
This is MiscDistInspector.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	MiscDistInspector.h -- Inspector object for MiscDistributor.
//		Written by Don Yacktman.  Copyright 1994 by Don Yacktman.
//				Version 1.0  All rights reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import <apps/InterfaceBuilder.h>
#import "MiscDistributor.subproj/MiscDistributor.h"

@interface MiscDistributor(IBSupport)

- (const char *)getInspectorClassName;
- (NXImage *)getIBImage;


@interface MiscDistributorInspector:IBInspector
	List *connections;
	id selObject;

	id connectionMatrix;
	id connectionNameText;
	id connectionDirMatrix;

- init;
- revert:sender;
- ok:sender;
- (BOOL)wantsButtons;

- setUpMatrix;
- editName;
- selectRow:(int)i notify:(BOOL)flag;
- selectionChanged:sender;
- addConnection:sender;
- changeConnection:sender;


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