
This is MiscSwapView_ByObject.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* MiscSwapView_ByObject.m				 
 * This is a MiscSwapView category. It can handle swapping of different 
 * contentViews (controlled by MiscSwapContentsController's) into ourself by
 * comparing trigger objects or tags (trigger tags and controller tags). 
 * More in depth information can be found here in the source-code.
 * Written by: 		Thomas Engel
 * Created:    		24.01.1994 (Copyleft)
 * Last modified: 	25.09.1994
 * Copyright (C) 1995 Thomas Engel

#import <misckit/MiscSwapView.h>
#import <misckit/MiscSwapContentsController.h>

@implementation MiscSwapView(ByObject)
- trigger
	return trigger;
- swapContentView:sender
	// This is the method that has to be triggered by each trigger for a nice
	// swap. It incorporates the delegate and the new&previous viewCtrl.
	// Our delegate gets informed before the viewControllers are.
	// The new controller will get willSwapIn which should cause a revert or
	// any other method causing the contoller to update/init its view. It's
	// the last chance before it will be displayed.
	// We could check wether the controller has really changed or not but
	// this might cause a problem when using a inspector because the same
	// inspector might show different data. 
	// Maybe we could and a switch here...right now I'll leave it this way.
	// It should work fine.
	// Be sure that whenever you send the message you really have some changes
	// to show. Otherwise it might be not that perfect. 
	// Anyway. The same view will never swap in twice! SwapView take care of
	// that inside setContentView. So you don't have the overhead of a doubled
	// drawing time.
	id	oldController;
	trigger = sender;

	if( [delegate respondsTo:@selector(viewWillSwap:)] )
		[delegate viewWillSwap:self];

	oldController = currentController;
	currentController = [self findControllerForTrigger: sender];

	[oldController willSwapOut];
	[currentController willSwapIn];

	[self setContentView:[currentController view]];
	if( [delegate respondsTo:@selector(viewDidSwap:)] )
		[delegate viewDidSwap:self];

	[oldController didSwapOut];
	[currentController didSwapIn];
	return self;

- addController:sender
	// Adding a viewController has to ensure that there is only one controller
	// for one trigger. The controller added last will be the only known
	// controller after adding has finished!
	// To find interferring controllers we use our findController method.
	// This needs the trigger to check and the right tagComparison setting.
	// If you change the tagComparison setting later the results might not be
	// correct!
	// You are now allowed to add a controller that does not have a trigger
	// since you can rely totally on tag comparisons. A controller with a
	// trigger of nil will for sure not match any other trigger, but could
	// match by tag.
	// Since I changed findController to findControllerForTrigger:, you don't
	// have to save the trigger then restore it.	
//	id	oldTrigger;
	id	oldController;
//	oldTrigger = trigger;
//	trigger = [sender trigger];
	// If there already is someone...remove him.!

	// Also do not want the same controller registering more than once. The
	// old way, if a controller changed it's trigger, it would get by
	// findControllerForTrigger: and would be added again.
	[self removeController: sender];
	oldController = [self findControllerForTrigger: [sender trigger] ];
	if( oldController ) [self removeController:oldController];
	[controllers addObject:sender];
//	trigger = oldTrigger;

	return self;

- removeController:sender
	// Here we remove  aViewController from the subviewControllers list.
 	// ATTENTION: This does not cause the view to disappear when it is the
 	// current swapView contents!
	[controllers removeObject:sender];
	return self;

- removeAllControllers
	[controllers empty];
	return self;

- controllers
	return controllers;

- contentsController
	return currentController;

- setTagComparison:(BOOL)flag
	// Should we compare the tags first...and then the objects ?
	tagComparison = flag;
	return self;

- (BOOL)doesTagComparison
	return tagComparison;

- findControllerForTrigger: aTrigger
 	// This is the basic comparison center. Subclasses of this class should
	// implement only the new findControllerByTag(Object) methods and leave
	// this method untouched. Sometime there is a way of finding a more
	// 'useable' trigger even inside the swapAction method.
	// Using this method from addController: to see if there is already a 
	// a controller for that trigger only works when using triggers as the
	// comparison. It does not for tags, since we don't care if someone
	// registers all the controllers for the same tag.. 
	id	newController;

	newController = nil;	
	// Used to also check that trigger responded to tag, but that did not
	// work when the trigger was nil and we wanted a comparison by tag only.
	if( [self doesTagComparison] )
	newController = [self findControllerByTag:[aTrigger tag]];
	if( !newController ) newController = [self findControllerByObject: aTrigger];

	return newController;

- findControllerByTag:(int)aTag
	// Here we try to find the right controller by comparing the tags. 
	// Really simple. Well...the trigger has to have a tag different from
	// zero.
	id		aViewController;
	int		i;
	if( aTag == 0 ) return nil;
	aViewController = nil;	
	// Ok now lets find out what viewController refers to this tag.
	for( i=0; i<[controllers count]; i++ )
		if( aTag == [[controllers objectAt:i] triggerTag] )
			aViewController = [controllers objectAt:i];
	return aViewController;

- findControllerByObject:aTrigger
	// Here we simple compare the objects. They have to be the SAME...not only
	// similar!!!
	id		aViewController;
	int		i;
	aViewController = nil;	
	// Now that we allow nil triggers we must check for them.
	if (aTrigger == nil)
		return nil;
	for( i=0; i<[controllers count]; i++ )
		if( aTrigger == [[controllers objectAt:i] trigger] )
			aViewController = [controllers objectAt:i];
	return aViewController;


 * History: 24.02.94 Made it a MiscswapView Category.
 *			24.01.94 Made it a subclass of MiscSwapView
 *			08.01.94 Switched to tagComparison for better reading.
 *					 choosesByTagFirst was not that nice.
 *			21.12.93 Code transferred from the old swapPopManager and
 *					 some viewController methods added plus the trigger object
 *					 which now stores the object triggering our swap.
 *			20.12.93 Enlightened the controller to check the tags if they are
 *					 set. This helps to localize apps.
 *			04.12.93 Added a delegate to this class the enable better 
 *					 command-key handling.
 *			04.11.93 First steps to a general-purpose swapPopManager.
 * Bugs: - I'm not sure about what to free....

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.