This is MiscInfoController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
// // MiscInfoController.m -- a class to handle the guts under an Info menu // Written by Don Yacktman Copyright (c) 1994 by Don Yacktman. // Version 1.2. All rights reserved. // // This notice may not be removed from this source code. // // This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author // and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file // "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution. Please refer to that file // for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions. // #import <misckit/misckit.h> #define mailMessage [strings valueForStringKey:"MailMessage"] #define authorEmail [strings valueForStringKey:"AuthorEMail"] #define authorName [strings valueForStringKey:"AuthorName"] @implementation MiscInfoController - init { if (![super init]) return nil; strings = nil; info = nil; orderForm = nil; registration = nil; _licenseFileName = [MiscString newWithString:"/License.rtfd"]; _releaseNotesFileName = [MiscString newWithString:"/ReleaseNotes.rtfd"]; return self; } - free { [_releaseNotesFileName free]; [_licenseFileName free]; return [super free]; } - (MiscString *)licenseFile { return [_licenseFileName copy]; } - (MiscString *)releaseNotesFile { return [_releaseNotesFileName copy]; } - setLicenseFile:(MiscString *)aPath { [_licenseFileName takeStringValueFrom:aPath]; return self; } - setReleaseNotesFile:(MiscString *)aPath { [_releaseNotesFileName takeStringValueFrom:aPath]; return self; } - strings { // attempt to get the string table if it isn't already set up. // Try (1) .lproj directories or (2) app delegate. if (!strings) { // .lproj? } if (!strings) { // NXApp? if ([NXApp respondsTo:@selector(strings)]) strings = [NXApp strings]; } if (!strings) { // [NXApp delegate]? if ([[NXApp delegate] respondsTo:@selector(strings)]) strings = [[NXApp delegate] strings]; } return strings; } - info { if (!info) { // create the object if needed info = [[MiscInfo alloc] init]; [info setController:self]; } return info; } - orderForm // return the orderFormPanel, load it if needed. { if (!orderForm) { // create the object if needed orderForm = [[MiscOrderForm alloc] init]; [orderForm setController:self]; } return orderForm; } - registration // return the registerPanel, load it if needed. { if (!registration) { // create the object if needed registration = [[MiscRegistration alloc] init]; [registration setController:self]; } return registration; } - info:sender { // forward the message on to the MiscInfo object. [[self info] info:sender]; return self; } - orderForm:sender { // forward the message on to the MiscInfo object. [[self orderForm] orderForm:sender]; return self; } - registration:sender { // forward the message on to the MiscInfo object. [[self registration] registration:sender]; return self; } - releaseNotes:sender // make the README panel be up there. { id helpPanel = [NXHelpPanel new]; id path = [MiscString newWithString:[helpPanel helpDirectory]]; [path concatenate:_releaseNotesFileName]; [helpPanel showFile:[path stringValue] atMarker:NULL]; [helpPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [path free]; return self; } - license:sender // make the license panel be up there. { id helpPanel = [NXHelpPanel new]; id path = [MiscString newWithString:[helpPanel helpDirectory]]; [path concatenate:_licenseFileName]; [helpPanel showFile:[path stringValue] atMarker:NULL]; [helpPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [path free]; return self; } - suggestion:sender // This is pretty much lifted from Opener. { id to, body = [[MiscString alloc] init]; id subject = [[MiscString alloc] init]; [self strings]; // make sure we have a string table // now we prepare the message to send to = [MiscString newWithString:authorEmail]; [subject setFromFormat:"Comments and suggestions for ``%s'' ", [NXApp appName]]; [subject catStrings:[info versionString], " (", [registration serialNumber], ")", NULL]; [body setFromFormat:mailMessage, authorName, [NXApp appName]]; [body catStrings:[NXApp userRealName], "\n", NULL]; [MISC_MAILAPP sendMailTo:to subject:subject body:body]; FREE_OBJECT(subject); FREE_OBJECT(body); FREE_OBJECT(to); return self; } - hideOrShowMenus:sender { [[MiscExplodingMenu sharedInstance] explodeMenus:sender]; return self; } @end
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