
This is MiscGeometry.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef __MiscGeometry_h
#define __MiscGeometry_h
#ifdef __GNUC__
# pragma interface
//		Copyright (C) 1996 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//				Written by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//							All Rights Reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//		This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the authors
//		and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//		"License.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.	Please refer to that file
//		for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.
// MiscGeometry.h
//		Geometric types (point, size, rectangle) which understand and can
//		adjust for orientation (horizontal or vertical).  Orientation is
//		specified upon creation and can not be changed thereafter.
//		Method names with the "_O" suffix take orientation into consideration,
//		whereas methods lacking this suffix do not.
//		Methods dealing with NeXT geometric structures do not apply orientation
//		adjustments.
// $Id: MiscGeometry.h,v 1.2 96/08/30 14:53:14 sunshine Exp $
// $Log:		MiscGeometry.h,v $
// Revision 1.2	 96/08/30  14:53:14	 sunshine
// Fixed some incorrect casts.	Added missing return statements.
// Revision 1.1	 96/05/05  10:53:51	 sunshine
// Geometric type structures which know their border orientation.

#include <misckit/MiscTableTypes.h>
#include "bool.h"
extern "C" {
#import <appkit/graphics.h>

class MiscOrientation
	bool horizontal;
	bool isHorz() const { return horizontal; }
	bool isVert() const { return !isHorz(); }
	MiscBorderType border() const
		{ return isHorz() ? MISC_COL_BORDER : MISC_ROW_BORDER; }
	MiscOrientation( bool is_horz ) : horizontal(is_horz) {}
	MiscOrientation( MiscBorderType b ) : horizontal( b == MISC_COL_BORDER ) {}

class MiscPoint_O : public virtual MiscOrientation
	MiscPixels x;
	MiscPixels y;
	MiscPixels getX() const { return x; }
	MiscPixels getY() const { return y; }
	MiscPixels getX_O() const { return isHorz() ? x : y; }
	MiscPixels getY_O() const { return isHorz() ? y : x; }
	void setX( MiscPixels n ) { x = n; }
	void setY( MiscPixels n ) { y = n; }
	void setX_O( MiscPixels n ) { (isHorz() ? x : y) = n; }
	void setY_O( MiscPixels n ) { (isHorz() ? y : x) = n; }
	MiscPoint_O& operator=( MiscPoint_O const& p )
		{ setX_O( p.getX_O() ); setY_O( p.getY_O() ); return *this; }
	bool operator==( MiscPoint_O const& p ) const
		{ return isHorz() == p.isHorz() &&
				getX_O() == p.getX_O() && getY_O() == p.getY_O(); }
	bool operator!=( MiscPoint_O const& p ) const { return !operator==(p); }

	NXPoint nxPoint() const { NXPoint p = { x, y }; return p; }
	operator NXPoint() const { return nxPoint(); }
	MiscPoint_O& operator=( NXPoint p )
		{ x = MiscPixels( p.x ); y = MiscPixels( p.y ); return *this; }

	MiscPoint_O( bool is_horz, MiscPixels _x = 0, MiscPixels _y = 0 ) :
		MiscOrientation(is_horz),x(_x),y(_y) {}
	MiscPoint_O( MiscBorderType b, MiscPixels _x = 0, MiscPixels _y = 0 ) :
		MiscOrientation(b),x(_x),y(_y) {}
	MiscPoint_O( MiscPoint_O const& p ) :
		MiscOrientation(p.isHorz()),x(p.getX_O()),y(p.getY_O()) {}
	MiscPoint_O( bool is_horz, NXPoint p ) :
		MiscOrientation(is_horz),x(MiscPixels(p.x)),y(MiscPixels(p.y)) {}
	MiscPoint_O( MiscBorderType b, NXPoint p ) :
		MiscOrientation(b),x(MiscPixels(p.x)),y(MiscPixels(p.y)) {}

class MiscSize_O : public virtual MiscOrientation
	MiscPixels width;
	MiscPixels height;
	MiscPixels getWidth() const { return width; }
	MiscPixels getHeight() const { return height; }
	MiscPixels getWidth_O() const { return isHorz() ? width : height; }
	MiscPixels getHeight_O() const { return isHorz() ? height : width; }
	void setWidth( MiscPixels w ) { width = w; }
	void setHeight( MiscPixels h ) { height = h; }
	void setWidth_O( MiscPixels w ) { (isHorz() ? width : height) = w; }
	void setHeight_O( MiscPixels h ) { (isHorz() ? height : width) = h; }
	MiscSize_O& operator=( MiscSize_O const& p )
		{ setWidth_O( p.getWidth_O() ); setHeight_O( p.getHeight_O() );
				return *this; }
	bool operator==( MiscSize_O const& p ) const
		{ return isHorz() == p.isHorz() && getWidth_O() == p.getWidth_O() &&
				getHeight_O() == p.getHeight_O(); }
	bool operator!=( MiscSize_O const& p ) const { return !operator==(p); }

	NXSize nxSize() const { NXSize s = { width, height }; return s; }
	operator NXSize() const { return nxSize(); }
	MiscSize_O& operator=( NXSize s )
		{ width = MiscPixels( s.width ); height = MiscPixels( s.height );
				return *this; }

	MiscSize_O( bool is_horz, MiscPixels w = 0, MiscPixels h = 0 ) :
		MiscOrientation(is_horz),width(w),height(h) {}
	MiscSize_O( MiscBorderType b, MiscPixels w = 0, MiscPixels h = 0 ) :
		MiscOrientation(b),width(w),height(h) {}
	MiscSize_O( MiscSize_O const& p ) : MiscOrientation(p.isHorz()),
		width(p.getWidth_O()),height(p.getHeight_O()) {}
	MiscSize_O( bool is_horz, NXSize p ) :
		width(MiscPixels(p.width)),height(MiscPixels(p.height)) {}
	MiscSize_O( MiscBorderType b, NXSize p ) :
		width(MiscPixels(p.width)),height(MiscPixels(p.height)) {}

class MiscRect_O : public MiscPoint_O, public MiscSize_O
	MiscPixels getMaxX() const { return getX() + getWidth(); }
	MiscPixels getMaxY() const { return getY() + getHeight(); }
	MiscPixels getMaxX_O() const { return getX_O() + getWidth_O(); }
	MiscPixels getMaxY_O() const { return getY_O() + getHeight_O(); }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( MiscPoint_O const& p )
		{ MiscPoint_O::operator=( p ); return *this; }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( MiscSize_O const& p )
		{ MiscSize_O::operator=( p ); return *this; }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( MiscRect_O const& r )
		{ MiscPoint_O::operator=(r); MiscSize_O::operator=(r); return *this; }
	bool operator==( MiscRect_O const& r ) const
		{ return MiscPoint_O::operator==(r) && MiscSize_O::operator==(r); }
	bool operator!=( MiscRect_O const& r ) const { return !operator==(r); }

	NXRect nxRect() const { NXRect r = { nxPoint(), nxSize() }; return r; }
	operator NXRect() const { return nxRect(); }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( NXPoint p )
		{ MiscPoint_O::operator=(p); return *this; }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( NXSize s )
		{ MiscSize_O::operator=(s); return *this; }
	MiscRect_O& operator=( NXRect r )
		{ MiscPoint_O::operator=( r.origin ); MiscSize_O::operator=( r.size );
				return *this; }

	MiscRect_O( bool is_horz, MiscPixels x = 0, MiscPixels y = 0,
		MiscPixels w = 0, MiscPixels h = 0 ) : MiscOrientation(is_horz),
		MiscPoint_O(is_horz,x,y),MiscSize_O(is_horz,w,h) {}
	MiscRect_O( MiscBorderType b, MiscPixels x = 0, MiscPixels y = 0,
		MiscPixels w = 0, MiscPixels h = 0 ) :
		MiscOrientation(b),MiscPoint_O(b,x,y),MiscSize_O(b,w,h) {}
	MiscRect_O( MiscRect_O const& r ) :
		MiscOrientation(r.isHorz()),MiscPoint_O(r),MiscSize_O(r) {}
	MiscRect_O( bool is_horz, NXRect r ) : MiscOrientation(is_horz),
		MiscPoint_O(is_horz,r.origin),MiscSize_O(is_horz,r.size) {}
	MiscRect_O( MiscBorderType b, NXRect r ) : MiscOrientation(b),
		MiscPoint_O(b,r.origin),MiscSize_O(b,r.size) {}

#endif // __MiscGeometry_h

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.