
This is MiscShell.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Copyright (C) 1995 Steve Hayman
// Use is governed by the MiscKit license

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import <misckit/misckit.h>

 * $Header: /SAHayman/LocalDeveloper/Source/MiscKit/Palettes/MiscShell/MiscShell.subproj/RCS/MiscShell.h,v 1.2 94/08/04 17:39:34 shayman Exp Locker: shayman $
 * $Log:	MiscShell.h,v $
 * Revision 1.2  94/08/04  17:39:34  shayman
 * Fiddling with string values

@interface MiscShell : Object  
    id standardOutput;
    id standardError;
    id standardInput;

    id v1;
    id v2;
    id v3;
    id v4;

    // Things you *can't* hook up in Interface Builder
    id _target;
    SEL action;
    MiscString *script;

    MiscSubprocess *process;
    MiscString *currentLine;
    MiscString *fullOutput;
    BOOL currentLineIsComplete;
    BOOL executionInProgress;
    BOOL runToCompletion;
    MiscString *execArg0, *execArg1, *execArg2;
    MiscStringArray *lines;
    char delimiter;
    BOOL sortWhenColumnsMove;
    MiscString *customDelimiters;
    List *linesBrokenIntoFields;


- init;
- initWithCommand:(const char *)command;
- free;

- read: (NXTypedStream *)stream;
- write: (NXTypedStream *)stream;

// Control-style Target-action stuff  (shayman)
- target;
- setTarget:aTarget;
- (SEL)action;
- setAction:(SEL)anAction;
- (const char *)stringValue;
- (double) doubleValue;
- (float) floatValue;
- (int) intValue;

- (MiscString *)script;
- setScript:(MiscString *)script;

- (BOOL) runToCompletion;
- setRunToCompletion:(BOOL)c;
- (int) sortWhenColumnsMove;
- setSortWhenColumnsMove:(int)c;

- (char)delimiter;
- setDelimiter:(char)c;
- (MiscString *)customDelimiters;
- setCustomDelimiters:(MiscString *)d;

- setExecArgs:(const char *)a1:(const char *)a2:(const char *)a3;

// Messages that might arrive from various Control objects

- executeScript:sender;
- executeFromStringValue:sender;
- executeFromTitle:sender;
- executeFromAltTitle:sender;
- pause:sender;
- resume:sender;
- terminate:sender;

- takeStdinFrom:sender;
- writeToStdin:(const char *)str;

// Methods that return particular lines
- (MiscStringArray *)lines;
- (MiscString *)line:(int)n;
- (MiscString *)line:(int)n field:(int)f;
- (int)lineCount;
- (int) fieldsInLine:(int)n;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.