
This is MiscTableBorder.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef __MiscTableBorder_h
#define __MiscTableBorder_h
#ifdef __GNUC__
# pragma interface
//		Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//				Written by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//							All Rights Reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//		This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the authors
//		and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//		"License.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.	Please refer to that file
//		for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.
// MiscTableBorder.h
//		Structure describing border of an MiscTableView.
//		NOTE: Many of the sub-arrays in an MiscTableBorder are conditional.
//		They are not guaranteed to be allocated for every instance.	 They are
//		only allocated when the caller tries to store a value in them.	Doing
//		a "set" creates the array, even if the value is the default value.
//		"Springy" slots get adjusted when the total size exceeds the global
//		min/max size.
//		NOTE *1* These methods return true if the new value is different than
//		the old value, and the display needs updating.
//		Consider breaking data_size out of slots into a separate array of
//		its own.
// $Id: MiscTableBorder.h,v 1.13 97/02/11 19:25:55 sunshine Exp $
// $Log:		MiscTableBorder.h,v $
//	Revision 1.13  97/02/11	 19:25:55  sunshine
//	v123: Selection methods can now optionally *extend* the selection.
//	Added deselection methods.
//	Revision 1.12  96/12/30	 16:23:12  zarnuk
//	Fixed bug: clickedSlot_P() was using wrong mapping.
//	Revision 1.11  96/12/17	 21:59:01  sunshine
//	v112: Added notion of "clicked slot".
//	visualToPhysical() & physicalToVisual() now check (slot >= 0) -- since this
//	is what was being done every place either function was called anyhow.
#include <misckit/MiscTableScroll.h>
#include "MiscSparseSet.h"
#include "MiscTableUtil.h"

extern "Objective-C" {
#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <objc/typedstream.h>

@class MiscTableScroll;
@class Cell;

struct MiscTableSlot
		MiscPixels		offset;			// Offset of this slot.
		MiscPixels		adj_size;		// Size adjusted for springy-ness.
		MiscPixels		data_size;		// Current size of data.
		MiscPixels		size;			// Target size.
		MiscPixels		min_size;		// Minimum size.
		MiscPixels		max_size;		// Maximum size.
		MiscTableSizing sizing;			// Sizing options.
		bool isSpringy() const	{ return ::isSpringy(sizing); }
		bool isData() const		{ return ::isData(sizing); }
		void read( NXTypedStream* );
		void write( NXTypedStream* );

class MiscTableBorder
		MiscBorderType	type;			// Row / Col.
		MiscTableScroll* owner;
		MiscTableSlot	def_slot;		// Default slot configuration.
		int				max_slots;		// Capacity.  Allocation size of arrays.
		int				num_slots;		// Active number of rows/cols.
		MiscTableSlot*	slots;			// Indexed by visual coords.
		MiscCoord_P*	v2p;			// Visual -> Physical coord map.
		MiscCoord_V*	p2v;			// Physical -> Visual coord map.
		int				def_tag;		// Default tag value.
		int*			tags;			// Indexed by physical coords.
		MiscPixels		uniform_size;	// 0 = not uniform.
		MiscPixels		min_total_size; // Min size for the entire border.
		MiscPixels		max_total_size; // Max size for the entire border.
		int				num_springy;	// Number of "springy" slots.
		MiscTableTitleMode title_mode;
		char**			titles;			// Indexed by visual coords.
		MiscTableCellStyle def_style;
		MiscTableCellStyle* styles;
		id*				prototypes;
		MiscCompareEntryFunc* sort_funcs;
		MiscSortDirection* sort_dirs;
		MiscSortType*	sort_types;
		MiscSparseSet	selection;		// Selection (visual coordinates).
		MiscCoord_V		selected_slot;	// Selected slot.
		MiscCoord_V		cursor;			// Keyboard cursor.
		MiscCoord_V		clicked_slot;	// Clicked slot.
		bool			selectable;		// User can select slot-titles.
		bool			sizeable;		// User can resize slots.
		bool			draggable;		// User can rearrange slots.
		bool			modifier_drag;	// Use modifier key to drag slots.
		bool			needs_recalc;	// Offset values are "stale".

		int				shrink_mode( MiscTableSlot& );
		void			global_shrink( MiscPixels );
		MiscCoord_V		find_springy_slot() const;
		void			global_grow( MiscPixels );
		void			init_slot( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_P );
		void			destroy_slot( MiscCoord_V );
		void			do_shift( void*, int, int, int );
		void			do_shift( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_V );
		void*			do_remap( void*, int, MiscCoord_V const* );
		void			do_remap( MiscCoord_V const* );
		MiscCoord_V		find_slot_for_offset( MiscPixels );

		void			perform_recalc();
		void			do_recalc();
		void			recalc_if_needed();
		int				alloc_size( int rec_size );
		void*			do_alloc( int );
		void*			do_alloc_init( int );
		void*			do_realloc( void*, int );
		void			do_realloc();
		void			do_delete( void*, int, int );
		void			do_delete( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_P );
		void			do_insert( void*, int, int );
		void			do_insert( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_P );
		void			alloc_slots();
		void			alloc_vmap();
		void			alloc_titles();
		void			dealloc_titles();
		void			alloc_tags();
		void			alloc_styles();
		void			alloc_prototypes();
		id				new_prototype( MiscCoord_V );
		void			alloc_sort_funcs();
		void			alloc_sort_dirs();
		void			alloc_sort_types();

		char const*		get_title( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		id				get_prototype( MiscCoord_V ) const;

		void			selected_slots(MiscIntList* list, bool do_tags) const;
		void			select_slots( MiscIntList*, bool clear, bool set );
		void			select_tags( MiscIntList*, bool clear, bool set );

		MiscTableBorder( MiscBorderType );

		MiscTableScroll* getOwner() const		{ return owner; }
		void	setOwner( MiscTableScroll* );

		int		count() const			{ return num_slots; }
		int		capacity() const		{ return max_slots; }
		void	setCount( int );
		void	setCapacity( int );
		void	freeExtraCapacity();
		void	empty();
		void	emptyAndFree()	{ empty(); freeExtraCapacity(); }
		bool	goodPos( int x ) const	{ return 0 <= x && x < count(); }

		void	deleteAt( MiscCoord_V );
		void	insertAt( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_P );
		void	add() { insertAt(count(),count()); }
		void	moveFromTo( MiscCoord_V, MiscCoord_V );

		MiscTableSlot const* getSlots() const	{ return slots; }
		MiscCoord_V const* getP2VMap() const	{ return p2v; }
		MiscCoord_P const* getV2PMap() const	{ return v2p; }
		void	setSlotSizes( MiscPixels const* );
		bool	setP2VMap( MiscCoord_P const* );
		bool	setV2PMap( MiscCoord_V const* );
		bool	good_map( int const* map, bool onescomp ) const;
		void	clearVMap();

		MiscBorderType	getType() const			{ return type; }
		bool	isColBorder() const		{ return type == MISC_COL_BORDER; }
		bool	isRowBorder() const		{ return type == MISC_ROW_BORDER; }
		bool	isSelectable() const	{ return selectable; }
		bool	isSizeable() const		{ return sizeable; }
		bool	isDraggable() const		{ return draggable; }
		bool	isModifierDrag() const	{ return modifier_drag; }
		bool	isUniformSize() const	{ return uniform_size != 0; }
		MiscPixels		getUniformSize() const	{ return uniform_size; }
		MiscTableTitleMode getTitleMode() const { return title_mode; }
		bool	needsRecalc() const		{ return needs_recalc; }

		void	setType( MiscBorderType );
		void	setDraggable( bool x )	{ draggable = x; }
		void	setModifierDrag( bool x ) { modifier_drag = x; }
		void	setSelectable( bool x ) { selectable = x; }
		void	setSizeable( bool x )	{ sizeable = x; }
		bool	setUniformSize( MiscPixels );			// NOTE *1*
		bool	setTitleMode( MiscTableTitleMode );		// NOTE *1*

		MiscPixels		totalSize();
		MiscPixels		getMinTotalSize() const { return min_total_size; }
		MiscPixels		getMaxTotalSize() const { return max_total_size; }
		void	setMinTotalSize( MiscPixels );
		void	setMaxTotalSize( MiscPixels );

		MiscCoord_P		visualToPhysical( MiscCoord_V x ) const
				{ return (x >= 0 && v2p != 0) ? v2p[x] : (MiscCoord_P)x; }
		MiscCoord_V		physicalToVisual( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return (x >= 0 && p2v != 0) ? p2v[x] : (MiscCoord_V)x; }
		void visualToPhysical( MiscSparseSet const&, MiscSparseSet& ) const;
		void physicalToVisual( MiscSparseSet const&, MiscSparseSet& ) const;
		MiscCoord_V		visualForOffset( MiscPixels );
		void			recalcOffsets();

		MiscPixels		getOffset( MiscCoord_V );
		MiscPixels		getSize( MiscCoord_V ) const;			// target size.
		MiscPixels		getMinSize( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscPixels		getMaxSize( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscPixels		getDataSize( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscPixels		effectiveSize( MiscCoord_V );			// adj_size.
		MiscPixels		effectiveMaxSize( MiscCoord_V );		// With global
		MiscPixels		effectiveMinSize( MiscCoord_V );		// limts.
		char const*		getTitle( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		int				getTag( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscTableCellStyle getStyle( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		id				getPrototype( MiscCoord_V );
		MiscCompareEntryFunc getSortFunc( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscSortDirection getSortDirection( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscSortType	getSortType( MiscCoord_V ) const;
		MiscTableSizing getSizing( MiscCoord_V ) const;

		bool isSortable( MiscCoord_V x ) const
								{ return getSortFunc(x) != 0 ||
										 getSortType(x) != MISC_SORT_SKIP; }
		bool isFixed( MiscCoord_V x ) const
								{ return ::isFixed(getSizing(x)); }
		bool isSpringy( MiscCoord_V x ) const
								{ return ::isSpringy(getSizing(x)); }
		bool isSizeable( MiscCoord_V x ) const
								{ return ::isSizeable(getSizing(x)); }
		bool isData( MiscCoord_V x ) const
								{ return ::isData(getSizing(x)); }

		void setSize( MiscCoord_V, MiscPixels );
		void setMinSize( MiscCoord_V, MiscPixels );
		void setMaxSize( MiscCoord_V, MiscPixels );
		void setDataSize( MiscCoord_V, MiscPixels );
		bool setTitle( MiscCoord_V, char const* );		// NOTE *1*
		void setTag( MiscCoord_V, int );
		void setStyle( MiscCoord_V, MiscTableCellStyle );
		void setPrototype( MiscCoord_V, id );
		void setSortFunc( MiscCoord_V, MiscCompareEntryFunc );
		void setSortDirection( MiscCoord_V, MiscSortDirection );
		void setSortType( MiscCoord_V, MiscSortType );
		void setSizing( MiscCoord_V, MiscTableSizing );
		void setSpringy( MiscCoord_V x, bool b )
				{ setSizing( x, ::setSpringy(getSizing(x),b) ); }
		void setSizeable( MiscCoord_V x, bool b )
				{ setSizing( x, ::setSizeable(getSizing(x),b) ); }
		void setData( MiscCoord_V x, bool b )
				{ setSizing( x, ::setData(getSizing(x),b) ); }

		MiscPixels		getDefaultSize() const	  { return def_slot.size; }
		MiscPixels		getDefaultMinSize() const { return def_slot.min_size; }
		MiscPixels		getDefaultMaxSize() const { return def_slot.min_size; }
		MiscTableSizing getDefaultSizing() const  { return def_slot.sizing; }
		int				getDefaultTag() const	  { return def_tag; }
		MiscTableCellStyle getDefaultStyle() const{ return def_style; }

		void setDefaultSize( MiscPixels x )
								{ needs_recalc = true; def_slot.size = x; }
		void setDefaultMinSize( MiscPixels x )
								{ needs_recalc = true; def_slot.min_size = x; }
		void setDefaultMaxSize( MiscPixels x )
								{ needs_recalc = true; def_slot.max_size = x; }
		void setDefaultSizing( MiscTableSizing x )
								{ needs_recalc = true; def_slot.sizing = x; }
		void setDefaultTag( int x )						{ def_tag = x; }
		void setDefaultStyle( MiscTableCellStyle x )	{ def_style = x; }

		MiscSparseSet const& selectionSet() const		{ return selection; }
		bool hasSelection() const		{ return !selection.isEmpty(); }
		bool hasMultipleSelection() const;
		unsigned int numSelected() const { return selection.count(); }
		MiscCoord_V selectedSlot() const { return selected_slot; }
		void clearSelectedSlot()		{ selected_slot = -1; }
		void setSelectedSlot( MiscCoord_V x )
										{ selected_slot = selection.coerce(x);}
		void fixSelectedSlot()			{ setSelectedSlot(selectedSlot()); }

		bool isSelected( MiscCoord_V x ) const { return selection.contains(x);}
		void toggle( MiscCoord_V x ) {selection.toggle(x); setSelectedSlot(x);}
		void select( MiscCoord_V x ) {selection.add(x); setSelectedSlot(x);}
		void select( MiscCoord_V lo, MiscCoord_V hi )
								{ selection.add(lo,hi); setSelectedSlot(hi); }
		void unselect( MiscCoord_V x )
								{ selection.remove(x); fixSelectedSlot(); }
		void unselect( MiscCoord_V lo, MiscCoord_V hi )
								{ selection.remove(lo,hi); fixSelectedSlot(); }

		void selectOne( MiscCoord_V x ) { selection.empty(); select(x); }
		void selectAll() { if (count() > 0) { selection.add( 0, count() - 1 );
								setSelectedSlot( count() - 1 ); } }
		void selectNone() { selection.empty(); clearSelectedSlot(); }
		void selectSlots( MiscIntList* l, bool extend ) // Physical coords.
								{ select_slots( l, !extend, true ); }
		void selectedSlots( MiscIntList* l ) const { selected_slots(l,false); }
		void selectTags( MiscIntList* l, bool extend )
								{ select_tags( l, !extend, true ); }
		void selectedTags( MiscIntList* l ) const  { selected_slots(l,true); }

		void unselectSlots( MiscIntList* l )	// Physical coords.
								{ select_slots( l, false, false ); }
		void unselectTags( MiscIntList* l ) { select_tags( l, false, false ); }

		MiscCoord_V getCursor() const { return cursor; }
		void setCursor( MiscCoord_V c )
				{ if (c >= 0 && c < count()) cursor = c; }
		void clearCursor() { setCursor(-1); }
		bool hasValidCursor() const { return cursor >= 0 && cursor < count(); }

		MiscCoord_V clickedSlot() const { return clicked_slot; }
		void setClickedSlot( MiscCoord_V s ) { clicked_slot = s; }
		void clearClickedSlot() { setClickedSlot(-1); }

		void deleteAt_P( MiscCoord_P x )
				{ deleteAt( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels getOffset_P( MiscCoord_P x )
				{ return getOffset( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels effectiveSize_P( MiscCoord_P x )
				{ return effectiveSize( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels getSize_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getSize( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels getMinSize_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getMinSize( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels getMaxSize_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getMaxSize( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscPixels getDataSize_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getDataSize( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		char const* getTitle_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getTitle( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		int getTag_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getTag( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscTableCellStyle getStyle_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getStyle( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		id getPrototype_P( MiscCoord_V x )
				{ return getPrototype( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscCompareEntryFunc getSortFunc_P( MiscCoord_V x ) const
				{ return getSortFunc( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscSortDirection getSortDirection_P( MiscCoord_V x ) const
				{ return getSortDirection( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscSortType getSortType_P( MiscCoord_V x ) const
				{ return getSortType( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		bool isSortable_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return isSortable( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		MiscTableSizing getSizing_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return getSizing( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		bool isFixed_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return ::isFixed(getSizing_P(x)); }
		bool isSpringy_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return ::isSpringy(getSizing_P(x)); }
		bool isSizeable_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return ::isSizeable(getSizing_P(x)); }
		bool isData_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return ::isData(getSizing_P(x)); }

		void setSize_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscPixels y )
				{ setSize( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setMinSize_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscPixels y )
				{ setMinSize( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setMaxSize_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscPixels y )
				{ setMaxSize( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setDataSize_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscPixels y )
				{ setDataSize( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		bool setTitle_P( MiscCoord_P x, char const* y )
				{ return setTitle( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setTag_P( MiscCoord_P x, int y )
				{ setTag( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setStyle_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscTableCellStyle y )
				{ setStyle( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setPrototype_P( MiscCoord_P x, id y )
				{ setPrototype( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSortFunc_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscCompareEntryFunc y )
				{ setSortFunc( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSortDirection_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscSortDirection y )
				{ setSortDirection( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSortType_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscSortType y )
				{ setSortType( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSizing_P( MiscCoord_P x, MiscTableSizing y )
				{ setSizing( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSpringy_P( MiscCoord_P x, bool y )
				{ setSpringy( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setSizeable_P( MiscCoord_P x, bool y )
				{ setSizeable( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }
		void setData_P( MiscCoord_P x, bool y )
				{ setData( physicalToVisual(x), y ); }

		MiscCoord_P selectedSlot_P() const
				{ return visualToPhysical(selected_slot); }
		void setSelectedSlot_P( MiscCoord_P x )
				{ setSelectedSlot( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		void toggle_P( MiscCoord_P x )	{ toggle( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		void select_P( MiscCoord_P x )	{ select( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		void unselect_P( MiscCoord_P x ){ unselect( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		bool isSelected_P( MiscCoord_P x ) const
				{ return isSelected( physicalToVisual(x) ); }
		void selectOne_P( MiscCoord_P x ) { selectOne(physicalToVisual(x)); }

		void setCursor_P( MiscCoord_P x ) { setCursor(physicalToVisual(x)); }
		MiscCoord_P getCursor_P() const
				{ return visualToPhysical(getCursor()); }

		MiscCoord_P clickedSlot_P() const
				{ return visualToPhysical( clickedSlot() ); }
		void setClickedSlot_P( MiscCoord_P x )
				{ setClickedSlot( physicalToVisual(x) ); }

		void write( NXTypedStream* );
		void read( NXTypedStream* );

#endif // __MiscTableBorder_h

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.