
This is MiscTableCell.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef __MiscTableCell_h
#define __MiscTableCell_h
//		Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//				Written by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//							All Rights Reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//		This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the authors
//		and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//		"License.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.	Please refer to that file
//		for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.
// MiscTableCell.h
//		Default cell class used by MiscTableScroll to display text.
// NOTE:
//		By default, new cells are initialized to useOwner... everything.
//		Calling any of the -setFont:, -setTextColor:, -setBackgroundColor:
//		-setHighlightTextColor:, or -setHighlightBackgroundColor:
//		methods implicitly turns off the corresponding "useOwner" value.  In
//		the case of colors, this also causes space to be allocated to store
//		the corresponding color.
//		Calling any of the -setOwnerFont:, -setOwnerTextColor:, or 
//		-setOwnerBackgroundColor: methods do *NOT* set these values in the
//		owner, and do not necessarily make any changes in the object.  They
//		are primarily notification messages.  They give the cell the ability
//		to distinguish between cell-specific -setXxx messages and ones that
//		are propagated globally by the owner.
// $Id: MiscTableCell.h,v 1.10 97/06/10 05:42:22 sunshine Exp $
// $Log:		MiscTableCell.h,v $
// Revision 1.10  97/06/10	05:42:22  sunshine
// v127: Upgraded formatting.  Fixed up comments.  Added explicit (id).
// Revision 1.9	 96/12/16  10:17:58	 zarnuk
// v111 -- Added table scroll retire/revive call back methods.
// Revision 1.8	 96/09/25  07:17:22	 sunshine
// Ripped out all dragging-source support and promoted it to TableView.
#import <misckit/MiscTableTypes.h>
#import <appkit/Cell.h>
@class NXImage, Pasteboard;
@class MiscTableScroll;

#define MISC_TC1_HAS_TAG						(1 << 0)		// Obsolete.
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_FONT						(1 << 1)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR				(1 << 2)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_TEXT_COLOR_H				(1 << 4)
#define MISC_TC1_IS_SELECTED					(1 << 6)
#define MISC_TC1_SELF_DRAW						(1 << 7)		// !ownerDraw
#define MISC_TC1_LAST_BIT						(1 << 7)

@interface MiscTableCell : Cell
	id owner;
	int tag;
	unsigned int tc1_flags;
	void* tc1_data;

- (id)initTextCell:(char const*)s;
- (id)initIconCell:(char const*)s;
- (id)free;
- (id)copyFromZone:(NXZone*)zone;
- (id)read:(NXTypedStream*)stream;
- (id)write:(NXTypedStream*)stream;

- (id)drawInside:(NXRect const*)r inView:(id)v;
- (id)drawSelf:	 (NXRect const*)r inView:(id)v;
- (id)highlight: (NXRect const*)r inView:(id)v lit:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isOpaque;

- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isSelected;

- (int)tag;
- (id)setTag:(int)tag;

- (id)image;
- (id)setImage:(id)image;

- (id)owner;
- (id)setOwner:(id)obj;

- (id)font;
- (id)setFont:(id)obj;							// Turns off -useOwnerFont

- (NXColor)textColor;
- (NXColor)backgroundColor;
- (NXColor)highlightBackgroundColor;
- (NXColor)highlightTextColor;
- (id)setTextColor:(NXColor)c;					// Turns off -useOwnerTextCo...
- (id)setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)c;			// Turns off -useOwnerBackgr...
- (id)setHighlightTextColor:(NXColor)c;			// Turns off -useOwnerHighli...
- (id)setHighlightBackgroundColor:(NXColor)c;	// Turns off -useOwnerHighli...

- (float)textGray;								// Gray values are translated 
- (float)backgroundGray;						// to/from color values.
- (float)highlightTextGray;
- (float)highlightBackgroundGray;
- (id)setTextGray:(float)g;						// Calls setTextColor:
- (id)setBackgroundGray:(float)g;				// Calls setBackgroundColor:
- (id)setHighlightTextGray:(float)g;			// Calls setHighlightTextColor:
- (id)setHighlightBackgroundGray:(float)g;		// Calls setHighlightBack...

- (BOOL)ownerDraw;
- (BOOL)useOwnerFont;
- (BOOL)useOwnerTextColor;
- (BOOL)useOwnerBackgroundColor;
- (BOOL)useOwnerHighlightTextColor;
- (BOOL)useOwnerHighlightBackgroundColor;
- (id)setOwnerDraw:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)setUseOwnerFont:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)setUseOwnerTextColor:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)setUseOwnerBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)setUseOwnerHighlightTextColor:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)setUseOwnerHighlightBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag;

- (id)setOwnerFont:(id)obj;
- (id)setOwnerTextColor:(NXColor)c;
- (id)setOwnerBackgroundColor:(NXColor)c;
- (id)setOwnerHighlightTextColor:(NXColor)c;
- (id)setOwnerHighlightBackgroundColor:(NXColor)c;

- (unsigned int)tc1Flags;
- (unsigned int)tc1DataSize;
- (unsigned int)tc1TextColorPos;
- (unsigned int)tc1BackgroundColorPos;
- (unsigned int)tc1HighlightTextColorPos;
- (unsigned int)tc1HighlightBackgroundColorPos;
- (unsigned int)tc1TextColorLen;
- (unsigned int)tc1BackgroundColorLen;
- (unsigned int)tc1HighlightTextColorLen;
- (unsigned int)tc1HighlightBackgroundColorLen;
- (NXColor*)tc1TextColorPtr;
- (NXColor*)tc1BackgroundColorPtr;
- (NXColor*)tc1HighlightTextColorPtr;
- (NXColor*)tc1HighlightBackgroundColorPtr;
- (void*)tc1InsertData:(void const*)data
		pos:(unsigned int)pos len:(unsigned int)len;
- (void)tc1DeleteDataPos:(unsigned int)pos len:(unsigned int)len;
- (void)tc1DestroyData;
- (void)tc1FreeData;

- (NXColor)fgColor;		// Returns appropriate color based upon -isSelected.
- (NXColor)bgColor;		// Returns appropriate color based upon -isSelected.

+ (id)defaultFont;
+ (NXColor)defaultTextColor;
+ (NXColor)defaultBackgroundColor;
+ (NXColor)defaultHighlightTextColor;
+ (NXColor)defaultHighlightBackgroundColor;

- (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll reviveAt:(int)row :(int)col;
- (id)tableScroll:(MiscTableScroll*)scroll retireAt:(int)row :(int)col;


#endif // __MiscTableCell_h

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