrap.  This happens occasionally such as the fourth day of the month going between October and November.  This is because of some weird problem with the mktime() when it converts the tm structure to a time_t.

- [set][add][subtract]Weeks:(long)num

set			Sets the current weeks to num.
add		Adds the weeks in num to the current weeks.
subtract	Subtracts the weeks in num from the current weeks.

- [set][add][subtract]Days:(long)num

set			Sets the current days to num.
add		Adds the days in num to the current days.
subtract	Subtracts the days in num from the current days.

- [set][add][subtract]Hours:(long)num

set			Sets the current hours to num.
add		Adds the hours in num to the current hours.
subtract	Subtracts the hours in num from the current hours.

- [set][add][subtract]Minutes:(long)num

set			Sets the current minutes to num.
add		Adds the minutes in num to the current minutes.
subtract	Subtracts the minutes in num from the current minutes.

- [set][add][subtract]Seconds:(long)num :(long)microSeconds
- [set][add][subtract]Seconds:(long)num

set			Sets the current seconds to num.
add		Adds the seconds in num to the current seconds.
subtract	Subtracts the seconds in num from the current seconds.

- [set][add][subtract]MicroSeconds:(long)num

set			Sets the current microseconds to num.
add		Adds the microseconds in num to the current microseconds.
subtract	Subtracts the microseconds in num from the current microseconds.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.