
This is MiscColorMerge.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright © 1997 by Mark Probst. All Rights Reserved.  


Inherits From:	View : Responder : Object
Declared In:	MiscColorMerge.h

Class Description

MiscColorMerge objects allow the user to view and change color spreads.  By dragging colors into or out of the MiscColorMerge, it is possible to adjust the spread to the needs of the task at hand.

The colors that are dragged into the spread (the pure colors) are blended into each other by interpolating the colors between them.  The interpolation can either be a simple linear interpolation between the respective RGB-values or a more sophisticated Catmull-Rom spline, which is laid through the colors, represented as points in the RGB-cube, giving a more 'natural' look.

Pure and blended colors can also be set and queried programatically.  Pure and blended colors have positions, ranging from 0.0 (the lower end of the View) to 1.0 (the upper end).  Pure colors do also have indexes, starting with 0 for the lowermost pure color. 

Defined Types

MiscColorMergeMode	typedef enum
		MergeModeLinear = 1,
		MergeModeCatmullRom = 2
	} MiscColorMergeMode;

Used for specifying the interpolation method. 

MiscColorAtPosition	typedef struct _MiscColorAtPosition
		NXColor color;
		double position;
		struct _ColorAtPosition *next;
	} MiscColorAtPosition;

Used to internally store the pure colors along with their positions 

Instance Variables

id delegate;
MiscColorMergeMode mergeMode;
MiscColorAtPosition *firstColor;
int numColors;
Vector3D *vertices;
int numAllocedVertices;
int dragOperation;
NXPoint draggingStart;
int draggedColorIndex;
int oldEventMask;
NXEvent mouseDownEvent;
NXBitmapImageRep *bufferedLine;
float bufferedLinePos; 

delegate	The object that is notified when the MiscColorMerge is changed.

mergeMode	The interpolation method used.

firstColor	A pointer to the first pure color.

numColors	The number of pure colors.

vertices	An array of vectors, representing the colors in the RGB-cube.

numAllocedVertices	The size of the array.

dragOperation	The currently performed drag operation.

draggingStart	The position where the user started dragging.

draggedColorIndex	The index of the dragged color.

oldEventMask	The old event mask of the window.

mouseDownEvent	The event that started dragging.

bufferedLine	The currently buffered line.

bufferedLinePos	The y-position of that line.

Method Types

Creating and freeing instances	- initFrame:
	- free

Assigning a delegate	- delegate
	- setDelegate:

Setting the interpolation method
	- mergeMode
	- setMergeMode:

Setting and getting pure colors
	- numPureColors
	- addColor:atPosition:
	- getColor:andPosition:atIndex:
	- removeColorAtIndex:
	- removeAllColors

Calculating blended colors	- calcColor:atPosition:
	- calcArray:ofNumColors:

Drawing	- drawSelf::

Event handling	- acceptsFirstMouse
	- mouseDown:
	- mouseDragged:
	- mouseUp:

Archiving	- read:
	- write:

Instance Methods


- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse

Returns YES. 


- addColor:(NXColor)theColor

Adds the pure color theColor to the position thePosition.  Returns self if 0.0 <= thePosition <= 1.0, nil otherwise. 


- calcArray:(NXColor*)colors  ofNumColors:(int)arraySize

Calculates an array of arraySize NXColor's representing the whole color spread.  colors must point to an array of at least arraySize NXColor's.

This method is to be preferred over calcColor:atPosition: if applicable, since it may be optimized in the future (presently it is not faster than the respective sequence of calls to calcColor:atPosition:).

Returns self. 


- calcColor:(NXColor*)theColor

Calculates the blended color at position thePosition.  Returns self. 


- delegate

Returns the MiscColorMerge object's delegate. 


- drawSelf:(const NXRect*)rects  :(int)numRects

Draws the MiscColorMerge and returns self. 


- free

Frees the MiscColorMerge instance. 


- getColor:(NXColor*)theColor

Gets the pure color and its position at index theIndex.  Returns self if theIndex is valid, nil otherwise. 


- initFrame:(const NXRect*)frameRect

Initializes the MiscColorMerge object and sets the interpolation method to Catmull-Rom.

This is the designated initializer for MiscColorMerge. 


- (MiscColorMergeMode)mergeMode

Returns the merge mode currently in use. 


- mouseDown:(NXEvent*)theEvent

Responds to mouse-down events.  Returns self. 


- mouseDragged:(NXEvent*)theEvent

Responds to mouse-dragged events and initiates a drag-operation if appropriate.  Returns self. 


- mouseUp:(NXEvent*)theEvent

Responds to mouse-up events.  Returns self. 


- (int)numPureColors

Returns the number of pure colors. 


- read:(NXTypedStream*)theStream

Reads the MiscColorMerge object in from the typed stream theStream.  Returns self. 


- removeAllColors

No method description. 


- removeColorAtIndex:(int)index

Removes the pure color at index.  Returns self if index is valid, nil otherwise. 


- setDelegate:newDelegate

Sets the MiscColorMerge object's delegate to newDelegate.  Returns self. 


- setMergeMode:(MiscColorMergeMode)aMergeMode

Sets the merge mode to aMergeMode and updates itself.  Returns self. 


- write:(NXTypedStream*)theStream

Writes the MiscColorMerge object to the typed stream theStream.  Returns self. 

Methods Implemented by the Delegate


- colorMergeDidChange:sender

This message is sent every time the color merge is changed by the user.

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