
This is MiscPickList.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	MiscPickList.h -- Pick List
//		Written by Don Yacktman Copyright (c) 1994 by Don Yacktman.
//				Version 0.1.  All rights reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

// This object will pop up a window with a list of possible selections.
// If one is selected, it is entered into the associated "textPal".
// If -addItem: or modifyItem: is sent, then a new key is taken from
// the entryText and added to the list.  This class requires the accompanying
// "MiscPickList.nib" to be in your application's project for it to work.

// Do NOT allocate these yourself; use the +findPickListNamed: method!

#import <misckit/misckit.h>

@interface MiscPickList : MiscNibController
	MiscDictionary *itemList;
	List *sortedKeys;
	MiscString *listPath;
	MiscString *listName;
	BOOL changed, autoSave;
	id textPal; // connected up dynamically to the GUI

	// Things to connect to the GUI:
	id browser;			// a Matrix of TextFields inside a ScrollView
	id entryText;		// a TextField
	id modifyButton;	// a Button
	id addButton;		// a Button

+ findPickListNamed:(MiscString *)aName; // use this to get picklists.
+ (MiscString *)pickListExtension;
+ (MiscString *)fileNameForPickListNamed:(MiscString *)aName;

- init; // don't ever call init!
- free;
- initForListNamed:(MiscString *)aName;
- loadItemList:(MiscString *)aPath name:(MiscString *)aName;
- reloadItemList;
- saveList;
- saveListToPath:(MiscString *)aPath;

- popUp:sender; // brings up the associated window.
- popUpForTextPal:aTextField; // sets text pal and does pop up
- doEntry:sender; // enters current selection into the textPal
- finishEntry:sender; // above plus closes window

- addItem:sender; // adds -stringValue of textPal as a key.  (val==key)
- modifyItem:sender; // changes the selected key and value pair
- addItemToList:(MiscString *)anItem; // add a string as a key
- addItemToList:(MiscString *)anItem value:(MiscString *)aValue;
- removeItemFromList:(MiscString *)anItem;
- (MiscDictionary *)itemList;
- (BOOL)isDirty; // returns YES if needs to be saved.
- (MiscString *)listPath;
- (MiscString *)listName;

// any action which alters the list will cause it to be saved if
// autoSave is on.  This is the default behavior.
- (BOOL)autoSave;
- setAutoSave:(BOOL)flag;

- setBrowser:anObject;
- browser;
- setEntryText:anObject;
- entryText;
- setTextPal:anObject;
- textPal;

- (MiscString *)selectedKey;
- selectKey:(MiscString *)aKey;


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